
Hell vol. 1 by Delusional Insanity

HELL: volume I

created by:     Primal of Delusional Insanity
completion:     March 1995


This is my first release ever.  Nothing fancy.  Give some opinion about
it.  Write to Primal, hacsc020@huey.csun.edu.  Looking forward hearing
from you.

While run the program, the LEFT curser is to play previous song, DOWN for
repeat the current one, and the RIGHT & SPACE BAR for next song.  To exit, 
press ESCAPE.

Songs list:

    1.  Hell Freezing Over       approx.  3:00
    2.  Deep Sea                    "     2:30
    3.  Darkside of the Moon        "     8:00        
    4.  Forgive Me                  "     6:00        
    5.  Journey To Eternity         "     7:30        
    6.  The Golden Age              "     5:00        


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               . .. -||..........__...... "It's your destiny!!!"        
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              ------ || --- |             | --------- P.r.i.m.a.l ---
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.................................... Presume real in myths and legends ....