
DemoZone here I come!

category: general [glöplog]
train from koln to amsterdam is ~37 euro

since there's loads of time between se and buenzli, you could consider this ticket which'll take upto 5 persons through germany for 30 euros..

but be warned, it's slow trains only, i went to berlin this way once and it took ~15 hours o_0

and ofcourse you'd still need tickets for the swiss and danish part of your trip..
added on the 2005-05-14 20:14:40 by havoc havoc
oh and it's only valid during weekends ofcourse
added on the 2005-05-14 20:15:18 by havoc havoc
and I suppose we can always do rail or bus or something like that if we have to.

Uh, sleeping works how? (:

and if someone else decides to do this (I heard some others say 'yay road trip' earlier) then, um...
weekend trains are useless, we are at demoparties during weekends :)

truck: sleeping works by deep connections with the underground scene. ;) there were rumours of scene bbq in koln weekend between se and buenzli. or you can always go to swiss directly, the cdx guys will prolly have a meet at lausane on that weekend before buenzli. ask fred about it :)
im sure you can score some housing with friendly sceners or get a cheap motel if everything else fails.
added on the 2005-05-14 20:31:07 by psenough psenough
if there is a koln posse buenzli bustrip that would help alot though.
added on the 2005-05-14 20:31:44 by psenough psenough
(coming back to pouet because ps wants me to)

yeah well, i would gladly drive any kind of car during the whole summer. the problems are a) car and b) money. About the man power, i could be the man.

my feelings, as always, we would slaughter them all, if only we had the means to.

so, until further announcement, i will take a planefrom portugal to buenzli, then travel to koln somehow *hint hint* and then back to portugal, just in time to inerciademoparty2005
added on the 2005-05-14 20:32:37 by jeenio jeenio
how much does car renting in central europe cost per day truck?
added on the 2005-05-14 20:39:35 by psenough psenough
jeenio: tava mais a tentar q me disseses qual a maneira mais barata de ir do porto pra holanda e voltar de aviao :)
added on the 2005-05-14 20:41:48 by psenough psenough
in holland one can rent a car for as cheap as 18eur per day (100km included) but of course you have to return it to the place of origin.

europcar and other mainstream rental shops allow other drop off points, but charge a ridiculous ammount of money for it (afair to rent a car in the netherlands and dropping it off in portugal cost an additional 600 eur...
added on the 2005-05-14 20:42:13 by jeenio jeenio
you sure that's not a 40km car? :)
added on the 2005-05-14 20:48:58 by havoc havoc
grah, cheap ways to do copenhagen koln needed :(
added on the 2005-05-14 20:49:17 by psenough psenough
se-koln even. copenhagen is still abit far off from se's partyplace.
added on the 2005-05-14 20:50:36 by psenough psenough
added on the 2005-05-14 20:50:49 by havoc havoc
eurolines suck big time. don't do that unless there's no other choice :P

filipe: nao tas a ver o jogo? :)
added on the 2005-05-14 20:53:50 by jeenio jeenio
you+ps+truck+godknowswho+shitloadsofluggage in a 18euro rental car isn't going to be much more comfortable :P
added on the 2005-05-14 20:57:19 by havoc havoc
no connection from aarhus, copenhagen->koln 608dkk, which should be something like around 75e?.. seems abit too much, might be usefull if there is bustrip from koln to buenzli O_o would be cool if there was bustrip from koln to se that we could catch a ride back actually... but germans are too lazy to think that far ahead -_-
added on the 2005-05-14 20:58:13 by psenough psenough
Check http://www.mitfahrzentrale.de, a really cheap protal from privat drivers for private people.

Even if it's a German portal, some take you from Munich to Berlin for 22 Euro, from Berlin to Poznan (Symphony) for 20 Euro, from Frankfurt to Amsterdam for 25 Euro and so on.
added on the 2005-05-14 20:59:13 by freeze freeze
filipe: caguei no jogo, quero-te convencer a vir na tour. blue1 e totil barata, se os precos de aviao porto->holanda ou porto->koln forem baratos ainda te convenco.
added on the 2005-05-14 20:59:32 by psenough psenough
na tour toda?

e porque falas para ti mesmo? :) "filipe: " :)

i would LOVE to do the whole tour, ok i'll check that blue1 thingie
added on the 2005-05-14 21:06:03 by jeenio jeenio
100e pra ir amsterdao->helsinkia
50e helsinkia->copenhaga

queres melhor? so se fores ao totta
added on the 2005-05-14 21:25:50 by psenough psenough
airberlin offers returns dusseldorf->zurich for 60 euro around that time..
added on the 2005-05-14 21:30:37 by havoc havoc
actually Switzerland is the one place I don't have to worry about for place to stay (:

renting a car for that long would be a bit more money than I have to spend on August parties right now. I might have more then but I'll prolly have to miss a party or two to do that, and well I'd like to avoid that (:

I can get to Köln via Germanwings, hmm. Yeah it's too late for me to think about this, will do more of plannage tommorrow or Monday, after I see about work and so on,
ps: Who the heck is freezer? :P

Maybe I can pick you up at the Köln airport, but I unfortunately I think I won't drive with my own car. Let's see how I'll be traveling there. Drop me a mail for further info.
added on the 2005-05-15 02:41:22 by freeze freeze
hmm still no finalizing the compos rule :(
added on the 2005-05-15 11:51:44 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
freeze: i'll let you know once i figure out if going to amsterdam is cheaper then going to koln or not :) even if car is packed i can always go by train. ^^
added on the 2005-05-15 21:18:50 by psenough psenough
