
Paris bar meeting!

category: parties [glöplog]
P'tit joueur. Ca sent la prod pas finie ça.
thanks for all the people who were at the meeting!
greetings to accession and fuckings to lamers
added on the 2010-10-01 02:48:37 by nosfe nosfe
We are waiting for you :) all is almost in place ...
added on the 2010-10-01 03:36:03 by _H2o_ _H2o_
see you soon :)
added on the 2010-10-01 09:00:17 by nosfe nosfe
Hey nosfe, it's a nice thing we finally met (like, shaked hands and talked...). Enjoy the MAIN party and thank you again for the salmiakki!
my head... my head........
added on the 2010-10-01 12:38:29 by sim sim
heh that's what I was saying this morning :)
added on the 2010-10-01 14:25:56 by _-_-__ _-_-__
luckily i was able to sleep most of the hangover away during the traintrip. :)
added on the 2010-10-01 14:42:32 by nosfe nosfe
Nicolas, I told you not to drink that much... it's always the same thing with you, after the 4th beer, you can't control yourself :)

@nosfe&sim: where did you head after we left?
On the rue de Charenton we found a quite OKish pub and we had a couple of Grimbergens... But that was not over yet since at my place we had sth too...
So, all in all after 3am we went to sleep.
added on the 2010-10-01 15:33:02 by sim sim
bien joué les gars :)
Dis cela à ma pauvre tête, mec... =/...
added on the 2010-10-01 16:37:59 by sim sim
mm I have a problem after the sqrt(-1)th beer actually
added on the 2010-10-01 16:54:56 by _-_-__ _-_-__
On remet ça ?
People, let's do it again?
added on the 2010-11-05 13:47:38 by Zavie Zavie
BB Image
added on the 2010-11-05 13:53:36 by trc_wm trc_wm
Zavie>t'as lu dans mes pensées, jsuis en train de rédiger le topic !
added on the 2010-11-05 14:29:59 by wullon wullon
Bien sur let's do it again!
Ca vous dit une sortie bowling ?
added on the 2010-11-05 14:37:00 by sim sim
Pas fada de bowling, je dirais la même chose même endroit... ça me convenait plutôt bien l'autre fois!
Pour que les autres puissent le lire aussi...
added on the 2010-11-09 09:56:34 by sim sim
Bon je pense tenter le mercredi parce que sinon je vais encore passé la semaine sans boire et VOUS NE VOULEZ PAS CELA... ah j'oubliais que j'étais de mariage le mardi de toute façon xD
Puinaise, t'as franchement soif mon pote, hehe.
Il nous faut trouver une sale de bowling-BAR.
added on the 2010-11-09 14:36:47 by sim sim
genre tu bois pas au mariage :)
added on the 2010-11-09 15:56:03 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Hey ho, témoin quoi...
