It's that time of the year again by New Beat [web]
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popularity : 66% |
alltime top: #1603 |
added on the 2020-07-05 02:15:11 by Daniel ![]() |
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lovely, smooth and hi-res!
rulez added on the 2020-07-05 02:20:19 by wysiwtf 

Probably the first Hires demo from beginning to end!
Good use of Blitter, heavy task in 8 bitplanes 640x480 60Hz ;-)
Design and sync is always nice with New Beat and I like this funny Fish :D
Good use of Blitter, heavy task in 8 bitplanes 640x480 60Hz ;-)
Design and sync is always nice with New Beat and I like this funny Fish :D
Fantastic, I love the music and the design.
this is great!
Lovely New Beat! Thanks so much for this! Great feel and flow!
Quite lovely thing, typical (= sweet and nice) malmen tune.
lovely design, stellar music!
So damn crisp and clear! I was admittedly hoping for some killer precalc effect after the fish, but I'm not complaining. This is fresh as a gentle sea breeze on a hot Swedish summer day. Thanks guys, and stay awesome!
Nice little Falcon fish picture, scroller and Malmen tune and hopefully it will be back in Grådö next year
awesome overall, we love new beat too! ;)
Cool music and nice highres
Small pixels! Smooth pixels! Designed Pixels!
Smooth and beatiful
Another slick Newbeat prod!
Hi res gives it a really nice touch!
I love the cheesy boy band chip pop!
LOVEly again from New Beat! :)
It looks very nice in that resolution.
New beat quality!
Very nice demo
This was great, the mood just just right, top tune too :)
Great stuff! Keep it coming please! Can't wait to check it out on real hardware once the Falcon is back from repair.
Another great prod from New Beat, congratulations!
Nice little demo and in hires! Keep up the good work!
super smooth curves and cool feelz!! awesome!
Lovely, silky smooth.
Nice one!
Nice work from New Beat and slick presentation.
Looking forward to more on the new 640 x 480 frontier.
Looking forward to more on the new 640 x 480 frontier.
THAT´s Sommarhack!
Good vibes again! Love these latest new beat releases!
Standard falcon demo immediatly deserves a thumb up. A new beat demos deserves one too. So 2 thumbs up for you guys. Thanks for this refreshing demo.
Lovely demo with great logo!
Nice!! Music and design rox!
great style!
Love the bouncy feel good factor! Just what we need in these dark subdued times.
lovely feeling! cheered me up :) and nice to see demo in hi-res on std Falcon machine :) <3
love it
Very cool summer vibe demo !
Very nice demo and enjoyable to watch (sorry for the slighlty badrendering under Hatari, but apart from the left border, it's not that far from the real HW :) )
Crisp visuals in 640x480. That must have been a lot of pain to get running smooth! Nice uplifting design and track
Great work!
Some nice hires action and I just love that tune!
Four years in a row at Sommarhack. Eagerly awaiting the fifth :) Great prod once again!
Really nice design and great tune, very pleasant to watch, thank you.
That was as smooth as can be!
Not bad. :)
Good to see a stock falcon demo ! Especially in high Res 😁 well designed with nice music & lovely gfx. Good work New Beat !!
Perfect in all aspects, high res 50 fps, code, gfx and especially the music!
I've Hoped to see high res Glenz, but maybe i have to wait for a year for that one :)
I've Hoped to see high res Glenz, but maybe i have to wait for a year for that one :)
Love the demo guys!
NewBeat to the TOP !!!
Not much to dislike in that one: Great style, great execution, sounds good, looks sharp :)
Very slick, great tune
Great uplifting tune and I liked the idea the groupname on the cube ^^
Great tune! Very nice.
great tune and smooth rest :)
Smooth vibes and a lovely fish!
There's not much I can add, I love this :)
A bit short, but nice
Beautiful. Really.
Thanks for showing us once again what an Atari Falcon 030 is capable of, this time in hires !
Smart ! I love the design !! Congrats !
Yayayay great vibes, design and talent
Lovely look and feel of this entire production! Audio/Video sync is impeccable, as with every NewBeat release. Thoroughly enjoyable!
Slick presentation. Good transitions. A/V timing incredible. Must have on any Falcon030 hard drive.
Nice, really clean.
Lovely demo with great visualisation to one of the best songs malmen ever did! - Like it very much and look forward to new demos of New Beat! Keep on going! :-)
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