
X-Mas Disco 2020 by Nuance [web]

      _        .o0o. DEMOMAKING SINCE 1991! .o0o.        _
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 Title:				X-MAS DISCO 2020
 Releasedate:		24. of december 2020

 Platform:			PICO-8
 Graphics/Code:	 	Raven/Nuance
 Music:				Andy/Nuance
 Info:				It has been a strange year and what we
					miss the most is partying in real life
					demoparties with our demoscene friends.
					so we wanted to create a fast little
					intro that puts us and hopfully you guys
					into at least a little bit of a party
					mood! So...party on!
 Scroller:			virtual party mode: on! ... everybody: 
					dance! ... ho ho ho ... nuance wishes 
					each and every demoscener merry christmas 
					and soon a happy new year! ... strange 
					times indeed. no demoparties. no events. 
					no meetings. we f****** truely miss 
					seeing all of you at real life 
					demoparties and hope we will be able to 
					booze again very soon with our dearest 
					demoscene friends! but the good thing: 
					corona can't bring us down! we party 
					on! ...  credits for this fast intro 
					entitled 'x-mas disco 2020' 
					-> music: andy/nuance - graphics and 
					glueing together by raven/nuance. take 
					care everyone and visit us at our 
					official website: www.nuance-family.de 
					! the end!