
Capped - Flash Video for Demos

category: general [glöplog]
lazy-san: Try clearing cache and all, it shouldn't be trying to get the video from capped.micksam7.com anymore. If it still doesn't work, tell me what video you're trying to watch [or if it happens on all videos]. Browser/Flash Version/Location would help too.
added on the 2008-07-05 10:53:49 by micksam7 micksam7
I'm located in germany, cache is cleared, i click the first video (this), the player opens with screenshot and title, i press play and that's about it (waiting for capped.micksam7.com).
Same procedures with all other videos (tried randomly).
added on the 2008-07-05 11:09:32 by hfr hfr
I did a quick few changes, but I don't think they'll help much. Let me know if it works now, though.

If not, can you see about getting the following:
Browser Version
Flash Version
CDN Node [do 'nslookup http.cdnlayer.com' in commandline and copy the Name: line]


And is anyone else having issues?
added on the 2008-07-05 11:32:34 by micksam7 micksam7
micksam: I'm having the exact same problem (hanging while trying to retrieve from capped.micksam7.com). Cache has been cleared.
I'm 99% sure it has nothing to do with browser, but anyway...

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ja; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061015 Firefox/3.0
Flash version: LNX 9,0,124,0
minase@yuki:~$ host http.cdnlayer.com
http.cdnlayer.com is an alias for softlayer.http.internapcdn.net.
softlayer.http.internapcdn.net is an alias for http.ams002.internap.com.
http.ams002.internap.com is an alias for cdce.ams002.internap.com.
cdce.ams002.internap.com has address
added on the 2008-07-05 12:07:58 by nagato^ nagato^
now it works! :)
CDN Node is cdce.ams002.internap.com
added on the 2008-07-05 12:11:20 by hfr hfr
I'm guessing some of the CDN nodes take a little longer to sync up then they said they would... Well, then again, I guess 40 GBs of content would take a while to transfer. ;p I'll get a fall-back into the player code later today for those cases.
added on the 2008-07-05 12:24:11 by micksam7 micksam7
Blah Blah

- New videos uploaded will have 'fancy' url names based on title/author of video instead of a bunch of numbers. I really don't know if this'll do any good, but apparently it's all the rage now-a-days. ;P
- User Pages so you can see what people have uploaded. Just click on their name or something on one of the listing pages.
- A few player changes
- 25% more arrows - Graphics updated a bit.

Lots more soon, maybe.

added on the 2008-07-11 13:46:09 by micksam7 micksam7
I've found a bug! Embedded players have relative paths, not absolute, so FLV downloads fail... :(
added on the 2008-07-12 14:41:25 by rc55 rc55

And also put back CDN support, accidently left in some old code last upload.
added on the 2008-07-12 14:50:05 by micksam7 micksam7
Thanks :D
added on the 2008-07-12 15:09:17 by rc55 rc55
A couple of things:

- RSS feeds don't work here (firefox3/win32)
- Could you do an RSS feed that provides FLV download links for podcasty types?

Brilliant work so far :D
added on the 2008-07-14 15:55:29 by rc55 rc55
What's the difference between capped.tv and demoscene.tv?
added on the 2008-07-14 16:45:11 by mrdoob mrdoob
RSS feed fixed, wasn't encoding entities right [wheee..]
Also, added the enclosure tag to the rss feed, so it should work as a podcast-type feed as well. ;p If that's not good enough, check the capped: custom tags inside the feed, which include all the details you'll need.

trace: No difference really, just two sites doing the same thing. Maybe we should work together instead of independently, but meh. ;p
added on the 2008-07-14 22:40:05 by micksam7 micksam7
In the latest Amiga caps (Datablade, Deus ex machina and Fake Electronik lightshow), there's some lags in the capped fruit which are not in the original fruit. The video freeze for a very short time while the audio keep playing, that's a little bit disturbing. This can be seen especially when the demo change from one scene to another (lot of change on the screen).
I've tried with Opera9.51 and Firefox2 on XP SP2, updated with the latest flash player (9,0,124,0 installed), the problem remain.

I'm a total noobs at video encoding stuff, but can this be related to the bitrate while juicing? (I've left to the normal bitrate, maybe it's not enough?). My avi or laptop may just sucks?
The .avi files used are still available online if needed.

On a side note, the site display the SceneId instead of the user's nickname too.

