
Demobilization by TBC

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     __________|                   |__________
    /                   tBC                   \

Name:		Demobilization - partyversion
Type:		Windows 4k Intro
Released:	15. February 2003 @ TMD in denmark - www.tmd.dk
Specs:		Tested on WinXp and 2k

Credits:	code @ mentor/TBC, music @ puryx / scarab
Yihaw first 4k, and of course this is a party version too..
the final IS coming, so please hold the whines and release
the wait.. pouet is the place to watch. 
Too bad there werent other competitors in this compo.. get your
sorry behinds together and make some stuff, or Kaptajnen will 
have your asses on a spear.

/TBC omni* scenesquad