m8trix 8b
![]() |
popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #1284 |
added on the 2014-05-07 02:08:09 by HellMood ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2014-05-07 03:29:17 by T$ 

m8trix has you!
Great!! ÄŸ«GGëù!!
Also fun since dosbox, playing with CPU speed and cycles :)
Also fun since dosbox, playing with CPU speed and cycles :)
8 bytes? Wow!
I swear this is the last time I'll thumb up one of these silly assembler experiments.
Haha, cool for the size.
Would be 7 bytes, if it wouldn't be for the row jump. Also, dat les trick. :)
I like minimalism
Have to start thumbing up silly assembler experiments.
silly assembler experiments \:D/
for the size
c'est impossible
m8y assembler experiment! <3
the m8trix has your pc!
p.s. on my p-250mmx letters are brown and blinking :-\
p.s. on my p-250mmx letters are brown and blinking :-\
Matrix fx is indeed a "classic".
best content/size ratio ever
8b? :)
8 bytes well spent. :)
gr8! :)
Awesome :)
let me reduce size: change to inc di on cmpsw - 7bytes ;)
HellMood, yes, I use MS-DOS 7.10
Great size coding madness !!
let me reduce size: change to inc di on cmpsw - 7bytes ;)
added on the 2014-05-08 08:45:49 by g0blinish g0blinish
Not sure cmpsw instruction reduces the size because it will affect the flags register hence the green color scheme used and more importantly will scramble the on-purposely misaligned opcode "sbb al,9fh" loop start because si+=2.
let me reduce size: change to inc di on cmpsw - 7bytes ;)
added on the 2014-05-08 08:45:49 by g0blinish g0blinish
Not sure cmpsw instruction reduces the size because it will affect the flags register hence the green color scheme used and more importantly will scramble the on-purposely misaligned opcode "sbb al,9fh" loop start because si+=2.
Disregard second remark, but first one stands because load status flags in ah (the attribute color) will then be affected by the result of the cmpsw instruction since nor jmp nor les affect flags.
how the fuck did you even get the "woman in red" in there? - oh, wait, maybe that last pill...which color was it again?
Haha, great :)
Yes, picture very differs. No chance to use stosd ;P
Wrong category. Should be

Balls to the walls amazing again.
I'm not an asm coder or familiar with demos like this at all, but that alignment trick blew my mind. Took me a bit to understand sorta what was going on and I still don't totally understand it. Awesome cool.
gr8! Simply gr8!
Wow :)
I... wat?!1
just looked at the code, and... that's strictly awesome.
Hahaha, nice. :)
Ohh, I love the SBB AL, 9F trick!!
It's all a brilliant succession of ""coincidences"". The fact that the DOS program prefix has the 9FFFF right after the INT 20, where 9FFF is les than 65536 bytes away from the text mode VGA screen buffer location B800, that CH is 00 and the flags are 02FF (02 move to AH) which are the black and green color indices in VGA for the alternating text columns...
And again, that half_LES+LAHF becoming SBB AL, 9F. Lovely!
It's all a brilliant succession of ""coincidences"". The fact that the DOS program prefix has the 9FFFF right after the INT 20, where 9FFF is les than 65536 bytes away from the text mode VGA screen buffer location B800, that CH is 00 and the flags are 02FF (02 move to AH) which are the black and green color indices in VGA for the alternating text columns...
And again, that half_LES+LAHF becoming SBB AL, 9F. Lovely!
Smart. I don't think the 32 byte category does this justice.
Nice for 8 bytes :)
EightB? Wow.
Amazing !
matrix has your ms-dos
8 bytes.... seriously.
nice! can you make it in 4b?
the best 8b intro :p
haha nice! Best 8b for sure!
Nice little Matrix effect on MS-DOS
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