
What happened from my side of View:

category: residue [glöplog]
If you can´t refrain, please take into account, that even a person considering itself as a pacifist for 44 years could, at some point of "too much nonsense", turn into a fist-throwing-asshole!

Evoke orgas, discuss.
added on the 2022-06-17 13:53:35 by Gargaj Gargaj
Yeah, sometimes sexual jokes can backfire and you can end up getting labeled as a 'perv', 'creepo', etc... I believe you should apologize, I mean genuinely. At the end of the day, girls do appreciate a genuine apology. :)
added on the 2022-06-17 22:10:13 by Defiance Defiance
At the end of the day, girls do appreciate a genuine apology. :)
Well, wow.
added on the 2022-06-17 22:22:15 by SiR SiR
added on the 2022-06-17 22:28:57 by Gargaj Gargaj
jeez, imagine having a daughter and seeing all those comments and be like "well, surely, I don't want her to be surrounded by that sort of crowd".
No, I mean it. I'm not being ironic. (But yeah my original post should better read 'women' instead of 'girls' since we talk about adult people here). After reading darya's post I feel terribly sorry for her. No one should experience something like this, especially in a demoparty, where safety, especially for women, should be a number 1 priority.
added on the 2022-06-18 07:31:37 by Defiance Defiance
If you can´t refrain, please take into account, that even a person considering itself as a pacifist for 44 years could, at some point of "too much nonsense", turn into a fist-throwing-asshole!

And everyone is afraid...luckily im at Wacken Festival workwise, so i dont be in danger to get beaten up by a fist throwing asshole. ^^
added on the 2022-06-18 23:24:56 by _docd _docd
I am still non-interfered by all your nonsense!

You fukked my (before splendid life) enough with all this bullshit!

which one is it?

how about just apologizing for real instead of dragging this on and on? we all had enough of this fucking thread by now.

you did multiple things wrong, multiple people called you out on it. it's not a conspiracy of the world that you fucked up. even if you honestly believe that you didn't do any of those things with ill intent, just fucking apologize, make sure it doesn't happen again and let us all move on with our lives instead of rehashing this thread every few months with more nonsense non apologies.

if you're such a fucking pacifist why do you keep fighting a war you already lost? make peace with the ones you hurt and focus on being a better person. that's what we all want in this thread.
added on the 2022-06-19 01:34:22 by psenough psenough
make peace with the ones you hurt and focus on being a better person. that's what we all want in this thread.

added on the 2022-06-19 14:25:24 by _docd _docd
Couldn't have said it better than ps did.
added on the 2022-06-19 14:55:42 by Defiance Defiance
+1 for what ps said.
added on the 2022-06-19 15:13:18 by fizzer fizzer
Due to recent and earlier events, we have decided that Hardy is not welcome at Evoke and will not be tolerated on the party premises. We have informed him about our decision.
The Evoke Organizer Team
added on the 2022-06-22 17:20:02 by poti poti
Das Woke Organizer Team hat gesprochen.

Nachdem man Euch Jahre in Euren Bemühungen für gelungene Partys unterstützt hat, gibt es den gepflegten Tritt in den Hintern und die Woke opfert sich auf dem Altar des neuen Zeitgeistes. Irgendwie war es schon an den Online-Namen 2020-2021 zu erahnen, wo die Reise hingeht.

Wollte mich eigentlich nicht mehr äußern, dafür jetzt in Deutsch.

Wenn man seine Wurzeln vergisst und verleugnet, wie viel Ehrlichkeit bleibt Euch dann noch? Labt und suhlt Euch noch ein paar Jahre in Eurem puren Aktivismus, nehmt noch ein paar Geschenke aus der "Weltkultur" mit. vielleicht kann man ja aus dem ein oder anderen Trog noch etwas abschöpfen, ich gönne es Euch. Bisschen Stallgeruch tut gut. Komm vom Land, kenn das.

Tja, mit solchen Leuten will man verkehren. Die Vorstellung, sich Wochen für diese Klientel mit ein paar Kästen Bier oder Flaschen Wein zurückzuziehen und an Beiträgen zu stricken, kommt mir mittlerweile so Surreal vor, dass ich die letzten Jahre definitiv als verlorene Zeit abtue. Hiermit entschuldige ich mich bei meinen Kindern und meiner Frau für Zeit, die ich für die Beiträge geopfert habe.

Ich kenne Hardy jetzt seit über 15 Jahren, habe in der Zeit jede Evoke besucht, habe stramm mit Ihm gefeiert, immer Inhalte geliefert, (alte Schule: Party nur mit Release), die Besucher feierten seine Beiträge, ich frage mich ehrlich, in welchem Zeitfenster er die ganzen Frauen so unter Druck gesetzt hat, dass Sie einen sicheren Raum brauchen?

Möglicherweise ist er besoffen noch ein mehrfaches Schlauer und programmiert mit ein paar Bier im Kopf noch Leute an die Wand. War nie gewalttätig und ist ehr mal auf einer Bank draußen eingeschlafen, hat halt aus Gründen nur ein Bruchteil der Leberfunktion. Kenn seine Schwester, seinen Neffen, super ehrliche Menschen.

Er sieht nicht so fein und gestriegelt aus, Vater war Rockmusiker, sein Leben ist auch mehr mit Achterbahn zu beschreiben. Kein Feiner „Weltkultur“ Künstler fürs Arte Programm. Aber Hey, er war immer freundlich und hilfsbereit, wie wir in unserer Ghetto-Szene-Gruppe so sagen: Ehrlich und ein Original. Kommt halt aus Porz, ist nicht die feinste Gegend von Köln, gibt Leute die würden das vornehm mit „Raues Viertel“ umschreiben.

