meCh\bps information 67 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Genowefa
- last name: Panzerfaust
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Arise by Stravaganza [web]
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- eskimowhatever: if you don't have something useful to say, shut the fuck up. becouse of guys like you there are moaning voices about scene's death and clueless.
- isokadded on the 2004-08-12 19:32:50
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- demoscene is about a _realtime animations_ don't you get it? i give it up, talking to you is like speaking to the blind and deaf wall (sorry goes to all the walls i know)
constrictive criticism is included in most of our posts (forgetting about some 'you fuck' voices).
there are thousands of tutorials for coding, bilions of free tools for free code... and where's the clue? just bother to check google for blender,the gimp and devc++.
The fact that anims aren't realtime is another point. Well do you know that in
2006 video cards on the market will be able to make realtime raytracing ? What I
want to show with this is that hardware is changing all the times and when it
comes to watch an old prod on a brand computer comes a lot of problems and
finally the result isn't here as often 5 years or older prods seems not at all
great, but simply obsolete stuff. For archival purposes and scene preservation,
it could be great, this is an idea, to video convert stuff so guys in 20 years
will be able to show what you've done and this will be more than easy that to
emulate old hardware. This is my point, this is an argument.
You contradict yourself. If in few years todays animations would be done in realtime, so why doing animations?
You will _always_ find someone with an old hardware or at least would be able to use emulator to do .avis of old demos. Anyway, the classic ones are actually stored in .avi files for archivization, so another time - wtf? - isokadded on the 2004-08-12 19:30:01
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- Quote:
And dark is for me (for you too, not ?) the color of death and death is not creativity, death if the end of all activity.
Philosopher-wannabe bullshit. That kind of crappy talk is allowed for ancient geniouses like Aristotele, but not for you. Modern philisophy is about solving problems, not producing them.
I thought i would not write in this topic anymore, but now noticed i lack some mental powers to do that.
I'm far from calling someone, even ep an idiot only since his foolish theories. Back in days i was the same, as i called myself 'revolutionist of demoscene' with a mission. Your major problem is lack of basic practial knowledge about demoscene. Not to be ungrounded and to but it briefly - your ideas may be good, but there's one thing you didn't notice - changing those things will make a scene like someone called 'just an another internet community', not a scene.
You may say - are the disadvantages priveleged only becouse they are the main 'source' of something? No, but just think another time. You noticed the theory or relativity - and you might use it now. Don't you think something you find bad would not be same ugly for others? Haven't you thought some of us like to be drunk and produce coded realtime productions, even though they recoil some troubles? No one forces you to stay with us, sceners. If you cannot accept the way we are just for your own interest leave us.
That's like making robot-dogs. They does not make such a problem like living ones, but without them we have no real fun of training them. Then ask yourself - why?
Then another think. Personally, i think that alcohol is not a good think but I accept some sceners to drink huge amounts of it, only owing to the fact I don't really care about them. If you hate something - just leave it. Drinking is not the main topic of the scene, no one would care about it if you were making great productions.
And yes - scene is about productions and the quality of them. Change the scene by _material_ things, not a crappy talk. If you want make wild demos only, just WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU DOING THEM? Or i haven't heared about them at least...
- isokadded on the 2004-08-12 19:07:15
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- Adok said:
Quote:The basic feature of democracy is freedom of opinion, and it's one of the layers which our civilized society is based on.
And adok said:
Quote:Q: What do Jacques Chirac and dipswitch have in common?
A: Both of them are selfimportant pygmies!
Last words from me. It does not need any comment, but i will bother writing something for braindeads. There is a freedom of speach, but as you know not _every_ speach is acceptable, even in democratic world as you describe it. The words of 'selfimportant pygmy' are so called insults and may be treaten as misdemeanor.
- isokadded on the 2004-08-11 15:02:05
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- Quote:And I totally second that statement. Let's give pain some additional kilobytes. At last it's finally some _real_ topic to talk about, not a insubstantial bullshit about saving the scene.
and i think i'll stop continuing this discussion here. expect an answer-article on EP in some diskmag somewhen.
- isokadded on the 2004-08-11 14:49:57
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- like:
Scener one: You're a selfimportant pygmie
Scener two: I do not agree with you.
Scener three: Hey, scener two stop throwing the mud! Help scener one instead of blaming him! - isokadded on the 2004-08-10 22:03:40
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- magic: then read what adok has written and think again WHO is throwing mud.
- isokadded on the 2004-08-10 21:58:34
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- anyway, i'm curious what will adok say about it all.
- isokadded on the 2004-08-10 20:51:38
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- dip, haven't you better released this comment, actually being an article in some magazine if you really care about them?
magic, criticism is allowed, whoever you are and whatever you did as far as it is at least a little bit constructive.
another flame war won't help anyone or make scene better. i blame the adok for starting another pointless and idless discussion. furthermore, i am sure he did it to annoy you and the best way is to ignore that actions. just prove you're better than him by ignoring his provocations.
most mature reaction is silence now. please do not continue this, war leads to nowhere. and no, i'm not a pacifist. - isokadded on the 2004-08-10 20:43:53
- diskmag Windows Hugi #29 - The Blue One by Hugi [web]
- adok, english please. i can say: kurna mac wypieprzaj ze swoimi niemieckimi tekstami and you won't understand that dude as well... but anyway - nice texts, horrible graphics. and some pathetic "how to save the scene" texts by unknown by their productions ppl.
- isokadded on the 2004-08-10 13:02:15
account created on the 2004-06-10 09:07:51