Breakpoint 2013
category: general [glöplog]
if we make it this far, the world hasn't ended and its a stupid thread
if we don't, it'll be a strangely poignant stupid thread
for 10:00 in the morning it isn't too bad
if we don't, it'll be a strangely poignant stupid thread
for 10:00 in the morning it isn't too bad
damn, I actually laughed
yeah i lol'ed the world stops in 2012 because that is what a bunch of treehugging indians in houses made from dong and straw, and whom's primary technological advancement was clay pots, says. Or rather that is what treehugging white hippies interpretate what they left on those same (cracked) pots!
Im not buying a protection room over that, i'll tell you that much :D
Im not buying a protection room over that, i'll tell you that much :D
Don't you know? The entire world will end when a certain numerical order humans have created will end a certain cycle!
The logic, it's everywhere!
The logic, it's everywhere!
eeblis: the mayas were quite fond of dong and straw and cutting out people's hearts. they were also skilled astronomers, especially for those days. they actually could calculate the earth year (and venus year) with an error of less than an hour.
on the other hand, their long count calender seems a bit random. allow me to illustrate:
maya based their count on base 20 (10 fingers, 10 toes) + some number 18 shit to make 18*20 = 360 (close to a year). i think they used either 5 or 7 positions in their longcount calendar. the 5 position one was supposed to end in 2012. or, well, "cycle" around. like a scroller, basically.
but let's say i want my own calendar. for instance, one might think highly of dolphins.. cos they are the second most intelligent species on the planet, ask adok! and they can communicate with cats via telepathy. a bottle nosed dolphin has 88 teeth, which is the basis for my counting system. and a cat has 5 paws on a toe. and let's say i use 3 positions in my calendar, which makes 88^3 days + 1 position for the cat = 88^3 * 5 = 9329 years. my civilisation started counting in 7313 BC. that's early, yeah, because my people are the elite (if you swap the digits in 7313 you get 1337, what's that spell, huh huh?). my civilisation will end in 2016 AD (or 2017, because year 0 didn't exist, what the hell). in any case, that's still enough time for Breakpoint 2013 and even STNICCC2015, hurrah! all is not lost!!
on the other hand, their long count calender seems a bit random. allow me to illustrate:
maya based their count on base 20 (10 fingers, 10 toes) + some number 18 shit to make 18*20 = 360 (close to a year). i think they used either 5 or 7 positions in their longcount calendar. the 5 position one was supposed to end in 2012. or, well, "cycle" around. like a scroller, basically.
but let's say i want my own calendar. for instance, one might think highly of dolphins.. cos they are the second most intelligent species on the planet, ask adok! and they can communicate with cats via telepathy. a bottle nosed dolphin has 88 teeth, which is the basis for my counting system. and a cat has 5 paws on a toe. and let's say i use 3 positions in my calendar, which makes 88^3 days + 1 position for the cat = 88^3 * 5 = 9329 years. my civilisation started counting in 7313 BC. that's early, yeah, because my people are the elite (if you swap the digits in 7313 you get 1337, what's that spell, huh huh?). my civilisation will end in 2016 AD (or 2017, because year 0 didn't exist, what the hell). in any case, that's still enough time for Breakpoint 2013 and even STNICCC2015, hurrah! all is not lost!!
earx, can i be part of your civilisation? it looks fun!
Year Zero does exist. I has evident!

Yes, yes, but... is it going to be on Easter weekend? I know it's always on Easter weekend, but I need official confirmation from the organisers because I have to book airline tickets RIGHT NOW! And also I need to know what the ticket prices will be, and whether girls will get in for free because otherwise I won't bring my girlfriend because I'm going to be starting a new job that month and I won't have any money. Fucking lame organisers, leaving all the details to the last minute. Will the Amiga compos accept PPC entries btw? kthxbye
You forgot to mention that you're moving house that weekend also ;)