Random planned thread
category: general [glöplog]
i was going to post this ages ago
wait...i didn´t plan to post here ;)
i typed "random plan" into Google Image and this popped up...

...the meaning can turn you insane, if you think about it too much. :(

...the meaning can turn you insane, if you think about it too much. :(
now that you did this to me i have to say sth no1 mentioned so far:
WELCOME TO ALL AUSSIES ! you found back and we appreciate it :)
i´ll maybe buy some house on your continent soon, if there´ll be sth payable close to the coast ;)
DEMOskene forever ;)
WELCOME TO ALL AUSSIES ! you found back and we appreciate it :)
i´ll maybe buy some house on your continent soon, if there´ll be sth payable close to the coast ;)
DEMOskene forever ;)
i has been rumoured that aussie men leave for england when they reach their mid twenties and spend a government endorsed year showing how well they handle their beer by shouting during jazz gigs
i´m fizzled between england and australia´ swell....
yo dawg i heard you like plans so i put my random into your plan so you can enjoy random random while you plan your threads
yo dawg i heard you like to hear my plans so...