
acid oceans,

category: general [glöplog]
Here again... What the fuck is this question really ???
You see scientists as sportsmen that's it ? "sponsored" What the fuck it's so sick.

Krabob, welcome to the abyss.
Todays scientists have to rely on FUNDS to do their work.
Most of them.
It is a sick and twisted world - and believe me I'm quite pissed about that.
Just see the medical scientists and doctors - most of them are totally owned by big pharma.
added on the 2009-12-17 23:03:05 by d0DgE d0DgE
they have absolutely no incentive to prove it wrong. their entire livelihoods and sub-"science" depends on perpetuating the lie. and their funds come from people who expect certain "results" and I think most of them are aware of that fact.

1. Ridiculous misplaced Conspiracy paranoïa

2. That doesn't make sense ! What industry would corrupt scientists for something that will bring a law that will make them gain less money !!! Having laws that will force us to produce less CO2, will induce less products, so the rich will be less rich !

If the scientifics were corrupted, it will be in the sense they would deny the warming: then industry would continue to produce polute and make money ! ... in a general way who re these "people who expect certain "results"" What do you thing they will gain from it ? No one can gain from it !!!

( WTF i'm writting obvious things on obvious things to morrons)
added on the 2009-12-17 23:06:43 by krabob krabob
Krabob, welcome to the abyss.
Todays scientists have to rely on FUNDS to do their work.
Most of them.
It is a sick and twisted world - and believe me I'm quite pissed about that.
Just see the medical scientists and doctors - most of them are totally owned by big pharma.

And of course, no one will acuse capitalism/liberalism for this.
Seriously, It's not 100% true at all. Especially for climate.
added on the 2009-12-17 23:08:38 by krabob krabob
Do you realize how little the ecologic laws are ?

haha, it's good for them that people like you are so naive. these are Carbon based taxes and legislations.

do you know that the UK government are talking about taxing ownership of pets? shows just how far these "little" treaties eventually extend into and control the little peasant's lives.
added on the 2009-12-17 23:08:38 by button button
rtype: you are really the king of the stupid amalgam.
Let's resume:

1. UK is going to tax pets, which is bad !!!
2. Consequently no ecological law should be ever voted !!!

BB Image

Shut the fuck up about politic , will you ?
added on the 2009-12-17 23:14:56 by krabob krabob

they have absolutely no incentive to prove it wrong. their entire livelihoods and sub-"science" depends on perpetuating the lie.

Here is another important point as I described what is a scientific field, on the social point of view, in the previous page:

If a scientist comes to be "corrupted", its corruption is obvious for the other scientists of the same field, and he is "put out" the science field. It's a hard law, but it assures the coherency of science. The history of science is full of scientists that became discriminated because of their unbearable positions. Your theory of massive plot on of all scientists ... si pure idiocy, sorry !
added on the 2009-12-17 23:27:12 by krabob krabob
it's great that it continues in this new thread, I think the other one was starting to be a bit worn.
added on the 2009-12-17 23:27:32 by farfar farfar
2. That doesn't make sense ! What industry would corrupt scientists for something that will bring a law that will make them gain less money !!! Having laws that will force us to produce less CO2, will induce less products, so the rich will be less rich !

krabob: do you even know what "bussiness" big business is into? what real "business" families like the Rockefeller and Rothschilds are involved in? It's not just selling apples and oranges in your local market or even simply drilling for oil. The Rothschilds, for example, basically own the National Reserve in the States which makes them the puppet masters of US politics. They are highly political and have various "business" initiatives to replace any lost during the Green transitions. The relatively small companies will go down, yes, but the key ones driving this will not.

Al Gore is not a politician, he is a business man. He and his friends are basically building the "green banking" infrastructure and will make billions. Last week it was reported that the UK's RICHEST "business" man made 1 billion pounds in profit from selling Carbon Credits which my government gave to him for free. This guy has spent millions of pounds for the past 5 ears LOBBYING UK Parliament to encourage them to introduce carbon credit trading. I can only imagine the amount of financial backhanders were given to MPs. Now he has his windfall :)

Truth is stranger than fiction.

