Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
i often wonder what is wrong with some of you people.
ok, first of all- HEY LUIS!!! Second, that's pretty cute. Think I'll send that to my office friend.
i often wonder what is wrong with some of you people.
Well, what are the fucking chances- right? a fucking whale coming out of the water at the same very time someone blows-chunks into the sea! How in the hell? Some would say these events are related, but probably not.
lol i didn't even think about the well. now that you put it that way it's rather inspirational. maybe they should start making motivator pictures with that image on it.

i can has apfelbaum:

also the soo_damn_edible_fractal is still alive:

fractal pie!

mm mmm mmm, delicious!

und alle so: SCHEISSE !
Ich liebe Deutsch because they have beautiful words for deadly things:


Hi Sigflup! Fancy seeing you here.

i once had 100 pages like that - with the same message, when i had to print those for my boss. he wasn't quite amused.