
Scene.org Awards voting open

category: general [glöplog]
i find the lack of 828 disturbing.

your song is quiet should be there too!
added on the 2008-02-29 17:24:10 by nosfe nosfe
Stupid assfucks that don`t respect democracy. You fucking non-mainstream twads.
added on the 2008-02-29 17:38:06 by Zplex Zplex
Navis: Evoid Droid
added on the 2008-02-29 17:41:22 by Axel Axel
Stupid assfucks that don`t respect democracy. You fucking non-mainstream twads.

L O L :D
added on the 2008-02-29 17:55:32 by uns3en_ uns3en_
If you guys like 828 that much, how about making an effort and voting for it in publics choice?

Or any other demo you like for that part. Voting only closes at midnight CET
added on the 2008-02-29 19:22:53 by leijaa leijaa
leija: lol, it'll _really_ stand a chance against lifeforce and/or debris. for sure :P
added on the 2008-02-29 19:31:05 by psenough psenough
it doesn't matter though.. a nomination is always a nomination and on top of that you get a nice certificate to boot.

(we ran out of wall space here ;-))

added on the 2008-02-29 19:43:27 by Navis Navis
ps: you never know until you try!
added on the 2008-02-29 19:52:47 by leijaa leijaa
zplex has leading :)
added on the 2008-02-29 19:53:41 by skrebbel skrebbel
navis: i'd rather get nominated with due credit for something i actually invested effort and dedication into rather then a seemingly charity-rigged popularity contest. i'll always have the memories of killing farbrausch three times in two years, no nomination prize for that. ^_^
added on the 2008-02-29 19:58:21 by psenough psenough
I personally want to see so much more demos on other platforms than pc in the nominations (of course if they are good). I've got this feeling that pc demos or at least the most of them seem to be the boring 3d flyby stuff as usual (nowadays) of course with technical greatness, no doubt. But there's also the pc dullness which is better pushed aside in 64k and 4k intros. And I'm just pc user.
added on the 2008-03-01 04:35:29 by zefyros zefyros
oh yeh, for the ones curious about the pouet poll thing, i guess we can now show you the results, they are listed <a href="http://www.pouet.net/rulez/viewawardscandidates.php">here</a> on an unnoficial page gargaj hacked together in a couple minutes, first person complaining that the topbar/banner link to the main page doesnt work properly gets a free rubber duck slap in the head by maali.

regarding the official awards nominees, i must say i agree with nytrik about sandboxpunks soundtrack. and i also wonder what on earth happened to OMD/ORB for oldskool, not that im complaining much in that department since i quite disliked the thing, but at the time i was aparently the only one getting bored to death when watching it whilst everyone else was loving it like chocolate on caramel, not this years scene.org awards jury aparently. and me thinking your song is quiet 2 would get owned by omd and i would have to slit my wrists. aparently not :) guess the amiga remake wont have any run for its money after all.
added on the 2008-03-01 05:05:37 by psenough psenough
thats http://www.pouet.net/rulez/viewawardscandidates.php ofcourse. remember to always use bbcode kids.
added on the 2008-03-01 05:06:11 by psenough psenough
the topbar/banner link to the main page doesnt work properly
added on the 2008-03-01 05:09:41 by zefyros zefyros
maali, you know what you got to do.
added on the 2008-03-01 05:11:13 by psenough psenough
most original: debris??????????????????????????????????wtf?
added on the 2008-03-01 05:12:17 by zefyros zefyros
zefyros: i guess that was before fiver2 confessed he actualyl stole ideas from a commercial and those dark city building remodel scenes. oh, no wait, thats right, he confessed that fact right on the first day. even posted about it on the prod comments itself. but well, its in 177k so it must be more original. after all just the idea of getting inspired by commercials is original to the demoscene in itself, oh, no wait, tbl and flt been doing it for years now. oh well.
added on the 2008-03-01 05:18:09 by psenough psenough
ps: Nevermind all the "stolen" idea stuff / commercials and so on - I don't really care. What I had in mind was: "Cubes: they're so original. You know dude?". Don't get me wrong all the credit for fr for making it possible in 177k. But as I wrote earlier...
btw I didn't even check the "the topbar/banner link
added on the 2008-03-01 05:28:11 by zefyros zefyros
hehe, wtf is debris doing in 64k ;)
added on the 2008-03-01 06:53:18 by leijaa leijaa
if farbrausch really tried they probably could have squeezed it in. they were just too lazy (which is natural since they were dead anyways at the time)
added on the 2008-03-01 07:02:34 by psenough psenough

And gamma in the breaktrough.
Never mind Outracks were already nominated for that years ago ;)
added on the 2008-03-01 07:05:31 by leijaa leijaa
they're still getting interview as the new kids in the town of norway in every diskmag released this past month atleast. must be couz of the oil, duckers told me they had some stashed away.
added on the 2008-03-01 07:14:40 by psenough psenough
it's original because it's 177KB!
added on the 2008-03-01 08:37:58 by waffle waffle
Breakthrough performance: TBL

(snigger, their group id is actually #1)
added on the 2008-03-01 08:42:02 by Navis Navis
nice to see angelic forum and chromosphere nominated, that's justice :p

concerning soundtracks, i think it's even more difficult than other categories to choose some tracks among others, there have been so many good ones and it's rather a matter of taste than the impartial judgement of musician skills... sandbox punks, sunstreek, zenith would have deserved to be nominated too to list a few.
added on the 2008-03-01 09:48:28 by Zest Zest
