
the inherent truth, do you still know it exists?

category: general [glöplog]
a question for the thread starter: do you have children yourself or did you just copied that text?
added on the 2008-06-16 14:35:20 by numtek numtek
You forget the Elochim, the Nephilim and the ancient Giants. Hail teh kings of Cobol.

So say we all! So say we all! So say we all!

BB Image
added on the 2008-06-16 14:49:21 by Optimus Optimus
The Best kind of Nephilim:

BB Image
added on the 2008-06-16 14:50:40 by Preacher Preacher
And in case you believe that image is real, check this out.
added on the 2008-06-16 14:51:56 by Preacher Preacher
children are born as pure beings

lol ! Read freud.
no, they are violent, have scatologic pulsions, (...)

added on the 2008-06-16 15:02:46 by krabob krabob
lol ! Read freud.
no, they are violent, have scatologic pulsions, (...)

Maybe that's what he understands as purity. Anyway, why reading Freud if you can read Carl Sagan? :|
added on the 2008-06-16 15:35:44 by xernobyl xernobyl
Yes I know about the skeleton giant hoax.
But I don't know what to believe.
When an author says a hoax to debunk a "hoax"
Why does he says they made up the photoshop competition after the image to debunk it?
Afteralls it's not the only imagery. Several giant skeleton he says have been excavated..

..but the problem is I don't have time to verify these. And where to verify? What if a site on the internet does not say the truth. And what if anyone can manipulate images to prove for or against?

I wish I could be 100% believer of something.
But I float around.. ok maybe more pro paranormal than against..

If we are in the matrix and we go out the matrix and see the real world. Will this "real" world be also inside a matrix? And what if the matrix of the matrix of the matrix is inside the matrix?

You see my dileema?
added on the 2008-06-16 15:41:45 by Optimus Optimus
Indiana Optimus 5: And The mistery of the UFOs
added on the 2008-06-16 15:53:17 by xernobyl xernobyl
Optimus: If this is really how you think all day, just don't bother to start doing demos, ok? You'll never finish anything anyway...
added on the 2008-06-16 15:55:43 by Puryx Puryx
I saw ufo with my bro on our cottage... near deep poland woods... Yo...
Area far far located from any city.

But it was nothing amazing folks.

Just blinking star /not satellite ,sattlelite makes slow moves and linear/ than it makes extremly fast moves and big blinks /large scale on the night sky ,it was no perseoid becouse We had seen probably 50 perseoids in those summer/ on whole sky /so I call it "UFO" but WTF was - I am skeptic It - nobody knows what was it.../ and it has fly away.
I was waiting for some cool effects ,flashs or something...
But that was shit UFO We had seen...
Light was blue-white... but no special... so C for that ufo...

I was 10...

And never seen something simmilar...
That skeleton is fake... that giant has no foot... WTF...
But there was 3m EMU in new zealand so maybe possible /genetic disease or strange evolution/ but... But I am sceptic :( He had head large as whole human... Thats FAKE
Optimus: If this is really how you think all day, just don't bother to start doing demos, ok? You'll never finish anything anyway..

Yes, maybe I should abandon the demoscene and go investigate more about ghosts, UFOs and giants till 2011 :P

Seriously, returning back into democoding would be a serious cure through all these confusing things. Don't you think though that if there is a slight truth behind all these and if there is such confusing, real investigation is frustrating and so nobody bothers?

added on the 2008-06-16 17:52:19 by Optimus Optimus