Anyway, great stuff there! Keep it up! :)
Grimmy - I don't quite see what you're talking about, it might just be frame rate conversion issues in flash. [Since it's converting 50 fps to 60 or whatever your monitor is] Or it might be your pc having issues decoding the video [h.264, the codec capped uses, is very cpu-heavy].

I'll check out your vids and see if it's a issue on my side though. [It has nothing to do with bitrate, so no worries there.]

As for the nicknames on capped, I'll see about changing that soon. ;P The database isn't really setup to support dynamic nicknames [since you can change your nickname on sceneid], but I need to rework the database anyway, so I'll get that fixed soon.

Also, thanks for giving me a reason to remove the fruitiness from the upload page. ;P Was interesting reading your post this morning.
added on the 2008-07-18 17:15:52 by micksam7 micksam7
I was told drinking fruit juice every morning is healthy... :)
micksam7: There seems to be something weird in the encoding of this: http://www.capped.tv/playeralt.php?vid=portal_process_tbc-nucleophile - I get very jerky framerates, almost like the machine can't play it back (which is nonsense :)
added on the 2008-08-02 21:05:25 by gloom gloom
Well h.264 is a very cpu-heavy codec... :)

The video plays fine here except for the last few seconds, which it drops down to 5 fps.

I'll go ahead and send it through a re-encode. In about half a hour or so, dump your cache and try it again.
added on the 2008-08-02 21:16:46 by micksam7 micksam7

- "Auto-detect" option on the Quality selector.
- Encoding is now a bit faster.
- Screen shots are automagically generated if none supplied.
- Changes in mp4 uploads, will try and re-package content to proper mp4. Should fix some incompatabilities.

And that's it. I'm still working on a site revamp. Won't change much graphically, just bring things more in line so new features can be added easily [right now my production code is a huge mess. :) This revamp just cleans it up].

added on the 2008-08-30 15:05:01 by micksam7 micksam7
"Pouet is not your personal changelog"

- "Auto-detect" option has been tweaked to produce -much- better results of the output file.
- Videos previously encoded with "Auto-detect" are going through the encoder a second time with the new changes. Expect that to be done within a hour or so.
- CDN is now constantly on except during heavy heavy load.

And capped backend rehaul status: Eh, been busy with college crud so most of my recent projects are on pause. The encoder however is running the rehauled code, but that's about it.

added on the 2008-10-03 21:56:10 by micksam7 micksam7
"Because I need cash for server payments"

- More and more adjustments to the encoder. Now leans much heavier on quality for low-motion videos.
- Fixed issue with encoder's auto-detect using the lowest bitrate setting [500kbit] if it wasn't able to read the video length.
- Donate box is up for a bit
- Some experimental support for Theora - Works in Mimefield [Firefox Alpha/Beta]
- View counter updated a while ago to show actual downloads, no longer ip-filtered. [120k+!]
- Other internal DB updater changes.
- Player updated to JW SWF Player 3.16 [Won't be doing v4 for a bit]
- Player's video info loader now a bit more flexible
- h.264/acc files now actually use .mp4 instead of .flv [no need to rename them if you download them]

Annnnd, that's all there will be for a bit. Any bugs, post here; any other things, post here.
added on the 2008-11-19 09:34:32 by micksam7 micksam7
Alrighty, due to some funding issues, I'm no longer able to keep my global CDN account with Internap. Main server [Seattle, Washington, USA] will stick around for a while though, since it's funded by a third party.

So, video streaming will be a tad slow till I find a mirror in europe.

So, anyone want to mirror? :)

10 GBs of mp4 files, forever growing, and currently about 400 GBs bandwidth/month. [Though it's been up to 1500 before for some releases] Low-quality flvs for older players will remain on my own server.

Anyone, anyone? :) I actually have a load-balencing and GeoIP system setup, can easily take more than one server.
added on the 2008-11-25 23:25:06 by micksam7 micksam7

- Fixed cacheing issue with mp4 videos. No longer do you come back and realize it has to redownload the video again.

Annnd that's about all there is. Still looking for someone to mirror in europe. [See above post]
added on the 2009-02-24 06:39:43 by micksam7 micksam7
I'm looking at upping the max video width to 1024 for HDish videos [which is already supported for mp4 uploads]. Anyone think I should continue? Perhaps provide lower-width videos along with them? Or go a little higher?
added on the 2009-02-24 06:42:50 by micksam7 micksam7
Well, for me at home I don't have the bandwith for `realtime' streaming HD anyway, so I have to wait for the laoding to be complete.
added on the 2009-02-24 07:19:34 by numtek numtek
