
WWTF??? by RMDA [web]

         ________    ___  ____    _______    ________
       __\       \ _/   \/    \ _/       \ __\       \__
       \__   __   \\     \     \\   __    \\__   __   _/
        /    |/ __/           _/_   |/   _/_/    |/  /_
        \    /    \_           /    /      \          \
         \____\___//___\  /___/____________/\_____\___/
                        \/ russkiy znachit derzhkiy!
WWTF??? (post-party-fix)
ZX Spectrum 48K + AY, demo (6912 bytes intro)

 code .siniy & .rugu
 design .poligrafych
 english .babUshka
 video .suedon
 gfx .namd

Who is in charge? .ded

Done with total respect to Patrik Rak - author of Diehard
complite CMWC/xorshift random generator for Z80. 

Pentagon version use diehard complite codec 
(LD HL,RND > PUSH HL) but 2+ gray fix use some tricks 
like this:

ld hl,RND : push hl : ld de,RND :  push de : 
ld de,RND : push de : ld bc,RND :  push bc : 
LD L,D : push hl

We know all issues. We will fix them in final version.
RMDA 48K ROM done by Alexander (Nihirashi) Sharihin

;---Patrik Rak XORsgift----------------------------------
rnd     ld   hl,table
rnd_i   ld   bc,0
        add  hl,bc
        ld   a,c    ; i = ( i + 1 ) & 7
        inc  a
        and  7
        ld   (rnd_i+1),a
        ld   c,(hl) ; y = q[i]
        ex   de,hl
        ld   h,c    ; t = 256 * y
rnd_cy  ld   l,0    ; t = 256 * y + c
        sbc  hl,bc  ; t = 255 * y + c
        sbc  hl,bc  ; t = 254 * y + c
        sbc  hl,bc  ; t = 253 * y + c
        ld   a,h    ; c = t >> 8
        ld   (rnd_cy+1),a
        ld   a,l    ; x = t & 255
        cpl         ; x = (b-1) - x = -x - 1 = ~x + 1 - 1 = ~x
        ld   (de),a ; q[i] = x
table   db   82,97,120,111,102,116,20,15



YouTube (party version): 


RMDA 2020 @ https://rmda.su 14/04/2020

russkie prishli...