
Pirate Parties (political)

category: general [glöplog]
the industry deserves beeing hurt to begin with.


and btw, newsflash, everybody already does piracy.

Yeah and everybody drives faster than the speed limit. What would happen if there was no speed limit? Wouldn't people drive even faster?
added on the 2006-08-05 16:22:24 by linde linde
and there already is lack of innovation/new products anyways. small companies have hard time marketing their way through, and great majority of the big companies wont invest on new ideas since they know doing a new fps, mmo or soccer sim will give more money return.

capitalism is killing the scene not piracy.
added on the 2006-08-05 16:24:29 by psenough psenough

The argument should be whether it's legal for individuals to pirate software. Businesses should always have to pay.

The best argument for making piracy legal (or rather, all software free) for personal use is WinZIP. They make 100% of their money from businesses buying site-wide licenses. An excellent product, fills a niche, it's worth buying. I doubt they make much cash off personal purchases. It's a living example of how it can work.

That's also a good idea. Making piracy legal for individuals.
But when it comes to games it doesn't hold water, because what company would buy a site-wide license of quake? Oh and that about indie developers too.
added on the 2006-08-05 16:34:27 by linde linde
and there already is lack of innovation/new products anyways. small companies have hard time marketing their way through, and great majority of the big companies wont invest on new ideas since they know doing a new fps, mmo or soccer sim will give more money return.

I agree with you there. The innovations come from people who aren't risking any money. The same goes for music. I enjoy most free music more than the crap they want me to pay $20 for at the music store.

But when it comes to music I don't think it's killing the scene. More like making it stronger.
added on the 2006-08-05 16:44:43 by linde linde

If you are going sell your product, you are in to make it desirable. One way to do it is to make a really great
work. If your subsistence relies upon it, you are going to work your ass off. Whereas you might not just give a shit, or, in another way, you're going to be furiously masturbating, if doing it just for yourself.

added on the 2006-08-05 19:41:55 by _-_-__ _-_-__
linde... the way of resoning comparing to other laws just isn't suiting. people discover they can copy files, through their kids, and who would have guessed - the media. then they know how to do it, they tend to do it because they can, not more or less because it's legal, but download the stuff they want, no more, no less, and certainly not according to how much the police will be chasing pirates.

a more suiting analogy would be crossing a street with red lights while walking. you know it's against the wall, everybody does it and all the sudden the police somewhere arrests and fines 20 people for it and the rest of the country starts shaking their legs about it.

first of all, they're taking on the big boys, trying to take on trackers and big sharers, not individual users (so far). and still, everybody does it.

all this just sounds too familiar to when we were young and people told us how bad it would be if you copied vhs tapes or lp records... still only the ones who sold the copies would get caught...

I'm not going to stop copy dvd's, and I would certainly not buy ~10 dvd's a month which I do now if they could hinder me from downloading.. cause you know, I don't feel like spending $20 on a movie I dunno if it's worth having, and it's way to unconvienient to both rent and download legal copies at the moment.

Call me back when the movies can be rented in hdtv quality from a stable source with no drm shit in the way for around $5, and I might listen.
added on the 2006-08-05 19:56:49 by thec thec
Well, I'm sort of pussying out now. :(

Since there is no way to stop piracy it might as well be legal, too. And so far people are still making profit from movies and games, and as ps pointed out, everybody is already doing it.
added on the 2006-08-06 01:02:29 by linde linde
