
Veteran Megademo by Impact

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           	\__\/         \__\/       \__\/         \__\/                

                    P.R.O.U.D.L.Y   P.R.E.S.E.N.T.S    
                                in 2022

       V   E   T   E   R   A   N     M   e   g   a   d   e   m   o 
                          for Amstrad Plus
              Release to Celebrate CMP 50th Anniversary
                        (c)IMPACT 15/10/2022

- Universal Loading System
Code : Ast
Gfx  : Kris
Works on all Dos, without Lube ! (Pas de fiorituRes !)

- Boot -
Code : Ast
Gfx  : Kris
Music: No Music

- Main Menu -
Code : Ast
Gfx  : Kris
Music: MadMax "Lethal Xcess" with Digidrums (Atari ST)

- Sid Factory -
Code : Sid
Gfx  : Kris
Music: MadMax "Cybernoid 1" Enhanced Sid Voice (Atari ST)

- Fucking Exams Reboot -
Code : Ast
Gfx  : Hwikaa
Music: Big Alec "Reality" Enhanced Sid Voice (Atari ST)

- Banana Scroll -
Code : Kris
Gfx  : Kris
Music: Panda (Spectrum)

- Horizon -
Code : Ast
Gfx  : Kris
Music: Tao "Ice Age" with Digidrums (Atari ST)

- HoleCake -
Code : Demoniak
Gfx  : Demoniak
Music: Klim - Просто AY (2001) (Twilight Demoparty 2002, 3) 

- Travel to ReseT -
Code : AsT
Gfx  : Kris
Music: Tao "Steps" Dual Sid Voices (Atari ST)

- Bonus Stage -
Code : AsT
Gfx  : Kris
Music: Tao "Prelude" Sync Sid (Atari ST)

- Cheat Part (Part 8) -
Code : ?
Gfx  : ?
Music: ?

This Megademo was released to celebrate Cmp's 50th Anniversary.
As BND Coding Party 2 Event was coming the same time, we decided to release the demo for it.
Please note that several parts were made in 2 to 5 days. 
We hope you will enjoy this Megademo. Old School Rulez !!!
Last bugs fixes 27/10/2022... Will we be ready ? The reset event is coming fast!