
new glöp ratio reward ?

category: general [glöplog]
I'm thinking about a new rate for the number of glöps teh submiters get.

Instead of the following:
- 4 glöps for a prod
- 3 glöps for a group
- 2 glöps for a party
- 1 glöp for a comment

It would be:
- 1 glöp for a prod
- 1 glöp for a group
- 1 glöp for a party
- 1 glöp for a comment
- 1 glöp for a screenshot
- 1 glöp for a nfo
- 1 glöp for a avatar
- 1 glöp for a oneline
- 1 glöp for a bbs post
in fact, you'll get reward 1 glöp for everything you do on pouët.net.
Of course it'd implie a change in the actual top 10 submitters (I don't even know what'd be my rank =) but I think it'd reward more the submitters who post a prod along with it's screenshot and nfo.

What do you think ?
added on the 2001-08-16 19:36:45 by analogue analogue
I like the idea of rewarding glöps for avatars, nfo and screenshots. But BBS posts and onliner remarks are imho not really worth a glöp. My suggestion would be:
- 2 glöps for a prod
- 2 glöps for a group
- 1 glöp for a party
- 1 glöp for comment
- 1 glöp for screenshot
- 1 glöp for nfo
- 2 glöps for avatar
added on the 2001-08-16 20:16:06 by tomaes tomaes
glöps are a stupid concept concerning only 10 persons, so i actually don't really care ... i left the topten when optimus discovered pouet.net ..

but rewarding people for their post on the bbs/oneliner is quite stupid, those are just tools to communicate,
and submitting a prod is still better than the rest.
a nice way would be 2 glöps for a prod + 1 for a screenshot + 1 for an nfo file, sounds nice to me ..

so do what you want analogue :)
added on the 2001-08-16 20:19:20 by florent florent
yes, i also think that some actions should be rewarded higher than others. for example you have to look up different things when adding a prod, like when the party was, which place it got and so on. making a screenshot consumes more time than uploading an .nfo file. or normally you do not only upload an avatar, but there's also artistical skill involved ;) on the other hand, writing a comment is not really difficult, especially not if it consists of something like "rules." ...

no glöps for oneliner and bbs.
added on the 2001-08-16 20:20:11 by robotriot robotriot
flåd: but maybe, when you've reached 10.000 glöps, you'll get an inflatable sex doll as a reward! now if that's not a reason to contribute ... ;)
added on the 2001-08-16 20:22:10 by robotriot robotriot
i really hope i'll find a REAL girlfriend before i reach 10.000 glöps.
added on the 2001-08-16 20:29:45 by florent florent
don't forget glöps for logos
added on the 2001-08-16 20:33:32 by robotriot robotriot
fled: well, you probably won't believe me, but being a top ten glopper does *magic* to your sexual life.. trust me..


as for that glop idea of analogue's, I'd go for robotriot's opinion. 2 glops for a prod, 3 for prod w/screenie, 4 for prod w/screenie&nfo, and no glops for oneliner/bbs. so there.
added on the 2001-08-16 20:59:36 by bhead bhead
I agree with flad on the fact that in fact it's stupid to reward onliner/bbs

I like the idea to reward for avatar or logos but really fear that some dudes might flood/pollute pouet with ugly stuff... so if you really wanna reward it, I think you should procceed with avatars the same way you actually do with logos...but is this really worth the time you'll spend doing that ?

btw, personnally I NEVER have a look at .nfo online (they are in the archive file, so I can read them anyway)

I go for Tomaes's opinion at the exception of screenshots for which I think 2 glops should be ok
added on the 2001-08-16 23:16:55 by p01 p01
It would be foolish if someone got the same credit for a prod as for a oneliner. What's wrong with the point system now? Keep it as it is. The only change I would make is that someone should only get 1 glop the first time they comment a production.. each following comment they make for that prod is probably a reply to someone else's comment, so it should be worth no glops.

