
Females in the demoscene?

category: residue [glöplog]
This thread is all kinds of fucking pathetic. :(
added on the 2011-03-30 12:26:37 by rc55 rc55
Your post added some much needed positivity and really lifted the tone of it tho.
added on the 2011-03-30 12:30:16 by ringofyre ringofyre
The only way to win is not to play.
added on the 2011-03-30 12:34:44 by rc55 rc55
The way to win would be to build a wall around it and cast it into the sea, but that's unfortunately impossible. It is indeed all kinds of fucking pathetic.
added on the 2011-03-30 12:43:31 by psonice psonice
i agree, it's absolutely the worst thread i've ever seen on pouet
added on the 2011-03-30 12:45:25 by button button
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added on the 2011-03-30 13:51:18 by jenni jenni
girls who such a kind of thing fullfill all requirements for "whore"?
Jeez you guys are really stupid.
added on the 2011-03-30 14:14:05 by vibrator vibrator
You deserve your sexless lives! :)
added on the 2011-03-30 14:15:16 by vibrator vibrator
jenni: so we should all come to "revision" so you can ignore us once more like you always do? no thanks suckers.
added on the 2011-03-30 14:23:10 by vibrator vibrator
Well, must say, it's quite easy to ignore you among the 500+ party visitors when I don't even know a) who you are, b) what you look like.

I'm gonna be there and enjoy the party myself \o/ :)
added on the 2011-03-30 14:37:36 by jenni jenni
on his blog is a pictures of him
oh hey, Revision's very own HELLO.JPG!
added on the 2011-03-30 14:50:10 by Shifter Shifter
Jesus! Between the puritan and the pr0nstar!
jenni - you have a lovely decolletage. /b called & wanted to talk to you about Sharpies?!
added on the 2011-03-30 14:51:46 by ringofyre ringofyre
im gonna tell your wife, she will hunt you trough the outback like a dingo, ringo.
a lady gives you two very good reasons to attend a party and you insult her? what a fag.
added on the 2011-03-30 15:08:56 by button button
Since my wife no longer has a cleavage, she's usually the 1st person to point out a nice set of boobs or cleavage - usually deliberately to embarrass me as most blokes will attest that it can sometimes be nigh on impossible to get your eyes back up to eye-line. She thinks it's a great laugh.
I usually quietly complement the lady on how she looks (if appropriate) - Never.F*cking.Failed....Yet.
My missus knows that as far as I'm concerned she has the best boob on the planet.
The dingo's got my boobie?
added on the 2011-03-30 15:13:02 by ringofyre ringofyre
lol i'm why would i attend a demoparty? because someone showed her boobs? im not a monkey…
no, you attend the party anyway...but the added frill of flirting with females just adds to the fun. its called being a human and having spirit. you boring git :P
added on the 2011-03-30 15:21:17 by button button
You attend demoparties because:

No demoparties -> no compos -> no prods -> no Pouet

Anyways, trolling Pouet WITHOUT attending demoparties is just lame. You're allowed to troll if you actually attend the parties (and come say hello)!

(Also, the organizers want your moneyz. And beers. If they're cold, both of them.)
added on the 2011-03-30 15:37:16 by jenni jenni
being human… being human my ass! look at the WORLD and tell me you can justify by being human.

being human is a fucking illusion. the human race is not even halfway there to call itself a human (as in a being far beyond animal) the only thing the so called human, or let's call it correctly "monkey who learned to speak", has achieved is progressing technology so fast that it went out of his paws.

here is a figure:
human biological progress: --
human cultural/technological progress: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

one can clearly see that human is just not made (as in ready) for the things he created! Strange but it is that way!

[sure if we speak of a natural crapshit its all in balance but then your definition does not include something like morals so you are a monkey anyways if you argue that way.]

But now everyones self-image is: i am a human. tell him he is a monkey and he will take is a blow! oh… freud called? haha, yeah we are not human but most don't want to accept it.

So what can you do? Well you can try thinking about your deeds and behavior. When you wake up you are a monkey. but depending on your deeds you maybe can call yourself a human before you go to sleep. Being human is not a state, but a action you have to do constantly or something well you know what i mean.
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... over and out. See you guys in Saarbrücken in three weeks! :)
added on the 2011-03-30 15:55:18 by jenni jenni
Anyways, trolling Pouet WITHOUT attending demoparties is just lame. You're allowed to troll if you actually attend the parties (and come say hello)!

Lady find me 1 where I don't have to travel across my very large country, leave my family/job/study for too long, turn up yourself & I might just buy you one of those expensive, cold beers.
added on the 2011-03-30 15:58:02 by ringofyre ringofyre
Anyways, trolling Pouet WITHOUT attending demoparties is just lame. You're allowed to troll if you actually attend the parties (and come say hello)!

So wait, I am actually allowed to troll? :D
added on the 2011-03-30 16:02:00 by Tomoya Tomoya
I don't feed trolls, so I haven't commented thus far, but I can say that this thread is useful for one reason:

I've got a list of sceners to avoid -- namely the trolls and anti-female jerks, if they actually show up to parties.

And a few to celebrate, like kb, although I already heard tell he was awesome. ( :
ringofyre doesn't sound bad either.

So yeah. Thanks for the reference guys. Now good folks, stop wasting your time, and trolls, kindly go f*ck yourselves in the ass with a chainsaw.
