
programming and magic

category: residue [glöplog]
aha!! I'm learning :) my HWND is getting bigger :)

//Talking Blues by Bob Marley code
If HINSTANCE(x) > HWND play talking blues
else cout << "BIG UPS! << endl;
added on the 2015-11-06 14:20:58 by starlight starlight
Ah me av a few magic hairs growing under my nose :)
me is running the SDL extension in C++ visual studio 12
and also interested in the GLSL extension in vertexshaderart.com which seems to be the latest best IDE

any books on these languages please let me know, I guess the dummies guides are best??

me don't know what happened last week... I ended up in another dimension of some sort???
the interesting thing is I started watching mr robot series 1
added on the 2015-11-09 23:13:24 by starlight starlight
10 scan pavement at cashpointmachine; let cashpointmachine = cpm
20 if pavement = computerteacher then make cashpoint dipense cash
30 goto 10
added on the 2015-11-10 01:11:13 by starlight starlight
25 if pavement = poor person then make cashpoint dispense cash
added on the 2015-11-10 01:13:47 by starlight starlight
