
Amiga-Emulator for CPC (CPC-UAE) Alpha

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CPC-UAE Alpha 0.9a

Amiga emulator for the Amstrad CPC 6128
© Devilmarkus
Amiga ROMs © Cloanto (Amiga Forever)

- Selfrunning demonstration [PreRelease April, 1th, 2020] -


                     Attention!!! Emulator users!!!
    The emulator only works 100% fully in JavaCPC or a real CPC 6128!
    The emulator will crash on WinApe 2.0 Beta 2 or earlier versions!
Please use WinApe 2.0 Beta 3 (PreRelease) http://cpc-live.com/WinApe.exe
           Other emulators are untested and NOT supported!


- Real CPC 6128 (Or at least CPC 664 with 128kb ram, sorry 464 guys!)
- 3.5" disk drive (Or Gotek / HxC / ZAXDrive)
- PARADOS rom instead of AMSDOS (To access the disk)
- Digiblaster (Optional! Music output will be much better)

- Insert disk A or disk B into your desired disk drive
- Enter RUN"CPC-UAE"
- Setup the CPC-UAE emulator core (Is done very simple)

Bugs, problems, features, infos, etc:
- No mouse support, as I can't figure out how.
- Keyboard input is restricted yet, working on better emulation here, so this first Alpha is a self-running emulator
- CIA emulation: Slow, sluggish
- Upscaling the CPC 4mhz to 7mhz Amiga frequency is not working properly
- May fail on some systems (Especially the CRTC/GateArray manipulation routines)
- No HiRes mode possible yet
- No HAM graphics mode yet
- Interlace mode supported
- Audioemulation is quite in MONO, sorry for that
- May work with restrictions on Amstrad plus machines (With 128kb)
- Enjoy it ;-)


UAE stands for:

- April April! -