How many people here use watchlist as favourite prods list?
category: general [glöplog]
I do. Anyone else? #justcurious
i use my cdc's for that.
couldn't really find a use for watchlist to tell you the truth, never really used it. but i'm sure others give it some use, it's an interesting new functionality. atleast for keeping track of comments on your own prods i would guess it's useful.
couldn't really find a use for watchlist to tell you the truth, never really used it. but i'm sure others give it some use, it's an interesting new functionality. atleast for keeping track of comments on your own prods i would guess it's useful.
I trac my own prods and a few others where there are interesting discussions (which should usually be BBS threads, but whatever).
yep, tracking own prods with the watchlist.
one could do that via the userpage aswell, but the watchlist gets sorted by latest comments, which makes it very convenient...i don´t miss a single new comment on my prods, no matter how old they are (and thus it´s less likely someone comments on it!).
sometimes i add a prod i am interested in an ongoing discussion or to see how others comment on it, but that´s seldom.
so basically what PulkoMandy said.
Nice feature for sure! Thanks to whoever implemented it! ;)
one could do that via the userpage aswell, but the watchlist gets sorted by latest comments, which makes it very convenient...i don´t miss a single new comment on my prods, no matter how old they are (and thus it´s less likely someone comments on it!).
sometimes i add a prod i am interested in an ongoing discussion or to see how others comment on it, but that´s seldom.
so basically what PulkoMandy said.
Nice feature for sure! Thanks to whoever implemented it! ;)
What PulkoMandy said.
I use it to track my own demotools, to keep an eye out for bug reports.
I use it to track my own demotools, to keep an eye out for bug reports.
i watchlisted prods i contributed to.
Definitely a nice feature, and I second hardy's thanks.
I actually use it to track which prods I want to watch but haven't yet :) But I don't follow comment discussions very often, and I think that if I did I would use the watchlist differently. Can I have multiple watchlists if I get a SUPER EXTRA GOLD ACCOUNT?
I actually use it to track which prods I want to watch but haven't yet :) But I don't follow comment discussions very often, and I think that if I did I would use the watchlist differently. Can I have multiple watchlists if I get a SUPER EXTRA GOLD ACCOUNT?
Prod tracking FTW!
i can't even find the function
This is the first I heard of it, but I've been away.
I second the multiple watchlists thing, but I could just as well make spreadsheets for myself.
However, if people use them in any consistent way, someone playing with the database could get some interesting reports out of it.
I second the multiple watchlists thing, but I could just as well make spreadsheets for myself.
However, if people use them in any consistent way, someone playing with the database could get some interesting reports out of it.
On every prod-page to the left of the [Download] there´s a small icon with a plus-sign, that´s how you put sth on your watchlist.
One could also say right next to the average thumbs, but i guess this is harder to find, as everyone knows where the [Download] is (or atleast the [Youtube], haha) immediately.
On every prod-page to the left of the [Download] there´s a small icon with a plus-sign, that´s how you put sth on your watchlist.
One could also say right next to the average thumbs, but i guess this is harder to find, as everyone knows where the [Download] is (or atleast the [Youtube], haha) immediately.
I also use the watchlist to know if my prods received a new comment.
oh, that is what the washing machine looking thing is(pouet has propably the worst icons ever).
strange place to put it.
was searching it near the prod title where the edit option is. seemed more probable than in the stats window/frame
oh, that is what the washing machine looking thing is(pouet has propably the worst icons ever).
strange place to put it.
was searching it near the prod title where the edit option is. seemed more probable than in the stats window/frame
yep, same as pulko, hardy, xTri1m and to some extension as blueberry.
oh, that is what the washing machine looking thing is(pouet has propably the worst icons ever).
Kenet didnt seem too enthusiastic on working on it. :/
My prods are old & irrelevant. So, no babysitting those. I usually only keep an eye on comments.php for up-to-date arguments and discussions.
i use it to check if own prods got comments and as personal (huge and growing) cdc collection :D
I recently started using it to remember productions I might want to (re)watch later.