1. Ridiculous misplaced Conspiracy paranoïa

you don't understand whats really going on, so it's a conspiracy theory. sure
added on the 2009-12-17 23:29:53 by button button
krabob: where is your utopian Justice and moneyless society?

i don't see it
added on the 2009-12-17 23:41:11 by button button

(British Petroleum, the Nuffield Foundation and Royal Dutch Shell. The Rockefeller Foundation, insurance companies)
well, I knew england liberalism sucked, but I agree it is far out. Here in france, independant orgs do that. But it does not change anything to the game: They have absolutely no interest in a law that would tax oil, and they would sell less, and the tax goes to the state. They would have interest in people shouting for no taxes like you do.

Realize that oil price will go up whatever happens because of the depletion and the Hubbert peak!
( BP/SO/Shell will make more and more money whatever happen because of the price rising up, it's a known thing.)
By the way, founders of the ASPO, the one that alarmed about oil peaks are former SO/Elf engeneers, now independant. (and they are unheard by governments and IEA who don't care, leading us to a mega economic crash.)
Finnaly again, the degrowth is right: you're only pissed by these companies if you have a car and are addicted to oil.
I urge everyone to face the sooner possible that in some few years no one will be able to have a car. Everyone will loose soon to all these games.

added on the 2009-12-17 23:48:46 by krabob krabob
...Rockefeller ...Rothschilds .. Gore is not a politician ... , UK's RICHEST "business" man ... selling Carbon Credits ...

This look like something a moron US republican, or antisemite, or conspiracy idiot would say. And surprise: absolutely no reference ? Fox news maybe ? a teenager republican blog ?

Basically, you boo at rich people for being rich ? That's a leftist point of view I could understand, but you are not a leftist at all: You have no idea what a fight for your right is, it is not fighting against ecotaxes, it is fighting for free public welfare , the workers rights and all that. It takes to be informed better than the media does. You are not fighting for our rights. You just look stupid on a arty community BBS.
I guess you usually vote for the guy that promise wars for oil. Disgusting idiot.
added on the 2009-12-18 00:04:44 by krabob krabob

Plus, it is only valid for the CRU; each country have their teams, and all share data
added on the 2009-12-18 00:06:49 by krabob krabob
krabob: money and taxes are just a tool, designed to control and shape society. it's what makes you go to work and slave each and everyday to make your boss wealthy. that's all. these people have no real interest in money, other than that. and you do not really need money in a global feudalist dictatorship - once it has got you there.

and just so you know, these people beat the french nation a long time ago. Which is why you do not see any La Francais Foundations listed. But I'm sure there are many french "business men" who'll have a bank full of Carbon Credits to pay for the things you and I are not allowed.
added on the 2009-12-18 00:08:31 by button button
people people, calm down a little bit.

i think everybody here can agree that about 99% of the politicians are in for the money and are lying to us all the time.

BUT, anybody who seriously thinks that the environment is fine, that we are not destroying the earth like there is no tomorrow, is either incredibly stupid or totally blind (or both).

so maybe some taxes are scam. That doesn't mean we are fine.

(also, global warming sceptics should look up exponential processes)
added on the 2009-12-18 00:11:20 by blala blala
This look like something a moron US republican, or antisemite, or conspiracy idiot would say. And surprise: absolutely no reference ? Fox news maybe ? a teenager republican blog ?

UK's richest man and his gift from my government: http://rwer.wordpress.com/2009/12/07/carbon-credits-britain%E2%80%99s-richest-man-cleans-up/

Common, Al Gore's exploits are all over the net: http://newsbusters.org/node/11149

Basically, you boo at rich people for being rich ? That's a leftist point of view I could understand, but you are not a leftist at all: You have no idea what a fight for your right is, it is not fighting against ecotaxes, it is fighting for free public welfare , the workers rights and all that. It takes to be informed better than the media does. You are not fighting for our rights. You just look stupid on a arty community BBS.
I guess you usually vote for the guy that promise wars for oil. Disgusting idiot.

You're in a serious state of confusion. First you tell me that money and capitalism is the root of all evil (which I kinda agree with) but then you shout at me for knowing that those same capitalists are the ones setting-up your wonderful moneyless utopia and at the same time will be "profiting" from it.

and I do not vote - vote for who? they are all following the exact same set of instructions. i just talk to my close friends, family and anyone that might listen, so that we keep ourselves aware and do not become deluded by this con. because that's all we can really do until EVERYONE begins singing the same song - instead of pointing fingers and blaming eachother while the real problem goes unseen.

urgh, im tired and i'm going to sleep.
added on the 2009-12-18 00:21:01 by button button
krabob: money and taxes are just a tool, designed to control and shape society. it's what makes you go to work and slave each and everyday to make your boss wealthy.

