things you must eat before you diet!
category: general [glöplog]

what chemicals from your lab did you sniff this time? :P

Don't drink the Draino numbnuts!

This stuff is haloumi. It's a kind of grillable cheese, sort of a cross between feta and mozzarella. Sinfully tasty stuff.

ischtsch mir wurschtsch

If any of you (that doesnt live here) go to copenhagen. Try and have one of their BUGGI dobbelt bacon cheese burger. That is 600gr meat, with bacon and much chese on top, put in a bun with the diameter of a toiletseat. I'm not exactly a lightweight, but I have never managed to eat more than half of it.
I guess there are no photos to be found of it because it is that grotesque.
I guess there are no photos to be found of it because it is that grotesque.
k-bird: goddamn that looks perfect! Comes right onto my todolist!
Speaking of cheese you can never be wrong with

Speaking of cheese you can never be wrong with


you know it had to KOME at some point:
maybe you want to eat the CUM instead ;)

Patatje oorlog!
Rob: What is that? It looks interesting. :)
It's fries with mayonnaise, satay sauce and little bits of onions.
Patat = fries, oorlog = war. I don't know why they call it that actually :)
Patat = fries, oorlog = war. I don't know why they call it that actually :)