Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
yeah, in ASCII. What about EBCDIC? or PETSCII?
or 7-bit ASCII?
Assuming it's text- maybe it's an instruction. Robots can be very clever you know and this one has a bicycle
( button looks OK on the picture tho... :)
et maintenant, mesdames et messieurs... le FION 330 !
(crowd goes mad)
new platform:
sry for multi-post
it didn't seem to work x_X
picture linked by maali:
it didn't seem to work x_X
picture linked by maali:
no hotlink?
a lil' bit drunk talk ahead but from listening to his music, I felt that dubmood was/is kind of a soulmate to me... cute, isn't it ? srsly, keep the "old school" spirit alive, guy's'n'gals!
(and dubmood, for f*cks sake, release your stuff to the scene audience for free, I luv your "data007" release ;))
(and dubmood, for f*cks sake, release your stuff to the scene audience for free, I luv your "data007" release ;))
forgot the random image: