
3d-graphics demonstration by Ultimate Brains

This package is FREEWARE so you may distribute it as much as you want to.
Keep the contents of this ZIP in it's original form! 

Files in ZIP:

TEXMAP.EXE              Texture mapped polygon rotating on screen
FANTOM93.EXE            Same as above...
3D.EXE                  3D-Demonstration
TEXMAP.ASM              Source code for texture mapping routine
UBLOGO.RAW              Rawdata for the Logo in 3D-demonstration
KICK.RAW                Rawdata for the mainscreen in 3D-demonstration
UBLOGO.PAL              Guess..
KICK.PAL                Ups?!
SIN.INC                 Sintable for 3D-rotation (3D-Demo)
SINTABLE.INC            Sintable for Texturemapping routine
TEXTURE.INC             Texturemap for texmap.asm
TEXTPAL.INC             Palette for texturemap
README                  Some info about these FINE products
README.1ST              Control keys for the 3D demonstration
FILEID.DIZ              List of files in this ZIP