
Come to TRSAC (and take your pants off!)

category: general [glöplog]
Finally I am back home in Norway. Me and Spexzter almost missed our flights as we for some reason thought the flights were one hour later than the actual time.

Just want to thank the TRSAC orgaz for an awsome party, I really have nothing to complain about. The Dinner was probably the BEST food I have ever had at a demoscene party.
Good times....cant really recollect the prizegiving but I hope the darklite shirts fit the ones who got them :)
Special greets to Darkhawk and Nutman......and the Amiga Sticker guys....AAAAMMMIIIGGAAAAAHHHH!!!!

Vi elsker Darkhawk, for han er nemlig søød........classic!!!
added on the 2009-10-19 00:10:07 by tFt tFt
I'd really love it if you kept propper dinner for next year, I'm the kind of guy who grow pimples all over his face just from looking at junkfood (let alone eating it), so I really enjoyed that there was some decent food available for at least one of the weekend's meals.

About lighting: Yeah, it could be better, but it wasn't that bad.

Remember, the real party is.... in the cafeteria!
I'd really love it if you kept propper dinner for next year, I'm the kind of guy who grow pimples all over his face just from looking at junkfood (let alone eating it), so I really enjoyed that there was some decent food available for at least one of the weekend's meals.

About lighting: Yeah, it could be better, but it wasn't that bad.

Remember, the real party is.... in the cafeteria!
Graga: Age will solve that pimple problem, i promise you ;)
added on the 2009-10-19 08:08:22 by nic0 nic0
I really like the idea of paying a fixed price for entry + dinner + break fast. I was one of the few who didn't get any creamy potatoes, but Puryx saved the meal by fixing some fries instead - awesome :)

For me it's also a "social" thing that the majority eats at the same time / the same place / the same food - thumbs up for that!

About the competitions - yeah, so they weren't totally awesome but that's our own fault. I agree with Puryx that my compo filler entry shouldn't have ranked 2nd in the demo competition, in fact it should have been disqualified :) I gave my darklite t-shirt to someone (was it mickey?) and gave the silver-duck to someone else ...
Graga: Age will solve that pimple problem, i promise you ;)
After spending hours listening to grown up men talking about loans, wives/girlfriends, kids, and jobs, and other stuff, growing old is the last thing I want to do. Any alternatives?

(no offense nutman, I had a great ride!)
Uhm ok so.

I took my camera out of my bag for 2 minutes, so tech could take 2 pictures with it. I left it lying on the table next to my computer the rest of the party, never took a single picture myself. When I packed up my gear on sunday i didn't see the camera on the table and thus didn't think twice about it.

Now it's gone.

So question: anyone find / accidentally borrow my camera? :)

Also: Who the hell puked in the plastic bag containing the banana I was going to have for breakfast sunday morning? :D
added on the 2009-10-19 10:35:52 by leijaa leijaa
[qoute]Also: Who the hell puked in the plastic bag containing the banana I was going to have for breakfast sunday morning? :D [/qoute]

Sorry, but... lol!

I found a camera on a bench just outside the infodesk saturday night. Since spexzter had been sitting there earlier I took it to the "darklite table" and put on that table in front of Spexzter and tft (I think you saw that, guys) - however I of course have no clue if this was your camera at all.
We are very sure that we didn't find a camera during cleanup in the hall. Farfar is visiting the partyplace this evening to hear if they have found anything else.
added on the 2009-10-19 10:41:02 by Puryx Puryx
Yeah that was an interesting experience ;)
added on the 2009-10-19 10:43:29 by leijaa leijaa
graga, come on, growing old is teh awesome!! i have 2 skovnisser on my balcony as we speak, and it's on the rise!
added on the 2009-10-19 10:49:10 by skrebbel skrebbel
Afterparty-note-to-self - don't try to redo the fastpace dancing from the prodigy videos when cheesy is playing it for you, my legs have never hurt this much after a party, so thank you to all my dance-partners (not you nic0) and fuckings to cheesy for playing all that danceable (is this a word?) vinyls, bastard!
added on the 2009-10-19 11:11:19 by dwarf dwarf
and my god I have teh_best fotos on my phone, a shame its a crappy cam (as seen on pantsoff.dk live-blog)
added on the 2009-10-19 11:13:00 by dwarf dwarf
I wonder if Flunkium recorded the Stampa session we had =)
added on the 2009-10-19 11:24:49 by farfar farfar
Where are all the releases at?
added on the 2009-10-19 11:37:20 by doomdoom doomdoom
we'll sort out the releases and results and upload them top scene.org - mind you they're on a (party-)server that needs to be moved back and set up another place :)
added on the 2009-10-19 11:44:10 by Puryx Puryx
farfarfarfar .. i hope so, but looking at the complete timespend on stampa-sessions, i believe we have 3+ hours of footage then ;)
added on the 2009-10-19 12:27:20 by dwarf dwarf
I really hope so too, coz that was hilarious :)
added on the 2009-10-19 12:59:33 by leijaa leijaa
Also: Who the hell puked in the plastic bag containing the banana I was going to have for breakfast sunday morning? :D

HAHAHA, i think you know the answer to that one. Its what I would call the bleeding obvious suspect. Who is known to be puking at EVERY demoparty he attends? hmmmmm....?

Lets hope your camera turns up. I thought I lost mine too during the night. So thanks a lot Puryx for bringing it to our table :)
added on the 2009-10-19 13:33:46 by tFt tFt
Oh, so that was yours. Then mine is still lost in randomness..

The problem is that the only one sleeping remotely close to that plastic bag was you! The obvious suspect only slept on a chair I think.. And also I've never seen him puke in a bag ;)
added on the 2009-10-19 13:39:49 by leijaa leijaa
whoeever did it, I just want to say THANKS for fucks's sake, for not puking on the floor for us to clean up :) I'll replace your banana nina :) (Hey that's kinda catchy, banana nina, banana ninaaaaa)
added on the 2009-10-19 13:41:43 by farfar farfar
added on the 2009-10-19 13:42:58 by booster booster
maybe your camera was in the bag! ;-)
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added on the 2009-10-19 13:53:07 by booster booster
graga: or maybe you took it! you were there too! at some point

thanks farfar <3
added on the 2009-10-19 14:00:53 by leijaa leijaa
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added on the 2009-10-19 14:20:57 by farfar farfar
