
Renoise users: please list your painpoints, workflow issues, missing features, small improvements etc that you'd like to have in Renoise?

category: music [glöplog]
I like to enter numbers with the num block on my keyboard. Especially within the pattern editor in editing mode. It's kinda annoying to type a zero and suddenly my workflow is completely broken: Anything vanishes and instead the sample editor is shown. So confusing. I just wanted to edit an effect column! Now... where was I again...
It would be nice, if that could be toggled by a settings switch (maybe it is and I'm just blind) - and as I said: Only when in pattern editing mode.

But: Minor issue really - just after 30min I'm used to it again.

(on Linux)

sounds like you have the "Global:View:Focus/Show Sample Editor" set up to numpad 0. So, maybe change it? Try and go to the Keybinds, select something, anything, and press numpad 0 there, and see what it shows. if it shows other than the thing you want, maybe change it?

alternatively, i could create a script that, while in Pattern Editor, inputs "0" but when elsewhere (==not in Pattern Editor), goes to sample editor. let me know what you'd like..
added on the 2024-06-24 11:10:42 by distance distance
I doubt these are scriptable at all, but anyway:
-Negative delay values in pattern editor would be soooo great. This would make instruments with long ”pre-note position attack” so much less painful to use.
-I’m missing ability to leave written notes into timeline. There is ability to name segments, but pattern data markers or something similar is what I want.
added on the 2024-06-29 09:54:30 by sauli sauli
I doubt these are scriptable at all, but anyway:
-Negative delay values in pattern editor would be soooo great. This would make instruments with long ”pre-note position attack” so much less painful to use.
-I’m missing ability to leave written notes into timeline. There is ability to name segments, but pattern data markers or something similar is what I want.

yep, they would be great, but probably not feasible to do re scripting. i am working however on duplicating the slide up selected content and slide down selected content, which would mean that the first note on the first row, when slid up, would become the first note on the last row. so "shifting/rotating track note + effect content". but it's not at all what you're after.

btw, have you tried reform? https://www.aqu.surf/reform might be up your alley somehow.
added on the 2024-06-29 23:48:13 by distance distance
i'm also now trying to identify which bits you absolutely hate in Renoise.

i went through FT2 and discovered about 6 features that are missing from Renoise.
Then went through ProTracker and didn't find anything, which felt weird, but was actually good.

But I can't just walk into milkytracker, modplugtracker or madtracker and "see everything" in one go. i need help.
added on the 2024-07-06 12:22:59 by distance distance
@distance - sorry didn't see it in time.

Global:View:Focus/Show Sample Editor has nothing associated with it (empty).
However: numpad 0 is associated here:

All --> Instruments --> Open Instruments Editor

There are also all other numpad digits associated for selecting samples 0-8 corresponding to numpad digits 1-9 - btw. NOT named correctly in the key association menu!)

I've now cleared those associations all - now the Instrument/Sample editor won't come up anymore, however the pattern editor doesn't react at all to the numpad keys pressed. It's just, that nothing happens. I guess this is not something solved easily - looks like the numpad is generally considered as an extension to the function keys not for actually entering numbers. I for example like switching octaves from the num block - I wouldn't like to miss this feature.
Global:View:Focus/Show Sample Editor has nothing associated with it (empty).

i've mapped F3 to it (since F3 is ScreamTracker3/ImpulseTracker2-speak for "go to Sample Editor"). a second F3 press goes to Sample FX Chain.


There are also all other numpad digits associated for selecting samples 0-8 corresponding to numpad digits 1-9 - btw. NOT named correctly in the key association menu!)

Since others raised this issue, I ended up writing additional shortcuts for Select Instrument 0 - 32 - so they can be set to whichever shortcut you like. I also have a midimapping for selecting track (0...127 midiknob will travel across the tracks in the song).. another midimapping for selecting instrument (0...127 midiknob will travel across the instrument slots in the song), and additional similar midi-mapping for octave, editstep (0-64 and editstep 1-64)


I've now cleared those associations all - now the Instrument/Sample editor won't come up anymore, however the pattern editor doesn't react at all to the numpad keys pressed. It's just, that nothing happens. I guess this is not something solved easily - looks like the numpad is generally considered as an extension to the function keys not for actually entering numbers. I for example like switching octaves from the num block - I wouldn't like to miss this feature.

i think this is about which shortcuts are Global and which ones are Pattern Editor / Sample Editor / Instrument Box specific - i.e., focus highlight should be in a specific place, for it to work. The Select Instrument shortcuts I made are Global for this reason, because you want to be switching Instruments at will, no matter where you are. If there are specific shortcuts you're missing and would need them to be global, hit me up here or via discord (esaruoho) or email esaruoho@icloud.com.
i have spent ages fooling around with adding 2nd or 3rd keybinds for features, due to the whole "laptop keyboard, external keyboard, external usb-device with keys" thing - hate having to unassign and reassign shortcuts again depending on if i'm on any of the 3 input devices - best to have enough keybinds to be able to keep everything bound without issues.

let's talk further. thanks for weighing in!
added on the 2024-07-06 13:45:02 by distance distance
i have spent ages fooling around with adding 2nd or 3rd keybinds for features, due to the whole "laptop keyboard, external keyboard, external usb-device with keys" thing - hate having to unassign and reassign shortcuts again depending on if i'm on any of the 3 input devices - best to have enough keybinds to be able to keep everything bound without issues.

