
.werkkzeug 1.5

category: general [glöplog]
Thanks Sziller, now i will beat Farbrausch with their own tool...muahahhaha
added on the 2006-09-05 20:58:59 by Zplex Zplex
big fucking lol :D
added on the 2006-09-05 21:05:42 by thec thec

WHY do you put some much lines between all your sentences?

------- AND

STUFF LIKE THIS EVERYWHERE ----------------------------




and stuff.
plz die, kthx.
added on the 2006-09-05 21:14:48 by iks iks
whoa so cool !!!
now the preview window even works
also the added stuff could have some short tutorial but hey... I'm asking too much
great work
added on the 2006-09-05 21:17:30 by EviL EviL
Dear Sziller,

I guess it's also OK to call up your mother in Olching to request the cool wz3 warez, right? :)
added on the 2006-09-05 21:38:23 by scamp scamp
and he uses my fucking avatar!

Dear Sziller,
you can't do anything productive but STEAL! you're such a poor fart.

sincerely yours,
added on the 2006-09-05 21:41:12 by v3nom v3nom
And just in case someone wants to clear up this mess of fake-users:

sziller = scimitar = Sascha Schaban = redor / Imphobia.

And greetings to Lisa.
added on the 2006-09-05 21:41:25 by scamp scamp
thx all for pm messages on irc but yes... I was joking so please no more :D
added on the 2006-09-05 21:52:05 by EviL EviL
Madenmann: Shifter says he quit the scene. Besides, you're still not signed up for Function and you've been promising since 2 years now.
added on the 2006-09-05 21:55:03 by Gargaj Gargaj
okay, first: sziller (or dax or scimatar or redor or sascha schaban or WHATEVER you prefer; ja, wir wissen wo du wohnst, und wenn du so weitermachst weiss deine mutter bald auch das wir es wissen), creating a new email addy and pouet account doesn't really cut it when you keep your signature stream of consciousness rambling and awful grammar. (oh, and the fact that you're the only one who's so completely neurotic about wz on pouet does play into it to).

now, for the serious part: (take a deep breath, pissed off rant coming up, and i'm going to throw in names just for the heck of it)

this has to stop. seriously, this kind of shit has to stop RIGHT NOW. to explain, a short history of the "beneficial to the demoscene community" (or atleast parts of it) projects i've been involved with:

actually, the first one is not really one of them; it's rg2, or "RauschGenerator 2", my first intro-tool'ish app, used for several intros (fr-013: flybye, fr-021: ein.schlag and fr-029: dopplerdefekt among them). this was never publicly released, but i once (around 2001) mentioned on an irc channel that i was thinking about releasing the source code sometime, after which i got queried and spammed by dylan/scoopex for (literally) months to give it to him; i tried being reasonable, after a time i got annoyed, somewhat later i just told him to fuck off, and when all that didn't work i just put him on permanent ignore (standing to this day).

then there's my involvement with mekka&symposium and later breakpoint in various organizer positions. i've been doing pc compos since 2002, the beam system for ms2001 to bp2003, and compo mainorganizing from bp2004 to 2006, all in all spending about 2 months worth of spare time working for the party each year (and once 1 week afterwards in the hospital when i got a nasty infection on the party).

since i started doing the pc compo part, i've been exposed to a *constant stream of bullshit* a few months prior to the party every year. don't get me wrong - there are the usual discussions about compo rules, which i'm perfectly fine with. but there are also guys like lator which just pick up "random topic of year" and start creating a big fucking flamewar around it. which would be no problem to ignore if it didn't attract and irritate "normal" party visitors each time. so you actually have to argue with those idiots, which is just too fucking frustrating for words (mainly because it's so pointless). and guys like that actually *wonder* why you don't like them?

plus, there's the usual after-party flaming. funny how everyone will start to flame on if anything goes even remotely wrong whereas most people won't find it remarkable if everything goes smooth; now that's not nearly so bad, because we do often get compliments from the people we really care about, so it's ok. but still, it's fucking annoying.

