
Looking for Ace of Spades Techno demo

category: general [glöplog]

I've been looking unsuccessfully for a demo i had many moons ago (around 1992-3)

The mod was a cover of the ace of spaces Motörhead song, graphically and style wise it was similar to the Dimension Rave demo, very fast non stop low colour pics, obviously with different pictures, some being big ace of spades logos.

I cant for the life of me remember the name, i've gone for the obvious names but to no avail, i thought i would ask here first before i try and go through some old Aminet/CDTV demo disks.

Hope someone out there remembers it!
added on the 2017-02-22 12:06:06 by amigajay amigajay
added on the 2017-02-22 14:01:04 by evilpaul evilpaul
I remember that advert!

But no, it was an actual Amiga demo
added on the 2017-02-22 14:11:42 by amigajay amigajay
You could try crawling this list of musicdisks...i put a link with the page where it shows some from 1991 and some from 1992.
You can either keep hitting "previous page" to see later productions (as you said "1992-3") or even "next page", as it could have been released in the 1980s already, but you only got it way later!

As you asked for a Demo, maybe the list won´t help you...but often people added demos that centered around music as Musicdisks, so maybe it will.
I hope you only have to crawl it and some name of a prod rings a bell...instead of having to watch all of them that could be it. ;)
