
What are you hiding from?

category: general [glöplog]
And I'm not hiding from anything, or anyone (just to reply the original thread), and do have a life
added on the 2004-02-03 10:59:31 by Jcl Jcl
shane, i suggest you go visit a demoparty and see that most of these people don't at all come across like people hiding from anything but rather like people who want to have a good time. most sceners i know do have a nice life outside of the scene, actually. there are exceptions, but those are a minority afaik.
added on the 2004-02-03 12:07:02 by skrebbel skrebbel
i am hiding from the real world
but as the real world is just an illusion, i guess i am not hiding at all
all your thoughts are manifestations of my nightmares
all your beings are just strange reflections of my mind
reallife suxx
scene suxx
suicide is painless...
added on the 2004-02-03 12:18:55 by elkmoose elkmoose
About fame, and how it should be aquired...

Optimus' fame is just symtomatic. Ever since the days of mailswapping and 1337 boards passed, it has been ridiculously easy to become "famous" in the scene. All you had to to was to show up in a scene IRC channel or two and make a lot of noise. This has been the case for a long time. Anyone that talks enough will be heard and seen.

I wish it were different, but there's not much we can do about it. Except going back to elitist mailswapping ;)
added on the 2004-02-03 16:35:44 by gammawave gammawave
i agree with gammawave.
well not about the going back to mailswapping part, but the rest is so true.
added on the 2004-02-03 17:20:25 by reed reed
i'm hiding from tmb's bloodthirst
added on the 2004-02-03 17:58:25 by psenough psenough
gammawave: they may be heard now, but at least they'll quickly be forgotten when they finally go away.

added on the 2004-02-03 18:57:11 by smash smash
I am hiding from slummy
added on the 2004-02-03 19:00:38 by kusma kusma
kusma: FOUND YOU!!!
now, get back to work!
I completely agree with JCL and Gammawave and it doesn't only apply to Optimus, but to all the loudmouthed wannabes on Pouet and IRC etc, and sadly, they're the ones at the head of most discussions/feedback and, in turn, are the people shaping the scene of today. What's more, if you look at the few scene-related topics on the Pouet BBS, they're all turned into a farce and pushed out of sight by some inane nonsense.

Anyway, with regards to the original topic, I'll admit that it applied to me at one time. The scene has always been a good place to retreat when real life wasn't going my way. But nowadays the scene is more something I follow when I'm at a loose end rather than a lifestyle.
added on the 2004-02-03 19:15:32 by Wade Wade
"The people shaping the scene of today" are the ones who make people applaud in frenzy during compos. I may be oldfashioned tho.
Thing is that scene is what you want "your way" of the scene to be. If you want to see Optimus just to pester him around, you will, since you can. If you want to flame people for no apparent reason, you will, since you can.
added on the 2004-02-03 19:26:03 by Gargaj Gargaj
Gargaj: I don't agree... the demoscene is some kind of "mini-society", where its individuals give some work to it, or that's the way it used to be... nowadays, it's more like the entertainment of bored people, and everyone can be a part of it, gives or not back to it.

I'm not talking about elitism here. In a society, everyone/every-place has its function. Pouet is a website, used in this society to link to demos, promote demos, comment about demos, and discuss about demo-related topics... and it's great at that. That's why many of us, even if pretty inactive for the scene sometimes, keep coming here on a daily basis.

You might like or not some people here, you may agree with them or not, they might even insult some other people, but at least, they use this place for what it's supposed to be used, that is: demoscene.

So many BBS threads completely off-topic, so many scene-related threads converted to off-topic, and general trolling is what seems to rule this place since Optimus and people alike are here.

I reckon Optimus has done (at least) some research about the scene... he likes it, he tries to give some stuff to it (webpages, CPC demos and whatnot), but all that effort gets ruined as soon as he starts filling this website with shit. I'd rather see no new threads or posts at all when I come here, than having to check (and lose my -limited- time) all the stupid stuff he posts here just to see if any of them is talking about anything interesting... that's how it used to be here, and just look at the last (say) 30 threads to see what I'm talking about.

I come here because demoscene is my hobby, I come here because I like the scene, I come here because I publish my demos here, and because I want to see what other people does or think about other demos. If I wanted to see a blog, there'd be hundreds of other webpages to check.

