
MAIN demoparty #3- 2008, october 16-17-18-19

category: general [glöplog]
Hi all, hi sceners

We are happy to announce and to confirm the third edition of MAIN demoparty, in Marseille, France from october 16 to 19.


Same place, same dojo and more demomojo this year

More to come. You are welcome.

Chrtsn - La Cyber Nostra
We will invade Marseille ( again ) :)
added on the 2008-06-12 11:34:49 by nytrik nytrik
et 1... et 2... et 3 main!
added on the 2008-06-12 12:38:36 by Zest Zest
yeah! see you there :)
added on the 2008-06-12 12:48:25 by earx earx
Hi fellows sceners

We are proud to confirm dates for the MAIN#3 : 2008 october 16th to 19th. 20€.

The 16th is a pre opening night with a music show in the Cafe Julien during the party instal of the Espace Julien Theater, so you are welcome and we have sleeping place for the 16th to 17th night. The 16th music show is an scratching and turnablism music live sets with 7 famous DJ's from Marseille Hip Hop crews, from 19h00 to 05h00 !

The official opening will be the 17th friday. The definitive schedule will coming soon.

The liveshow will be around chipmusic and 8 bit tunes with famous musicians of the chiptunes scene.

For the 18th, saturday, we are proud to announce Demovibes - Electronic grooves from the big screen with Willbe and more...

The 2008 edition of MAIN is placed under the sign of transmission to younger generations. The demomakers are the heart of the demoparty but it seems reasonable to integrate newcomers, young and old amateur in the true sense of the term, so they can make their talent and see how they practise the creative computer within a community of knowledge and share and advancing the art of digital coding.

You are welcome, stay tuned for the complete schedule, prizes, and register now on www.mainparty.net

The demoscene, the nebula often at the forefront of technology, is a kind of free school for innovative and learn to code and programmer, drawing and composer, animate and scenariser, maintain the scene !

Yeaaaaaaaah \o/ !
I come :)) !
added on the 2008-09-10 20:15:25 by Anat Anat
"The 2008 edition of MAIN is placed under the sign of transmission to younger generations."
But unfortunately it was not during school holidays :/
added on the 2008-09-10 20:18:10 by Anat Anat
i'll be there too... me and earx booked our tickets a few days ago, i'm definitely looking forward to the party. the location is perfect, right in the center of the city, anyone who was there last year will remember the great atmosphere for sure... if this year is only half as good, it will be brilliant :)
added on the 2008-09-10 20:25:12 by havoc havoc
XT95 : problem of school holidays is the prize of services in France, it's the twice of the normal price, last year we brake our ass to paid the services, location etc...

So mya be in 2009 we fix the problem about holidays/no holidays...
\o/ woohoo \o/
added on the 2008-09-10 20:52:08 by _-_-__ _-_-__
By the way, I was wondering : how do you guys manage to bring all your stuff (demoboxes and the like) to the party without using a moving truck? :D
added on the 2008-09-10 21:07:42 by Stormy Stormy
cars? :)

(but nowadays with laptops it's kinda easier and we come by train/plane/boat)
added on the 2008-09-10 21:11:31 by _-_-__ _-_-__
short answer: we don't :)

long answer: laptops rule ;)
added on the 2008-09-10 21:12:41 by havoc havoc
I see :D
added on the 2008-09-11 00:15:03 by Stormy Stormy
Boat ! Marseille is a port (not a pig)
- I'll be there with two or three mates from FRequency.

- Will archeoptrix be there too. I'd like to donate him my A1200 with the screen of my late A500. I am sure he is interested.
added on the 2008-09-13 10:02:15 by ulrick ulrick
Archeopterix will be there with a massive collection of machines and olds too, install and ready to use. The expo will be extra and he prepar a lot of gifts for you all.
Hi! cybernostra:
In short I'd like to give my Amiga 1200 and a stereo screen (the screen that went with the Amiga 500 two decades ago) to archeopterix.
I am sure he will be happy about this. I could bring him the material before the party. Would you have his e-mail or something?
added on the 2008-09-13 18:03:20 by ulrick ulrick
Ulrick, i will use the MAIN website for send to you the email and telephone from Archeopterix, are you OK ?
Yay I think i'll come. I live near the Prado xD
Les marseillais ne craignent déguns!
added on the 2008-09-13 20:56:17 by SilkCut SilkCut
Workshops at MAIN 2008

1/ Circuit bending : games modifications, electronics circuits hacking.

2/ WJ-S : http://www.wj-s.org

>>>> WJ-System

Interface infinity
The WJ-S/oftware is a tool to explore, scan, dig, plunder, play around with, transform and mix the Web in a shared and dynamic way .

The Wj-s/oftware provides a flexible technical scenographic infrastructure and is perfectly tailored for the treatment of flux in real time. Specially designed and developped by Stephane Kyles, the Wj-s/oftware enables a network of computers, all connected through the Internet, to communicate together.

The Wjs perform with a selection of urls and decide how to dispatch the chosen sources on the different screens provided for the event.

One of the computers is the serveur machine , it functions like a webdeck. It controls at distance the client machines (multiscreen environment) telling each machine what to download from the Internet. From the serveur machine the Wjs mix and synchronize their different web sources on all the screens simultaneously.

With the Wj-s/oftware, WJs take the control of the network of computers and navigate at distance in the contents they have selected. WJs can also modify the navigating interface, the background, the links, the texts, the videos and the sounds with the Wj-s/oftware tools and effects .

The flexible and light device adapts to any conventional or unconventionnal venue equipped with electricity and a high speed Internet connection. The screens, between 15 and 250 , small sized or /and big videoprojections, rented or provided machines, offer different settings and compositions to each artistic intervention.

Scenography falls in line with the act of the performance. The audience is at the heart of the device . It can surrender, it can follow the web guide and/or take an active part in the performance.
games modifications > interesting >=] *put his reverse cap on*
added on the 2008-09-14 19:13:31 by SilkCut SilkCut
games modifications > interesting >=] *put his reverser cap on*
added on the 2008-09-14 19:13:34 by SilkCut SilkCut
Hello, somes news

MAIN demoparty friday 17th opening night music line-up :

Espace Julien
# Psilodump (SE-Stockholm) # Lithis (SE-Stockholm)
# Dubmood (SE-Göteborg-Marseille) # Meneo + VJ Entter (SP-BCN)
+ open scene demo.

Café Julien

# Zombectro (FR-Avignon) # Confipop (FR-Marseille)
# Dr Von Pnok + VJ Realmyop (FR-Rennes)
# JDDJ3J (FR-Nice).

Saturday 18/10 ||| Demoscene Live Acts

Espace Julien

# Med aka Mister Electric Demon (FR-Paris)
# Monsieur ADAN (FR-Mulhouse)
# DEMOVIBES LIVE (FR-Moonove and Willbe)
# 8gb aka Akira Kei (NY).

Café Julien

Gakona (FR-Nice) Final demomix 8bit + scratching / 00:00 à 05:00

Sorry Will

i forget this for saturday 18th

# Hip-hop electro-acoustic set Willbe (FR-Strasbourg)

# Med aka Mister Electric Demon (FR-Paris)
# Monsieur ADAN (FR-Mulhouse)
# DEMOVIBES LIVE (FR-Moonove and Willbe)
# 8gb aka Akira Kei (NY).
