
Build your own fridgetainment system by Darklite [web]

    .___             __   .__  .__  __          
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 2011\/     \/           \/.www.darklite.org.\/ 
Wilddemo: "Build your own fridgetainment system"
Released at: Solskogen 2011                     
Planning/construction/videoedit/music: Response 
Planning/construction: O.F                      
Plannlig/construction: Spexzter                 
Planning/additional ideas: Punkture             
Planning/additional ideas: tft                  
Music: Dj-fesse                                 
And a special thanx to Ziphoid/Scenesat for     
providing us with the most kickass music we     
could include on the "onboard" player :)        
Visit us at www.darklite.org / post@darklite.org
Growing old is mandatory; Growing up is optional