
IQ and shit.

category: general [glöplog]
forest: "scientist" also has 5 letters in common with science. "Popular science magazines" has all 7. Silly platitudes are funny that way. Also, what's wrong with truth? Truth is good.

okkie: And poor people like to think money can't buy happiness.
added on the 2008-11-10 11:12:12 by doomdoom doomdoom
doom: ugly people tend to think 'real beauty comes from the inside'.

It's all bullshit, of course :)
added on the 2008-11-10 11:15:36 by okkie okkie
Money can buy lots of things - some of which make it easier to find happiness.

The phrase "money can't buy happiness" is mostly used by people who have no shortage of money themselves, and who need to find an explanation as to why they're still miserable.
added on the 2008-11-10 11:19:12 by jobe jobe
If you get two groups of people, and you measure anything and then average, you will get different results in the most of the cases, no matter what you measure. Statistics should be taken with a lot of care to not develop incorrect conclusions from them.

In the concrete case of reasoning people from other countries should not come because they lower the iq... it is plain silly. I suppose intelligence should be related to surviving, people being able to survive more time in the very same conditions than others (supposing even similar physical and health conditions) should be more intelligent. Maybe iq have some correlation to it, or maybe not.

Then, in the concrete case of immigrants coming to Spain from Africa, they do really hard travels to come Spain. Very few are able to do it, some are not able to, some even die trying to. So, who are able to do it, are amazing survivors. To me, they are genetically strong, and they should be also intelligent people.

By other hand, I suppose there should be biological reasons, insticts of territory defense in humans as there are in any mammal. You know, proctecting where you live, your food and couple (or possible couples). Those insticts should appear when you feel attacked. And you feel attacked when there is a "rival" that, for you looks stronger than you. So, for me, xenophobe people are people who feel attacked easily: low self-esteem.
added on the 2008-11-10 11:20:16 by texel texel
Whereas closing your eyes to objective reality leads to peace, love and harmony?

I dont think it is closing eyes.. it is accepting and being thankful to god for providing diversity. and that leads to love harmony and peace. :D

ok I stop the crap now. I am catholic and i do practice religion, praying and more importantly, being thankful to god whatever happens to me. and that leads to my happiness at least. :) I would just wish more people do like me because, despite beleiving in god is irrational, it does help to be happy, and it is a very real and rationnal feeling. Furthemore, it's free... what else do you need? :)

but people are free to do and think whatever they want. they can be unhappy, blame problems on color of skin or whatever they like, be racist and think they are superior, and honnestly i think this is the path to WW3... and i am quite pessimistic whether we can avoid it..
added on the 2008-11-10 11:25:34 by nystep nystep
texel: i second you... One can make a number say absolutelly everything he wants... so numbers and statistics... just put them to trashbin already.

i have seen some countries however that manage to build a whole national pride and "culture" just because they think their numbers are better than other's.. funny isnt it? :)
added on the 2008-11-10 11:28:45 by nystep nystep
well, if you demo is number one, you're proud aren't you? ;) - numbers can also reflect (some) truth. (No, this is not in regard to the IQ discussion)
added on the 2008-11-10 11:31:36 by Puryx Puryx
In fact, in nature I don't think such thing as superiority actually exists. it is way too relative.

Yep, that's what I failed to make clear in my initial post. I say later that I don't think of people as superior or inferior but as different. Someone can be good at solving iq tests or memorizing knowledge but fail at basic stuff. Someone might not be good at this buy be creative, fail in studies because he can't memorize or doesn't find a reason to do so but still be useful in something else. There are famous scientists who were drop outs and other famous scientists who were great students. Same functions, different mentality (or brain function?). And there are those people who are great socializers regardless if they don't know shit about math or programming.

Maybe there is place for all of us in the society. Some people do better in some aspects and worse in others. It's good to work with what you have and accept those that you lack. Maybe there is place for Adok too..

Actually, I would match sometimes what iq(the scener) says about being shy, social ackward, not the good dude to socialize (demoparties after booze doesn't count :). Although I feel exactly the opposite to some of the rest (I can be really creative with few knowledge, even have a big trouble with the other side, e.g. not being able to motivate myself to be a parrot in my studies just to pass the exams :P). I am starting to accept what I am (I want to code alone) and what I have a hard timing doing (socializing) and try to focus to the things I can do well and avoid emotional distress about my inability with the rest.
added on the 2008-11-10 11:35:38 by Optimus Optimus

Then, in the concrete case of immigrants coming to Spain from Africa, they do really hard travels to come Spain. Very few are able to do it, some are not able to, some even die trying to. So, who are able to do it, are amazing survivors. To me, they are genetically strong, and they should be also intelligent people.