Schlimm finde ich, dass Leute, die gern mit Ihm am Party Tisch saßen, von unserem Bier tranken, so von hinten reintreten und sich mit guten Ratschlägen überhäufen dabei selbst das Corona Limit weit überschritten haben und auch auf Partys nie mit einem Heiligen Schein aufgetreten sind. Vermutlich zu viele Twitter Inhalte die letzten 2 Jahre konsumiert (schönes Wort), hätten mal vor die Tür gehen sollen. Ich bin lieber Rad gefahren.

Kleiner Tipp von der 50+ Generation, Akzeptanz und Toleranz bekommt man, wenn man sie sich durch Taten und herausragende Eigenschaften verdient.

Schlaft in Frieden den Schlaf der Gerechten und Unfehlbaren.
Elko ^ TRSi

An die Alt-Szener mit ADHS, Hyperaktivität und Lebensfreude, ihr müsst Euch den Schuh nicht anziehen. (Gut, wenn Euch keiner den Link gibt, werdet Ihr das hier nie lesen.)

Ich geh lieber auf Geburtstage von Ü40 Jährigen, reiß da mal einen anzüglichen Witz und Sauf mir Einen ohne Vorwürfe. Das nennt man in meinen Kreisen gepflegte Party. Ab und an Kaputt, aber am Ende des Tages trotz Rivalitäten prima Freundschaften und gemeinsame Reminiszenzen.

An die Theke von der Abenteuerhalle: Ihr seid die Besten. Ohne Euch wäre jede Evoke deutlich weniger unterhaltsam gewesen. Tobi, Teo, sorry, aber die Nummer war Kernscheisse, ich mag Euch trotzdem.

Für die Nestbeschmutzer, die sich so gern mit Aktivisten schmücken, seid gut aufgehoben bei euren neuen Freunden. Hab sie schon Real und in Farbe erlebt. Die Zeit wird Geschichten erzählen.
added on the 2022-06-22 22:28:26 by Deleted Deleted
added on the 2022-06-22 23:54:08 by psenough psenough
Evoke orgas, discuss.

Well done. I hope you are proud of yourself. Keep up your crusade until only the good and pure are left.
added on the 2022-06-23 06:47:07 by platon42 platon42
So, let's sum this up. We have a person who:

  1. Has a history of doing the dumbest shit possible while wasted
  2. Said shit includes sexual harassment
  3. Exhibits no remorse or intention to get his shit together
  4. When called out, becomes defensive to the point of implying violence
  5. Again, has a history of doing the dumbest shit possible while wasted, so there's a good reason to take such implications seriously

If you think it's a problem when this person isn't welcome to interact with people at privately organized events, I wonder why that is. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt and think you're simply overreacting because you believe in all the "you can't joke about anything" rhetoric you've heard from your favourite podcast. I'd like to convince you that no one thinks of you as a problem unless you make yourself a problem.

But you know, I can't change your mind because we here in the Antifa psyops division aren't quite as competent as we'd like to be, so I'm happy with second best, which is you simply staying the hell away.
added on the 2022-06-23 07:18:52 by jobe jobe
self reflection is not your favourite thing init? Nah it isnt.
Your post is so full of selfish, unreflected and self pity bs.
I expected nothing less.

Pathology is often an explanation, but never an excuse for misbehaviour.
I cant stand ppl using their pathology as universal excuse for such...i have aspergers myself.
It has never stopped me from sincerely apologizing for something i did wrong.
Maybe you should rethink.

Do you think the decision is unfair or is it just unfomfortable for you in person?
When someone already announces "to swing their fists"?
Someone who doesn't see himself as sincerely apologizing, but just cheerfully defends his behavior as "you just have to accept it"?
And remember the following sentence "if women shake their ass like that, then don't be surprised if you want to bite into the juicy steak"
You still find its just fun right?

From an organizer point of view: Its not.

The scene no longer (since many years) consists only of testosterone-loaded, beer-drinking old men for whom racism, gossip, homophobia, transphobia and sexism are good manners.

The scene is much more diverse.
And the diversity and sense of security of the majority is more important than the single scener who just doesn't want to behave and makes others feel insecure and uncomfortable.
In this sense: stay at your regular table in your allotment garden and celebrate yourself for being such a non-conformist guy.
Evolving is a thing...maybe just not for you.

you know nothing about the topics here but have a strong oppinion.
maybe you should first dig into that topic, before you talk about a "crusade".
educate yourself.
added on the 2022-06-23 07:24:44 by _docd _docd
The scene no longer (since many years) consists only of testosterone-loaded, beer-drinking old men for whom racism, gossip, homophobia, transphobia and sexism are good manners.

addition: The scene never consisted of this. But the scene tolerated that for far too long.
added on the 2022-06-23 07:26:59 by _docd _docd
Hab bei "Woke" aufgehört zu lesen, mehr muss ich nicht wissen.
added on the 2022-06-23 09:21:00 by SiR SiR
Jupp. "Woke" ist das "Bolschewiki" unserer Zeit.
added on the 2022-06-23 10:08:31 by Salinga Salinga
Evoke orgas, discuss.

Well done. I hope you are proud of yourself. Keep up your crusade until only the good and pure are left.

If you genuinely think that anyone other than Hardy is responsible for any of [gestures at 8 pages of thread] THIS, then I don't know what to tell you.
added on the 2022-06-23 11:01:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
culture wars in the demoscene, who would have thought.
Hab bei "Woke" aufgehört zu lesen, mehr muss ich nicht wissen.

yeah this, poeple that onironically use 'woke' to rant and rave can safely be ignored.

Don't have any other comments as i simply do not care.
added on the 2022-06-23 14:27:21 by okkie okkie