Money and taxes are the base of our society, you claim to be the saver of the people, your just a spoiler of the social field.
Here in france, school is free. Again more strong: faculty is free ! This is a great thing, because there is less moron here. Again more strong: When I'm ill, I'm paid !!! You may be rich or poor: it's the same :)
Where does all that money come from according to you ? yes , !!! taxeees !! I just hope to have more taxes so my country become better and make more trains, etc...
slave each and everyday to make your boss wealthy.

You may have a salary problem, but not a tax problem.
Of course, when the time has come to pay for your car insurance, repair, oil, which takes you a quarter of your money, you will pay unquestionnely, finding it's normal. Of course you find normal to get years long credit to pay things with money you don't have.

What about this one:
-This year, I left my car for good. So I'll save about 3000 this year. What will I do ? I'll work a whole month less: not paid, But I don't care: I got enough money to spend a great time. I will go to an expensive but cool place with sauna/jakuzi and all that, at a beach 300Km from my home, by train and bike :)

that's all. these people have no real interest in money, other than that. and you do not really need money in a global feudalist dictatorship - once it has got you there.

...? oO Rotchild will make a feudalist dictatorship ... so we have to fight against eco-taxes ???

and just so you know, these people beat the french nation a long time ago. Which is why you do not see any La Francais Foundations listed.

Most Rotschilds are french since generations, moron + the CRU only concern england, idiot.
added on the 2009-12-18 00:27:41 by krabob krabob
You're in a serious state of confusion. First you tell me that money and capitalism is the root of all evil (which I kinda agree with) but then you shout at me for knowing that those same capitalists are the ones setting-up your wonderful moneyless utopia and at the same time will be "profiting" from it.

you are incarned idiocy: Fighting against rich means more laws and taxes for the riches ! To share ! That is the base of socialism !

You're into: come on let's beat the shit of the rich and avoid all taxes !
That's right winged anarchy ! , and that's just jealousy.
Of course I realize you never ever saw a good socialist in your whole life. In france we have a lot of figures like jean jaures.

and I do not vote - vote for who? they are all following the exact same set of instructions.

Better say you've never read a single political program of your life because you've been told and you believe politic is baaaad: which is again a right winged argument. You complain about what the politicians do ? you COULD vote.

You don't vote, but you speak and speak of doing politic for pages on pouet ?. aren't you the last moron on earth ? aren't you seriously the last moron on earth ? Apply some individual stuff from De-growth, it will be by far the best think you can do.
added on the 2009-12-18 00:44:55 by krabob krabob
Money and taxes are the base of our society, you claim to be the saver of the people, your just a spoiler of the social field.
Here in france, school is free. Again more strong: faculty is free ! This is a great thing...

You are being deliberately deceitful. I am not against national taxes based on the real essential needs of a country's people. That is complete crap! I never said that once. I said "money and taxes are a tool for shaping society" and can be used to shape good or bad. That's a neutral statement of FACT. The only tax I have a problem with at the moment is the burden of a bogus external eco-taxes which the UN mobsters are demanding and I've already explained why I'm against those. I admit that - so what? I'm an evil selfish person because I do not want to fund a global centralized dictatorship? PISS OFF!

You may have a salary problem, but not a tax problem.
Of course, when the time has come to pay for your car insurance, repair, oil, which takes you a quarter of your money, you will pay unquestionnely, finding it's normal. Of course you find normal to get years long credit to pay things with money you don't have.

I do have a salary problem, just like many people during these difficult financial times - which just enforces my disgust with having to carry the burden of eco-taxes. Yes I find it normal to pay for my food, heat my home, pay my mortage and pay taxes for schools, hospitals and road use.

I do not find it normal to have to pay arbitrary United Nations eco-taxes on the building materials/energy that went into building my home and those schools and hospitals, additional eco-taxes on my domestic fuel, food, clothing, water and my pet dog and whatever else they decide to tax! I do not find it acceptable that they are using GW as an excuse to attach tracking devices to my car and using it to charge me for each mile I drive. No, I do not find that acceptable, because they are taxes based on a fantasy and I will not be conditioned into finding that "normal".

