
Apex by Bitbendaz

          _________   _...._            __.....__                        
          \        |.'      '-.     .-''         '.                      
           \        .'```'.    '.  /     .-''"'-.  `.                    
    __      \      |       \     \/     /________\   \ ____     _____    
 .:--.'.     |     |        |    ||                  |`.   \  .'    /    
/ |   \ |    |      \      /    . \    .-------------'  `.  `'    .'     
`" __ | |    |     |\`'-.-'   .'   \    '-.____...---.    '.    .'       
 .'.''| |    |     | '-....-'`      `.             .'     .'     `.      
/ /   | |_  .'     '.                 `''-...... -'     .'  .'`.   `.    
\ \._,\ '/'-----------'                               .'   /    `.   `.  
 `--'  `"                                            '----'       '----' 

				First presented at Gerp 2020

  Code: 						Stalvik
  Music: 						MY2G
  2D Graphics & Visual Design:	Stalvik
  3D Graphics:					The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository

  Runs on machines with quite fast CPU's and GPUs.
  Tested on:
	Dell XPS 9570: i7-8th gen Intel CPU 2.20 GHz, 16 GB ram, GeForce 
	GTX 1050 Ti (development machine, handles low-res well)
	Taurus: i7-6th gen Intel CPU 4GHz, 32 GB ram, GeForce GTX 980 
	(test machine, handles mid-res perfectly and hi-res quite well)

	MSI: i7-7th gen Intel CPU, GeForce GTX 1060 
	(mid and hi res works fine)
	MSI: i7-6th gen Intel CPU 4GHz, 32 GB ram, GeForce 2060 RTX 
	(mid and hi res works well)
  Only tested on Windows 10.
  Available CLI parameters:
	windowed			Run demo in windowed mode, useful for recording
	mode=<xxx>			xxx can be one of the following values:
						low : use low-res (faster on slower machines)
	Default is medium and full-screen.

  Greetings to fellow groups and friends (in no specific order):
    RiFT, Focus Design, Desire, Uprough, Pacif!c, Insane, Struts, 
	Reality, Nature, Mercury, Powerline, Logicoma, Alcatraz, Void,
	Logicoma, They guys at Demo”l, Candle and all we forgot.

							+ A . P . E . X +
					  + June 2019 - February 2020 +