
Demobit 2018 Resonation - 2-4 February 2018 - Binarium, Bratislava, Slovakia

category: parties [glöplog]
Thanks to the organizers for all their hard work, i really enjoyed my time at Demobit! Most things have already been said (and please consider all the positives repeated here), so just one thing i'd like to add: i think the entry fee was high. I understand there are costs, but compared to a nearby party (Function) it was more expensive with weaker tech and - just in general - less things provided. Oh and the last day noon prizegiving is not a good idea imho.

I'd especially like to thank Gargaj and Smash for their presentations lacking any kind of raymarching.
added on the 2018-02-08 14:39:54 by reptile reptile
What others said :)

Stuff @ scene.org = when?
added on the 2018-02-08 15:30:23 by AceMan AceMan
I'll get back to the rest of topics, especially video lag issue.

For the notes about Sunday's prize giving. I can hardly imagine to pull it after the compos at night. We have more reasons not to like it. Leave it for Sunday as other parties do suit us way better. We could organize better and have it at 11:00. In case, you can't be present: it's no problem to handle it via bank transfer/post. It finishes the party, so in our eyes, it belongs officially to the last day in reasonable after-party hours.
added on the 2018-02-08 15:44:43 by zden zden
Regarding beam team duties. I could use some consultancy from someone in pro sector of broadcasting to consult or let set up and control operation of video gear I can bring and rent. The need of processor to convert to SDI signal on stage is essential to hold recording and streaming.
For live VJs, it's a must to prepare a solution to split HDMI signal with 1-frame delay right after the laptop and have the ability conveniently to send it to beamer directly while maintaining the current connection. My apologies to all the VJs for any inconveniences!
added on the 2018-02-08 16:18:35 by zden zden
aceman: I just uploaded everything, so as soon as a scene.org admin can move it from incoming to the demobit2018 folder, it should be available :)
added on the 2018-02-08 16:40:10 by el mal el mal
Everyhing approved, except for pc_demo/its-hortobagy.zip which was a corrupt zip file.
added on the 2018-02-08 17:09:27 by menace menace
oki, repacked that one with 7zip and reuploaded.
happy birthday by the way, menace ;)
added on the 2018-02-08 17:16:48 by el mal el mal
maali: Thanks :)

The repacked file is fine, and approved.
added on the 2018-02-08 18:02:27 by menace menace
Yay! :)
added on the 2018-02-09 09:04:23 by AceMan AceMan
Ok, first of all: big thanks to all the orgas of the party. Their hospitality and care for visitors was exceptional.
As a guest I was treated wonderfully. People from the staff took care of everything (accomodation etc.), I didn't have to worry about anything. Really, this was much more than I expected.

I'd especially like to say *thank you* to Natalia for taking care of everything, being pro and super nice - the right person, in the right place! Zden, for helping us with technical issues. Well, all people from the staff, including reception desk, were friendly and helpful, even people responsible for food (which was yummy, btw.)

Not the most important, but the prizes were great too (especially "art jury award" was a nice suprise). However, the main advantage of the party was friendly, almost family-like atmosphere (imho). 5/5 - higly recommended :)
added on the 2018-02-09 19:32:15 by lesnik lesnik
@lesnik: Thank you for your ultra-awesome performance and contributions! It was my big pleasure to help :) ❤️
added on the 2018-02-19 15:45:31 by natalia natalia
in case you have not seen them yet, almost 300 party pics updated here https://www.flickr.com/photos/demobit/page1
added on the 2018-02-19 15:47:47 by natalia natalia
Demobit Opening Ceremony with stand-up comedian Jano (warning: some of you might find it vulgar or offensive in some moments)

Concert by @Goto80 at @Demobit 2018 - without any preparations, pure improvisation processed in defMon tracker (C64's SID chip software) and due to circumstances streamed from Sweden.

Saturday night live brutalist trip - performance by DJ Ronny and VJ Pandur!
added on the 2018-03-17 17:16:15 by natalia natalia
Demobit 2018 Lectures Released:

Smash / Fairlight - Using VR for live events, music industry and demoscene

Pandur / Holon - Introduction to cables.gl

Gargaj / Conspiracy - Expanding a 64k Intro Into Virtual Reality

Raist / clrsrc - Video Mapping

Řrřola - Magic of 256-byte x86 intros - part 2.

Goto80 - Chip Music
All Speakers Playlist
added on the 2018-03-20 11:50:36 by zden zden