What about this one:
-This year, I left my car for good. So I'll save about 3000 this year. What will I do ? I'll work a whole month less: not paid, But I don't care: I got enough money to spend a great time. I will go to an expensive but cool place with sauna/jakuzi and all that, at a beach 300Km from my home, by train and bike :)

Will you be able to afford to maintain that limited work lifestyle when these eco-taxes eventually trickle down to _every_ aspect of a Carbon-based lifeform's daily activities or will you be thrown back on to an intensive work regime - just to keep up? How far are these taxes going to go. Who knows if you'll even be allowed to have a sauna, considering how much energy they use.


...? oO Rotchild will make a feudalist dictatorship ... so we have to fight against eco-taxes ???

Why is your scope of thinking so limited? You have to fight both the taxes AND the creeping legislation which is set to follow, because it's those legislations which will build the feudalism. It's the talk of carbon credit rationing, population and emission controls which has the potential to dictate whether you can have a child, buy a car, where you can live, what size house you can buy and how much food you will consume, etc, etc. Literally everything you do in life causes the emission of CO2 - it doesn't take a genius to figure out the potential. In fact it's a dictator's dream come true and you're not even the slightest bit concerned? Those drugs have really fucked up you ability to think.

Most Rotschilds are french since generations, moron + the CRU only concern england, idiot.

No the Rothschild family actually descend from German Jews and are multi-national. They're pure globalists and have no allegiance to France. They may have a family villa there, but then they have homes all over the world, inc. England and the States.

Yeh, CRU only concerns England when their data is being used to make the case for GLOBAL average temps. And the bogus Russian readings are only a concern of Russia, whose data accounts for 12.5% of the earth landmass and atmospheric volume. You're pathetic.You can't hide away in France and forget it's happening.

you are incarned idiocy: Fighting against rich means more laws and taxes for the riches ! To share ! That is the base of socialism !

You're into: come on let's beat the shit of the rich and avoid all taxes !
That's right winged anarchy ! , and that's just jealousy.
Of course I realize you never ever saw a good socialist in your whole life. In france we have a lot of figures like jean jaures.

Because the super rich always pay their fair share of taxes, riiiight. Of course they will not be putting their money into their non-profit NGOs, Trusts and "charities" to avoid taxation. They neeeeever do that.

And even if they did (which they wont), 20% eco-taxes on a person who earns £25k a year will result on him losing his home, 20% tax on 100bn means perhaps one less Yacht or French Villa.

Better say you've never read a single political program of your life because you've been told and you believe politic is baaaad: which is again a right winged argument. You complain about what the politicians do ? you COULD vote.

You don't vote, but you speak and speak of doing politic for pages on pouet ?. aren't you the last moron on earth ? aren't you seriously the last moron on earth ? Apply some individual stuff from De-growth, it will be by far the best think you can do.

No, I don't vote precisely because I DO read their manifestos and monitor their actions. And from what I can see, they're all on the globalist's payroll ready to eager sell me to Brussles and the UN. The fact that I do read, makes me understand who they're all being "lobbied" by and WHY they are making certain decisions and on behalf of who. You should try it, you might not be so ignorant.
added on the 2009-12-18 02:52:17 by button button
I don't want to get into the AGW debate but I feel like I have to say one thing to defend my profession. As a scientist, I just wanna point out that the biggest acclaim in science comes _not_ from just producing more data to support an existing popular theory, but in doing ths opposite: coming up with a stunning and unanswerable disproof of a generally-accepted theory. Whenever I read or hear "All scientists just conspire to put forward X position" (where 'X' is anything) I groan, because what all young ambitious up-and-comers always want in this game is to prove the old farts wrong, whether they can do it or not :)
added on the 2009-12-18 04:34:21 by t-zero t-zero
t-zero: dude, pal, buddy, you made me drop a flashlight in my rainbow-laced cigarette I was just rolling.
added on the 2009-12-18 04:59:12 by xyz xyz
(in normal person's speech: Drop the science, do the math!)

(plus: that rhymes, yay!)
added on the 2009-12-18 05:02:02 by xyz xyz
hermes: but math is boring :D
added on the 2009-12-18 05:44:57 by t-zero t-zero
T-zero that is interesting. It does look like AGW's proponents are relatively young compared to the nay sayers. of course this can have a range of reasons like...the old guys wont be here as long so why care? :p

there are reasons to suspect that GISS, NOAA and CRU has been ...quite creative in handling their data.
added on the 2009-12-18 10:48:33 by NoahR NoahR
