What is in your eyes the best drawn demoscene picture ever?
category: general [glöplog]

It's not that it was used in an IRIS demo - it's the GLOW that still amazes me to this day:

Zestimus: wow, that's the best pic I've seen! :D
Recreating reallity is not fun.
I've never had a demoscene picture drawn in my eyes :(
Me neither. But I eyes are too small for that anyway.
I second xernobyl oh so much. Make interesting pictures, instead of doing something some sleazy underpaid photographer does every week in the suburbs of Hollywood...
Painted in 1995 (!)

Magic you started the thread with the same pic :)
ahah magic, i sincerely like your *blind* love for demoscene :D
and i don't like when pixelled women look too much like known models or actresses.
and i don't like when pixelled women look too much like known models or actresses.
Plus, their tattoos look shitty!
Wade: in your tutorial you don't say how many hours/days you have spent on this eternal masterpiece, how many kg you've gained and how many gf and jobs you've lost :p
To Navis and others who are intersted: Better late than never, some background info on Bridgeclaw's picture originally titled "Three lines": "This is a portrait of my girfriend. I made this after a period with too much work wich lead to lack of art muse. The fact that we had a 2-year anniversary helped me back on track. Yayzor! Painted during quite a few short evenings using Photoshop with a Wacom tablet. Reference used. Painted november 2006. Original size is 3637 x 5241 pixels."
Quite often, Bridgeclaw tells his Swiss girlfriend Tascha (who is a gifted painter herself) to pose in a certain way, then he sketches that (or makes a photo and sketches it later). So yeah, he is using references a lot of times (for example for cloth, IIRC), but then draws it all from scratch. Both of them have repeatedly been accused of overpainting (most likely by jealous other painters), which hurts, particularly when the "proofs" underlying the accusations are proven to be fake.
However, all of this has lost importance these days, ever since Tascha was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) last year.
Quite often, Bridgeclaw tells his Swiss girlfriend Tascha (who is a gifted painter herself) to pose in a certain way, then he sketches that (or makes a photo and sketches it later). So yeah, he is using references a lot of times (for example for cloth, IIRC), but then draws it all from scratch. Both of them have repeatedly been accused of overpainting (most likely by jealous other painters), which hurts, particularly when the "proofs" underlying the accusations are proven to be fake.
However, all of this has lost importance these days, ever since Tascha was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) last year.
and in related news, I'm surprised no one ever mentioned a pic by Uno, Mack, Walt or Hof.
and in related news, I'm surprised no one ever mentioned a pic by Uno...
Look again (Arch) ;)
oops, sorry.
Good pick too, right Axel? :)
I might be biased on that one. But another one I loved from him was a picture with a dragon lying in he sand. Can't remember which production it was from.
Nova/Equinox is quite good too !
Axel: maybe in these ones ?
aaaah yes the top-left one in both screenshots. I think that's my favourite Uno-pic. It's so friggin perfect.
guys don't forget X-Man, the author of GraFX2 :

even if the first one looks inspired by liv tyler (but who wouldn't be inspired by liv tyler in 1996 stealing beauty...) and the 2nd by a random porn pic, the final results were stunning!