Pap information 89 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Martin
- last name: Raack
contributions to prods 11 prods (581 thumbs up, 16 thumbs down) [show all]
- 64k Windows Naumachia Insianis by Brain Control [web] [Code]
- 64k Windows Aten Hotep by Brain Control [web] [Code, graphics]
- 64k Windows Turtles all the way down by Brain Control [web] [Code, graphics]
- 64k Windows Train Control by Brain Control [web] [Code, Graphics]
- 64k
Transplant by Brain Control [web] & Still [web] [Code, Graphics]
- 64k Windows Pandora by Brain Control [web] [Code, graphics]
- 96k game Windows Cavern Klämrisk by Brain Control [web] & John Trapolka Memorial Krew [code]
- 96k game Windows Carstryker by Codemonkz [web] & John Trapolka Memorial Krew [Code]
- 96k game Windows B-Clopd 3D by John Trapolka Memorial Krew & Creative Mind [code, gfx]
- 32k game MS-Dos B-Clopd by John Trapolka Memorial Krew [code]
prods added 9 x 2 = 18 glöps [show]
groups added 2 glöps [show]
screenshots added 9 glöps [show]
nfos added 3 glöps [show]
requests made 6 requests, 3 glöps
oneliners posted 2 oneliners [show]
bbs topics opened 1 topics [show]
bbs posts 23 posts [show]
account created on the 2001-11-09 15:12:58