
Avantgarde by Nemesis

Hi...Riders of Nemesis here...this is my new musicdisk and it's
called AVANTGARDE...

I think the name fits the idea of what i have made because i
really think this is something out of the schemes,it's new,
it's different from most of the things out there...it's my

I hope you can enjoy this as much as me.

In this Musicdisk you won't find a new 2nd_pm.s3m,look for
a guy called Purple Motion if you want this,this is Riders.
(Note that i love demosongs too , only it's not my style so
 flame someone other)

Even if i am a musician this musicdisk is ALL made by me
(Code/Gfx/Music),it's nothing special but thinking that i
am not a coder and a gfx-man you will agree with me that
i have made a quite good job :)
(Btw i think that in a MD the music is the most important 
 thing but i don't love give out only a pack of tunes and
 call it a Musicdisk )

Greets: (only non-italian people,you italian demofreak read avantgar.ita)

Firelight,Psibelius,Ior,Logos,Whitewizard and all the other i have talked 
to on #trax and #coders and i don't remember now (you are many,you know
that it's difficult remember all the names)

Special thanx to all the members of the ex-Epinicion group

For feedback:  ffantini@envirolink.org       (faster for me,thanx)

See you for Avantgarde 2 :)

Riders [Nemesis DemoGroup]

NB: while on the musicdisk use :
    F1-F7 to change song
    F10   to exit
    +,-   to skip patterns of the song played