As I said from the beginning. It's not a big deal. I've realized how it works (I think the whole numpad is regarded as "extended function keys") and I think changing it would be madness, because you definitely will destroy other peoples workflow.

So please leave it as it is!

Thanks for still working at this, after all those years... decades... and even having an eye on Linux users like me. Nothing but respect!
I think changing it would be madness, because you definitely will destroy other peoples workflow.

So please leave it as it is!

Thanks for still working at this, after all those years... decades... and even having an eye on Linux users like me. Nothing but respect!

oh, the shortcuts are added, not changed.. there's no destructive overwriting going on. just the option of setting them to something else, manually, by user choice. there is no way to actually do that, of forcing shortcuts on someone who "just installs the tool" - and even if that was a possibility, like, "install Paketti, offer the user the possibility of adding shortcuts", i'd probably hide it behind like 5 "are you absolutely sure?" type prompts with tricky questions so that it'd be "Yes/No" "Cancel/OK" type stuff so you definitely, consciously, are making the decision. but yep, API isn't there yet. what i have been toying around as a thought is, as Taktik suggested, a standalone separate app (which would need to be multiplatform) which lets you reset the KeyBindings to Renoise defaults, backup your own current KeyBindings, and take the "Paketti macOS KeyBindings" (and eventually hopefully Paketti Windows & Linux KeyBindings.xml.. and thus make it proper.

but yep, you're the second person who's like "gee i hope you're not destructively overwriting my keybindings with your shortcuts!" nope, to reassure you, Paketti just augments / adds shortcuts, but doesn't remove any, or destructively change anything.

And about Linux, yep, i did add the DSSI + LADSPA Device loading shortcut generation, etc. I was hoping to eventually bump into someone to see how the DSSI/LADSPA stuff works when it comes to plugins, but i'm yet to meet the linux guy for some facetime and trying out some tweaks. but it's definitely coming.
added on the 2024-07-06 20:21:28 by distance distance
Distance, we don't have to do this conversation here, if you are on element/matrix perhaps or prefer any other way - I could be your LADSPA guy (or the one who will explain, where the linux plugin train is of now to - it is in fact driving into another direction. There is the newer LV2 standard which is a pain to implement from it's unclear specs as far as I hear, but there is CLAP to the rescue now to unite 'em all).

I'm simply @herr_irrtum:matrix.org (just trying my chance)
I love Renoise! But nowadays I'm on Linux and I find Renoise hard to use, because my workflow of "Drag parameters with the mouse in the VST window while playing notes on my laptop keyboard" is not supported. There is a checkbox to enable this on Windows but it doesn't exist on Linux. :(
added on the 2024-07-07 22:42:15 by exelotl exelotl
I love Renoise! But nowadays I'm on Linux and I find Renoise hard to use, because my workflow of "Drag parameters with the mouse in the VST window while playing notes on my laptop keyboard" is not supported. There is a checkbox to enable this on Windows but it doesn't exist on Linux. :(

I've only been able to solve this for GUI Dialogs written with LUA (i.e., bleeding keyboard presses to Renoise instead of locking them inside the GUI), but unfortunately LUA doesn't let you modify how plugin/device windows (external editors) work
added on the 2024-07-10 18:48:59 by distance distance
okay, since martblek abandoned ReSpeak, i took it, modified it, made tons of improvements and wrapped it into Paketti as "Paketti eSpeak Text-to-Speech". so now Paketti has a speechsynth too.
added on the 2024-07-17 07:35:11 by distance distance
Can Renoise do second pass render for seamless loops?
added on the 2024-07-17 12:35:21 by Gargaj Gargaj
Can Renoise do second pass render for seamless loops?

i suppose this could be simulated with:

1. take current pattern, as long as it's 256 or less rows
2. duplicate pattern (double pattern content)
3. render selected track
4. reduce pattern back to 256 or less rows
5. add loop to last 256 (or less) rows of it.

i could do it i think. interesting challenge, thanks Gargaj!
added on the 2024-07-20 07:41:01 by distance distance
