
Modulo by Performers & Nuance [web]


Author: Bitbreaker / Performers ^ Nuance
Category: Christmas Challenge
System:   C64
Language: 6502 assembler
Len source code: 1337 bytes
Len exe file:    36 bytes
Len code only:   32 bytes
In vice: start with for e.g. x64 size2.prg
It counts down from $16 to $3, inverts the number every second round and does a newline, builds the modulo of 6 from that, counts up in steps of 6 until 19 is reached and prints a asterisk at each of those positions.
Luckily the newline kernal call returns with carry = 0, so the subtraction ends up to be one too much, which means an autodecrement each second turn.
Hi Krill <3