
99er by Evoflash [web]

          ____________       .______          :_________________
  ....... \          /       :      \. _______:                / .......
  :     :  \_   ____/___.    |       |/       |      ._      _/  :     :
  ::    :   |           |____|       |        |      |/      |   :    ::
  :::...:...|    _______|    |       |        |      |       |...:...:::
        :   |           .    |       .        |      .       |   :
        :   |                |                |           .  |   :
        :   |___             |___             |___        .  |   :
        .      /_____:_______|  /____________/   /________:__|   .
 _______:____________:         __________  .  ________    :______:_________
 \             /     |      ._/          \_:_/       /    |      |        /
  \_      ____/___.  |      :      .       |    ____/_____:      |      _/
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   |      ._______|  /      |      !       |______        |     _       |
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   |         |              |      |       |    .         |    /        |
   |___      |___           |___   |       |___           |___/         |
   bHe/______|  /___________|  /___|_______|  /___________|  /__________|
      .                                                             .
      :                In their third year of bloom                 :
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      |             : :: :::  E V O F L A S H  ::: :: :             |
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      |                                                             |
      |                          presents                           |
      !                                                             |
      :                                                             |
 . ...:... .                   99er / Flash                    . ...:... .
      |                                                             .
      |                                                             :
      !       -+- entry to the real wild compo at asm08 -+-         |
      .                                                             |
      :                                                             |
      |                          credits                            :
      |                                                             .
      |              Jalava .................... code               | 
      |              jac ....................... code               | 
      |              Parker .................... code               |
      |              minomus .................. music               | 
      |              bOhEmE ..................... gfx               |
      |                                                             |
      :                                                             |
      .     Note: This production runs best on Flash Player 10      |
      .     but also works pretty well on latest Flash Player 9     |
      |                                                             |
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      |                 Ps. Silverlight still sucks                 |
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 . ...|.......                                               .......|... .
      |      :         ::.   evo.bombsquad.org   .::         :      |
      |      :         .                           .         :      |
      .  : ::|_________:          .:::::.          :_________|:: :  .
              : :: ::::|__________:_____:__________|:::: :: :
                       .          :     :         .