enough now with party organizing, on to other projects: let's get to kkrunchy next. i've started this around 2003 (from scratch, not based on upx, that was our previous packer) and made it available to sceners from the beginning; all you had to do was write me a mail and kindly ask for it. i didn't want it released publicly because i knew the upx authors had some major problems with people sueing them (or atleast trying to) because some trojans used upx - "your name is in the executable, it must be your fault". so i just allowed everyone to use it freely but please not pass it around.

yes, i know (and knew :) full well that it was bound to break sometime, but it was fun while it lasted. as many of you probably know, i publicly released kkrunchy about a week ago, after i discovered kkrunchy in several executable compression charts (hopelessly outdated version ofcourse) and freely lying around in the public webspace of a certain danish scener (just google for kkrunchy). way to go.

then there's werkkzeug1, which is particularly interesting since i'm not even involved in that project (apart from "donating" the kkrunchy version used for "make demo"). we released it for free so people which were interested in our generative stuff could toy around with it. we did say that we'd try and fix critical bugs in case they turned up, but certainly nothing about full-blown support (which we neither have time for nor are interested in; we all have jobs, other demoscene projects running and even, *gosh*, social lives). and we certainly NEVER announced that we were willing to release wz3 for free.

you know, .theprodukkt is a company; we do contract work. we have videos, demos and papers of some of the stuff we do, and if you're interested, you contact us and we negotiate the exact scope of the project and the pricing. several such projects are in the works right now and you'll never see most of them, because they're internal usage only for our clients. we are not a charity and we're most certainly not anyone's slaves.

enter some idiots (or, basically, just one using about 200 names) who demand that we spend our spare time solving their problems for free. and that we release and support our internal-usage tools, again for free. YEAH RIGHT.

let's see what it will be next time: people demanding that i fix kkapture because some bugs are hindering them in producing commercial videoclips from demos? the obligatory mail by pissed-off users (or their lawyers) because some trojan finally starts using kkrunchy? or something else?

am i the only one who thinks something's SERIOUSLY wrong here?
added on the 2006-09-05 22:12:09 by ryg ryg
so you won't fix the bugs ? :(
edit: hey this was a joke !
Wow, some people are really fucked up in the head.

Is it tricky/expensive to have a EULA saying " we can not be held responsible for the use or misuse of our software... " having a legal value and covering your ass world wide ?

Of course it won't prevent any idiot and his lawyer to threaten you but at least you could send him to hell with a pre-written mail pointing the EULA.
added on the 2006-09-05 22:34:46 by p01 p01
we the people ask for .kkrieger final!!!

added on the 2006-09-05 22:46:23 by Zest Zest
I love that email. It's so wonderfully "I have absolutely no goddamn clue about things and I'm going to wave my brain around on a stick and watch it flop about!"

Also: I wish to fund the devlopment of 'lamer detergent' that will allow us to wash away such items.

Oh wait, beer, never mind.

Wow, ryg got caught by a troll.

added on the 2006-09-05 23:39:56 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Ryg: should we now expect fr-52: .the .fukkings ? ;)
added on the 2006-09-05 23:51:09 by keops keops
keops, no, but my next tool - whatever it does - will be called "batchslap".
added on the 2006-09-06 00:06:43 by ryg ryg
Stelthz: Sad, that your best days are over. :/
I wish to fund the devlopment of 'lamer detergent' that will allow us to wash away such items

no need to start saving up; possible solution is on the way, just hold on for a while.
added on the 2006-09-06 00:22:35 by Gargaj Gargaj
roflmao @ madenmann's "farbr-auschwitz" .... my oh my.... to sziller: i didn't get a feckin' word you said.. english learn, you must.
added on the 2006-09-06 00:22:45 by Axel Axel
ps: ryg, regarding your long explanation: you're spot on. don't let them fool you.
added on the 2006-09-06 00:33:54 by Axel Axel
ryg: you're no fun :( I was looking forward to werkkzurich 5 so badly...
added on the 2006-09-06 00:37:22 by okkie okkie
MadenMann: WTF?
added on the 2006-09-06 00:53:50 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
