
TRSAC 2015

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added on the 2000-11-17 19:04:02 by Tex Tex
compo type prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
animation 7th wild Animation/Video Nyan.22 by DiSCiPLES OF SøREN PiND 0 0 2 -1.00
fast demo 15th wild Wild OH YEAH by DiSCiPLES OF SøREN PiND 0 2 2 -0.50
animation 2nd wild Animation/Video Gods of Dance by 5711 [web] 15 0 0 1.00
animation 1st wild Animation/Video oh lord by Moods Plateau [web] 17 3 0 0.85
report Animation/Video TRSAC 2015 video report by Moods Plateau [web] 2 2 0 0.50
wild demo 1st 96k musicdisk Amiga OCS/ECS Chiperia Gerp Edition by The Chiperia Project 26 0 0 1.00
pc demo 6th demo invitation Windows TMDC 18 Invitation by Northern Dragons [web] & Bawlz 13 8 0 0.62
animation 3rd invitation Animation/Video Invite You They Will by SceneSat [web] 1 1 0 0.50
pc 64k 3rd intro JavaScript Invade of Order - by Realms of SATAN by Realms of whatever 1 2 1 0.00
pc demo 4th demo JavaScript Dice 0 0 0 0.00
none n/a demo Amiga OCS/ECS QUINTESSENCE by Moods Plateau [web] 46 2 0 0.96
pc demo 6th demo Windows sosio caerooke 7 1 2 0.50
pc demo 2nd demo Windows Aarhus by Deluxe & Premium 87 3 0 0.97
pc demo 1st demo Windows Function Over Fame by Excess [web] 94 13 2 0.84
pc demo 3rd demo Windows pb07: piraatjes by Poo-Brain [web] 6 8 3 0.18
pc demo 5th demo Windows The unofficial, unofficial GABBER compo by Poo-Brain [web] 6 4 0 0.60
pc 64k 1st 64k Windows A+ by Inque [web] 66 6 0 0.92
amiga intro 2nd 64k Amiga OCS/ECS Fari Bars by Rift & Slipstream [web] 44 2 0 0.96
amiga intro 1st 64k Amiga OCS/ECS refocus by Pacific 36 5 0 0.88
pc 64k 2nd 8k Windows Psyltcipher by Loonies [web] & Loopit [web] 39 12 0 0.76
pc 4k 5th 4k Wild OH NO by DiSCiPLES OF SøREN PiND 2 2 0 0.50
amiga intro 3rd 4k Amiga AGA Faar K 10 by Loonies [web] 1 2 0 0.33
pc 4k 2nd 4k Windows Let it go! by Poo-Brain [web] 16 3 0 0.84
pc 4k 1st 4k Windows Hardcore Vibes by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web] 33 13 1 0.68
pc 4k 3rd 4k Windows I leave Tonight 6 5 2 0.31
pc 4k 4th 1k Windows Tracking by Onslaught [web] 30 4 1 0.83
pc 4k 6th 256b MS-Dos Creeds by BITS [web] 7 3 3 0.31