Ummm... What? Intelligence has nothing to do with surviving arduous traveling conditions.
I doubt Stephen Hawking could cross the Mediterranean in a crappy dinghy, however he is still more intelligent than most.
added on the 2008-11-10 11:36:03 by Sdw Sdw
doom: it was silly, i know. but i mean that people talk religiously about science, when they don't know shit about how science works. they talk about truth and proof, which are both basically antithetic to the whole point of experimental science. unless you're talking about the philosophical truths of mathematics, science is evidence based (not 'proof' based) and theory based (not 'truth' based)

when people talk about science on the internet i just get the image of 4chan nerds bashing religion and using religious language to wank over science, before going off to flip burgers at macdonalds. i know this won't be universally accurate, but i think it is more apt than we'd like to think. i'm going to borrow a copy of dawkins' book before i get really bent on this because i want to know if he's been taken out of context or if he really is an absolute chump with the foresight of a sea slug
added on the 2008-11-10 11:47:26 by forestcre forestcre
sdw: that kind of stuff works on averages, not individuals.. If you had two people of the same strength + fitness, the more intelligent one is more likely to survive. If they're the same intelligence but one is stronger, he's more likely to survive. You can't say that the stronger one or the more intelligent one will always win though, because too much random luck is involved. Still, if you have 1000 immigrants making such a tough journey, you should have more strong + intelligent survivors than stupid + weak ones.
added on the 2008-11-10 11:50:53 by psonice psonice
Sdw: I wrote "people being able to survive more time in the very same conditions than others (supposing even similar physical and health conditions) should be more intelligent".

Note the "supposing even similar physical and health conditions".

Then, you say: "Intelligence has nothing to do with surviving arduous traveling conditions". Why not? In that circunstances, there will be a high amount of problems to solve, it is not only about physical resistance. The speed to solve the problems and the quality of the solution will influence so much the results. That is not intelligence? ...
added on the 2008-11-10 11:51:08 by texel texel
it makes me cringe a little...

typical academic snobbery. instead of -like a real scientist would- appriociate that people outside of academia think about other things than the boob toob, beer and football, and naturally have to start at the point where everybody else start a thought. The beginning! Fucking academics, as if the books they read aren't avaible outside of academia! pfffff.....

If it ever really comes down to survival of the fittest, you're gonna do fuck all with calculus.

It most definately will, and you are absolutely right.

[quote]Also, they are also harmless [/quote9

I would argue that the psychological profile you just did, fit's very well on several known serial killers, I'm thinking Andrei Chikatilo, Dahmer, several comes to mind. All viewed as perfectly harmless, perhaps even slightly stupid untill it dawned on people what they did when nobody was looking.

added on the 2008-11-10 11:51:35 by NoahR NoahR
forestcreature: Dawkins' position in this context I think is just that when someone makes a claim about how the world works, then there is an objective truth of the matter, and science is the best way to approach that truth. It's a very limited claim that most people would agree with, it's just that it has a lot of implications for religious people. He's actually quite boring, and I don't see why people get so worked up about him.

Of all these outspoken atheists popping up everywhere, Sam Harris is the one who should be quoted out of context.
added on the 2008-11-10 12:22:36 by doomdoom doomdoom
Oh, and yeah I know exacly what you mean about the 4chan nerds.
added on the 2008-11-10 12:23:26 by doomdoom doomdoom
the main problem of psychologist IQ test is that when a psychologist write it, it procreates a part of the brain of people who answer to be in the norm.
try my IQ test : http://laurent.horus.free.fr/IQ_en.html
Who cares if one race is somehow superior by some metrics than other races? Can't we just behave decently, and not be total fuckwads to each other?
added on the 2008-11-10 12:39:08 by kusma kusma
added on the 2008-11-10 12:39:24 by psonice psonice
Can't we just behave decently, and not be total fuckwads to each other?

The socially more inept always look for ways to distinguish themselves from others in aspects measurable. Which pretty much sums up importance of IQ for these people, completely ignore EQ and other life values.

People living their life according to statistics instead of experience will eventually realize everything is fruitless and spiral down the tunnel of severe depression.
added on the 2008-11-10 12:51:56 by okkie okkie
..and then become serial killers who feast on children
added on the 2008-11-10 13:01:41 by NoahR NoahR
try my IQ test : http://laurent.horus.free.fr/IQ_en.html

Best "radio buttons" I've ever seen.

Apart from that: 240 \o/
added on the 2008-11-10 13:05:10 by kb_ kb_
I scored 104
added on the 2008-11-10 13:23:26 by Optimus Optimus
It's more complex that natural selection. we live in artificial worlds of abstractions, and the need of people who fly or swin in abstract is important.
People think we have technology altrought we have gadgets.
I really like the "radio buttons" too. 240 as well ;)
funny but that makes the test kinda pointless in fact :>
added on the 2008-11-10 13:28:05 by nystep nystep
