
Prodigy by Blabla [web]

║ BlaBla Info File, V1.2  04/98║             ║ HTTP://www.citeweb.net/blabla ║
╠══════════════════════════════╝             ╚═══════════════════════════════╣
║                                                                            ║
║ CoDe : CyG                                                                 ║
║ 3D MoDeliZaTioNs & Textures : DaRWiN                                       ║
║ Zik : LuCiFeR                                                              ║
║ ArtWork : DiNeS                                                            ║
║ LTP-Logo : Sacrilège                                                       ║
║                                                                            ║
║ We are all from #DEMOFR, the french-demoscene IRC channel (your welcome !) ║
║ Cyg&Darwin are members of ARF STUDIOS!, see the ARFSTUDI.TXT               ║
║                                                                            ║
║ You need to run this new prod:                                             ║
║       _ 486 dx2/66 or better,                                              ║
║       _ 16 Mb                                                              ║
║       _ a video card (better with a vesa driver)                           ║
║       _ a sound card or not ! (SB,GUS we use both cards !)                 ║
║       _ 2Mb of HD space                                                    ║
║                                                                            ║
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║ Demo story ║                                                               ║
╠════════════╝                                                               ║
║ This demo just for fun, we said Why Not doing something in a Prodigy state ║
║ of mind (but what does it really mean ?)                                   ║
║ Very cool tune from Lucifer, in a Prodigy state of mind !                  ║
║ Super cool graph from Dines, for his first (not last!) cooperation with us.║
║ And Darwin put his Prodigy state of mind in designing the 3d objets !      ║
║ It took me few days to code all the 2D Prodigy effects (really lazy        ║
║ compared with the months it took me to realize the 3d code).               ║
║                                                                            ║
╠══════════════════╗                                                         ║
║ BlaBla 3D Engine ║                                                         ║
╠══════════════════╝                                                         ║
║ The 3d engine is about 35000 lines of code, 100% ASM (only 30000 used for  ║
║ the demo).                                                                 ║
║ It properly works with a 486 dx2/66, 16 Mb, Vesa video card recommended.   ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Most of the lines are dedicated to the final rendering process (textures). ║
║ A lot of effects are available:                                            ║
║       texture mapping,                                                     ║
║       environment mapping,                                                 ║
║       corrected/perspective texture mapping (not in the intro),            ║
║       phong texture mapping,                                               ║
║       bump texture mapping,                                                ║
║       fog effects,                                                         ║
║       transparences for texture/phong/bump mapping,                        ║
║       mip-mapping (not in the demo),                                       ║
║       bilinear mapping (and tri-linear mapping),                           ║
║       shadows (soon available, beta-version for the moment).               ║
║       3ds file reader                                                      ║
║       for the future: local source of light(s)...                          ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Render with Blur, Motion Blur, Fire Effect.                                ║
║                                                                            ║
║ As you can see, we tried to implement the best techniques that exist.      ║
║ We do not use a BSP-Tree algorithm yet, maybe one day we'll do...          ║
║ Camera and objets are moved using a polynomiale interpolation.             ║
║ Z-buffer is only used for the Shadow rendering, for a next production.     ║
║                                                                            ║
║ The 3d is displayed in 65000 colors (or 256 colors 3:3:2 in VGA mode).     ║
║ Resolutions available are: 320*200, 320*400, 640*400, 640*480.             ║
║                                                                            ║
║ We should write some articles about the 3D, but we are lazy, and also buzy!║
║ so if you want such help files, write and encourage us !!!                 ║
║                                                                            ║
║ If you want cool links (3D, Demoscene, Various...), then come to our       ║
║ homepage at: http://www.citeweb.net/blabla                                 ║
║                                                                            ║
║ If you want to say hello to us, then write us at: blabla@citeweb.net, or at║
║                                                   our personnal Emails     ║
║                                                                            ║
║ 1 other demo is going to come soon !!! Just wait !                         ║
║                                                                            ║
╠═══════════════════╗                                                        ║
║ Members of BlaBla ║                                                        ║
╠═══════════════════╝                                                        ║
║        Cyg     : Coder, Internet, 3D Engine. fcatteau@hotmail.com          ║
║        Darwin  : Coder, Internet, 3D artist. christophe.meresse@hol.fr     ║
║        DineS   : Graphist, Internet.         durrenbe@aol.com              ║
║                                       http://www.hydrology-strsb.fr/~dines ║
║        Lucifer : Musician, Internet.         ortega@irit.fr                ║
║                                              http://www.chez.com/calimer   ║
║        We do not forget Fennec : Graphist, as a guest for the Sweety demo. ║
║                                                                            ║
╠═════════════════╗                                                          ║
║ More about us ? ║                                                          ║
╠═════════════════╝                                                          ║
║   Cyg: french, from Lille&Paris, 23 years old, Engineer                    ║
║        scientist in the french army, until June 98, working on simulators. ║
║        I got a PC Cyrix 166+, 24Mb, an Amiga500, an Atari520 and a To7/70  ║
║        I spend my time in Coding, playing Volley-Ball, drinking...         ║
║        See You ;)                                                          ║
║                                                                            ║
║   Darwin: Nearly the same as cyg but lazier ;)                             ║
║                                                                            ║
║   Lucifer: french, from Toulouse, Computer Student                         ║
║                                                                            ║
║   DineS: french, from Strasbourg                                           ║
║                                                                            ║
╠═════════╗                                                                  ║
║ WHQ, HQ ║                                                                  ║
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║ More to come, contact us !                                                 ║
║                                                                            ║
╠════════╗                                                                   ║
║ Thanks ║                                                                   ║
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║ We wish to thank a lot those cool guys:                                    ║
║       FreddyV / Useless for the great USM Player, used in our productions  ║
║       Eclipse for the EOS, easy to use and powerful                        ║
║       IRC #DEMOFR for the technical support during the last year           ║
║                                                                            ║
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║ Greetings ║                                                                ║
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║ They go to:                                                                ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Demosceners: Toxid, Hornet, FreddyV, Mandrixx, Mangue, Frigo, Gandalf, Z,  ║
║             Fennec, Coyote, Eric, Roudoudou, Sibaho, Arrakis, Dr Yes, Hulud║
║                                                                            ║
║ Demoscene groups : Useless, .rIBBON!, HCL, Orange Juice, Mentasm, Pulse,   ║
║                    Bomb!, DigitalMurder                                    ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Friends : Fioul, Chadi, Danitza&Anthony, Claire&Olivier, Aline&Marc,       ║
║           Isabelle&Thierry, Maxime                                         ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Strass Balard et les                                                       ║
║ Archis (dépravés...) : Falcor, V-Max, Dartagn's, Turbin's, Azatoth, R2D2,  ║
║                        MadMax, KQ, Founsy, Garfield, Beudj, Dura's, Tchouk,║
║                        Fanats, Collib's, Starlight, Robbnaish,             ║
║                        toute la Li94 ébid's !!!                            ║
║                                                                            ║
║ Balard : SYA, STA, Samy, Nono, Romulator, Guillaume, JMP, Francois ...     ║
║                                                                            ║