
Novel - Ties by Janes OnderGrond [web]

pruimentijd in demoland

"Novel Ties" (2021)
this was made with richard daveys phaser 
(@photonstorm on tooter back then)

not the first one, that would be "fair tribute" 
but for some reason we dont feel like uploading that, even if its
"fair tribute" no piting ...
(we have a working c64 version of that one by now since we got a
little further in the wonderful world of $FFFF, but its more like
on a learning TRSE-ropes disk so maybe sometime when the disk is

This one was actually made to be "60 seconds", the point for 
#galmeetsdemo which would be a competition paid on STEEM (crypto)
50 steem or so twice a year and some less for lesser things 4
times and 1 every month (its not like were rich) but STEEM got
USA'd i guess.

Also an attempt at syncing a simple beat in phaser which doesnt
have commands for it and

Art for "Nemui-chan" (thats our designation) from FALLING_AiR 
on #opengameart (https://opengameart.org)

We dont feel its the same as "chatgpt write me a demo", 
"chatgpt pack my demo to size" (a difference from packing sth to
fit on a disk but debunch your panties b/c its not a crusade or
"chatgpt do me a pointcloud" . If you're a lamer loner skitzo-
collective stuck in a decrepit body
the whole CC0 world is your crew (dont see much difference in
ppl having 50person crews or cross-crew works or we using a ccO 
asset and crediting it)

and lalala and blablabla, as you notice there are no compos
we kick it without soapbox politics, no fronts

And sadly #galmeetsdemo never got through, the crypto tribalists
are a whole different crew from demo-tribalists (i bet i kicked
20000 shins by speaking on javascript, chatgpt and old and new
and midskool while ... its about expression ?)

or its about 

whatever it is about but to some it seems to be about
being part of the pack (which really doesnt keep us awake either)

So , instead of uploading "our favourite intro by someone else)

Something old by JoG to fill the gap ....

we strongly suggest the online version or maybe since its 2 years
old the youtube video since fox/chrome seems to LOVE killing ppls
code every 2 updates or so (part of the reason why we dont like
javascript : a NOP is NOP64 40 years later, same machine
same NOP ...)

aaaaaaaand well ...


the download file probably wont work as such but it DOES contain
the .js scripts in case someone is of even lower level than we r


nobody here's an artist, no pros no DEVs no ... whatever word the 
buzzword is

nothing to prove , just knitting bits

SO : expect nothing ! then we will surely not disappoint
JoG 2023 : not just a doompatrol metafor