Optimus (and people alike) are only wasting my time, my patience, and are kinda making some sites like this lose the 'scene-feel' to them. That's a bad thing for our mini-society, and I think it should just be erradicated.

Let me repeat, there's hundreds of thousands weblog pages around, if you find Optimus funny, I'm pretty sure you'll find someone like him in any of those blogs... make your research, but leave this site for what it's intended to be, and for what some of us, demosceners, want it to be: the demoscene.
added on the 2004-02-04 00:19:37 by Jcl Jcl
(although my post was replying to you, Gargaj, I don't mean you explicitly... take my 'you's as general ones :-) )
added on the 2004-02-04 00:20:53 by Jcl Jcl
jcl: every word so true.
added on the 2004-02-04 05:52:19 by uncle-x uncle-x
What you guys seem to have missed is the fact that pouet has never BEEN troll/optimus/idiot free.. It's what makes pouet unique, it started up in a complete liberal way, and has continued like that. Sites such as demoo and other moderated sites has more or less died completly since everybody is welcome at pouet.

You call this a bad thing? I dont, i think pouet has been only good, people has been able to flame, express their idolization for groups and generally been bitchy to everyone. What can be more "demoscene" than that?

For a couple of years we had me, plek and macaw in kindof every BBS thread, not that we actively started them, but always people had to express how much we trashed pouet.. I wonder however, why always we created a BBS/responded to a prod by adding comments here, we got the most feedback. The same is happening to Optimus, dont blame it on Optimus that people tend to reply to his BBS threads, blame it on the repliers. You seriously think Optimus would be continueing adding non-demoscene BBSs if nobody replied? Think again.

Thanks Optimus for keeping those moderator fans on the hold, making them scream and twist in agony..

For all you others (Jcl/Uncle-X) who thinks people acctually can waste your time, by you reading their stuff.:
added on the 2004-02-04 06:51:29 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
arneweisse: I'd be more than fine if all those flamewars were demoscene-related (as it used to be in CSIPD or even here). At least the trolling was scene-related, and was usually great fun to insult back... insulting back something completely off-topic and off the point is zero fun :/
added on the 2004-02-04 08:23:03 by Jcl Jcl
i'm just glad that retards like lator (almost) disappeared from pouet ;)
added on the 2004-02-04 10:04:46 by noname noname
Jcl: correct me if I'm wrong, but basically you said the same things I said :)

Stefan: Word. But it's still annoying :)
added on the 2004-02-04 11:27:25 by Gargaj Gargaj
Bah. Scenescene talk is damn boring bullshit. Seriously. Look at the ojuice news. For the vast majority of them, who cares besides those few involved?
Optimus used to stir it up nicely so there's something else to discuss besides various inner-ring metooing.
added on the 2004-02-04 11:46:40 by 216 216
let's remix that post a bit.
"Optimus used to stir it up nicely so there's something else to discuss besides various inner-ring metooing."
"For the vast majority of them, who cares besides those few involved?"
There you go.
added on the 2004-02-04 11:49:53 by Gargaj Gargaj
If all three of them were in irc, they could form a channel you know. (yes OF COURSE I'm exaggerating. duh)
added on the 2004-02-04 11:58:06 by 216 216
Gargaj: for some part, yes, but you say you get the scene as "what you want it to be"... and I don't agree with that... there's no such thing as a "scene" with just me (or you, or anyone individualist). We all make the scene, and the scene is what we all want it to be, as a society (even if it's a small one).
added on the 2004-02-04 12:44:07 by Jcl Jcl
Jcl: you seem to misunderstand me there a bit. I'm not saying that anyone has the ability to change the scene just the way he wants, in just a moment.
What I'm trying to say is that every individual in the scene has the chance to add something and thus achieve a "change", even if minuscule. If there are enough people following, it may result a bigger difference.
Also my point was that "you see what you want to see", which explains why some people still chant their favorite "scene is dead"-related slogans since ca. 1995, not noticing that there's still very cool stuff produced in the scene, and the parties still rule. It's just a matter of having an open view or not.
added on the 2004-02-04 13:21:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
Ok, I misunderstood then, I'm sorry :-)
added on the 2004-02-04 13:30:02 by Jcl Jcl
Gargaj: but scene is dead since '95, you ignorant newschool fool. :)))))
added on the 2004-02-04 13:38:16 by FooLman FooLman