It might be nice to give 1 glop for a screenshot and 1 for nfo, changing prod from 4 to 3. But only if everyone else agrees. :)

Of course, none of this will matter until us top tenners start getting some free stuff. :)
added on the 2001-08-17 00:57:05 by phoenix phoenix
ok, after have read your feedback (thanks) here's an update:
- 5 glöps for a logo (heavily moderated like actually)
- 2 glöps for a prod
- 1 glöp for a screenshot
- 1 glöp for a nfo
- 1 glöp for a party
- 1 glöp for a group
nothing for the rest... what you think ? ^^

poi: you should use the nfo feature, it's actually cool to read some info about a prod while downloading it, or just to know if your comp meet the requirements.
added on the 2001-08-17 01:00:54 by analogue analogue
Personally, I think something like 20 glöps would more appropriate for a logo that goes into use, with the rest staying the same :) The other parts aren't really like work.. I just kind of do them occasionally. You're/We're very fortunate that there are even people around who will create nice logos without pay.
None of this is very important anyhow, imho :) Just fun.
added on the 2001-08-17 04:58:48 by bigcheese bigcheese
sounds okay.

and hey, please rename goldrausch to fr-09: goldrausch :))
added on the 2001-08-17 04:58:49 by ryg ryg
ok so here's the updated list:
- 20 glöps for a logo (moderated)
- 2 glöps for a prod
- 1 glöp for a screenshot
- 1 glöp for a nfo
- 1 glöp for a party
- 1 glöp for a group

anyone fine with it ? ^^
added on the 2001-08-17 05:10:35 by analogue analogue
sounds fine to me :)
added on the 2001-08-17 07:48:31 by jelly jelly
added on the 2001-08-17 09:39:07 by ryg ryg
phoenix's suggestion about rewarding only the first comment sounds great

analogue: In fact, I mostly DL prods at work with a T1 so... ^^
added on the 2001-08-17 13:19:05 by p01 p01
1) i dont care about glöps at all
2) but i only say: it takes more time to upload a screenshoot+takingit+editing it than it takes to dig up a crappy .nfo
added on the 2001-08-17 16:42:20 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
i'm agree with your last proposition Analogue :')

(just 2 glops for a party seems to me better because new party are rare and difficult to find.)
erm... dunno what to think.
what are glöps good for anyway? :)
added on the 2001-08-18 00:03:19 by Gargaj Gargaj
Owww, that's plain stinkin' ROTTEN! I am feeling sick already! You mean you are ACTUALLY gonna take all of my SIX glops away from me?? Suxx0rz!!

Nah, I don't mind, really, do what you want! :-P
added on the 2001-08-18 00:16:32 by moT moT
If adding a prod would give only 1 glöp, you would still get 4 glöps if you add nfo, comment and a screenshot also.
added on the 2001-08-18 08:03:40 by dodke dodke
analogue, I agree with you last list, BUT:

now, I don't exactly how the charts are being calculated, but if you're using the comments with an "OK" vote and you take away glöps for comments, people may very well start "conversations" there, thus messing up the charts... other than that, your list looks (almost (see below)) great to me.

zone, I disagree with your opinion about 2 glöps for a party. There shouldn't be difficult to dig up a name of an old obscure party with no known releases, and just add it. A party should be added when you add a prod from that particulat party, and because of that my opinion is that you should be rewarded 0 glöps, as you still get for the prod.
added on the 2001-08-18 20:48:22 by fractalgp fractalgp
btw; are this change going to have a "pre-change" effect? I know, not the right words. explanation -> Do I get glöps for the screenshots I've uploaded in the past, and lose glöps for comments I've made? If it's possible I'd liked it more that way actually...

also, a more detailed reason for the "0 glöps for a party"-opinion I stated above:

To me, a party is just some info about the prod, in the same sense as a partrank or release-date. The only reason we need to add parties to the database, is so we can see what other prods were released at that same party. I.e. it's only a small piece of info -> 0 glöps. Whereas a screenshot requires a bit of a hassle (especially for DOS demos) -> 1 glöp (or maybe even 2 glöps).
added on the 2001-08-19 00:19:25 by fractalgp fractalgp
you're probably saying this because you never added a party, but dozens of screenshots ;)
added on the 2001-08-19 00:23:45 by robotriot robotriot
