
Any Bytevapers?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Space Jam: Andromeda will nexus 7 your nexus 7.

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What's your setup?
added on the 2015-01-14 19:40:01 by Rebb Rebb
Yo dawg...
added on the 2015-01-14 20:55:46 by Marq Marq
byterapers here.. wait .. doh
added on the 2015-01-15 09:13:47 by leGend leGend
Liqua is my prefered brand atm. Mostly because I can get it really cheap and like the berry and cappucino they produce. Just got a Steam Turbine RBA and it rules and produces vapor like an industrial chimney, but with dual coils at a cosy 0.6OHM it takes at least 15 watt/6 volts to get hot enough. I need to get hold of one of those DNA40 kits that will do 50watts/12volts.
added on the 2015-01-16 04:28:34 by NoahR NoahR
Also the first mod maker to introduce a wheel or a slider to choose settings with, now that kits will do 50watt and you change in increments of 0.5 will get a wet kiss from me. 100 clicks to get to max setting and further clicks up and down to find the sweet spot probably gets old after a while.
added on the 2015-01-16 04:32:56 by NoahR NoahR
Running a DOVPO E-Mech With a Kanger Aero Tank Mega Atomizer.
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Way overpowered for me as only been vaping for a couple of months but i got it cheap so :)
added on the 2015-01-16 06:02:00 by B1aSz B1aSz
B1aSz really cool mod. You can rebuild the dual coils in the aero tank with 0.20 kanthal and cilica or cotton (I use both). It saves you a fortune and they taste better than the prebuild ones. Unfortunately they have changed the design of the housing and only the v.1 dual coil housings are easy to rebuild. The newer ones takes more determination, and with the force you need to apply to take them apart they break after a while. I have coil housings here that I got more than a year ago with my own aero tank and they are still rebuildable.
added on the 2015-01-16 15:54:16 by NoahR NoahR
You have the gear to go sub ohm which produces thicker and better tasting vapor, so you can easily rebuild the aero to go sub 1ohm. It is however only for people with mods with short circuit protection, battery venting and or control chips. Try it on a mechanical mod and you risk turning it into a handgranade. Dont be this guy; http://www.cbsnews.com/news/electronic-cigarette-explodes-in-mans-mouth-causes-serious-injuries/
added on the 2015-01-16 16:07:08 by NoahR NoahR
Actually i was wrong, it's a Aspire Nautilus Mini Tank not a Kanger.
Jeez lost his front teeth, i got this mod off a friend who had upgraded, might do some research into the vaporizers b4 upgrading myself, The E-Mech takes 2 5000mAh /3.7V batteries which i dare say could cause quite a mess if it malfunctioned...

Speaking of grenades:
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added on the 2015-01-16 17:42:14 by B1aSz B1aSz
I dont have a nautilus so I dont know how easy they are to rebuild. There are several different aero tanks but they all use the same coils and the nautilus does look a lot like them. The aeros are less rounded with harder edges. The issue when it goes wrong is often unprotected batteries in a mechanical mod without failsafes. As long as you vape above 1ohm (the coils) and dont use el cheapo batteries, you should be safe. I have only seen one tank that from the manufacturor was made to vape sub ohm ever, and it just came out. To make other tanks go sub ohm is a hack.

fancy calculator to tell if youre putting to much pressure on your batteries; http://www.kritikalmass.net/battery-calculator/index.php
added on the 2015-01-16 19:04:08 by NoahR NoahR
Nothing about all of these things is cool or stylish. I'd almost prefer regular old luckies just not to look like a jackass (and I only smoke on a few occasions anyway).

Or are there models around that look good without donning rasta hair and army shorts?
added on the 2015-01-16 20:18:28 by superplek superplek
I think the problem is that all the good models either looks like a dildo or a box. The smaller slicker looking ones just arent very good. So if youre good with electronics, you could pick up the glove and make one thats both good and looks good and if you use a dial or slide to adjust settings I will give you a kiss or a beer. In fact, I'd be willing to give you both.

I like and own this one;
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Its just that its heavy as a brick and bigger than the picture gives an impression of. So its a combined e-cigarette and dumbbell and its limited to 15watt/6volt which is not enough for the really good new tanks and drippers comming out. It looks like youre smoking out of a fancy Cigarette case to the uninitiated.
added on the 2015-01-16 20:30:18 by NoahR NoahR
That one isn't very terrible. Also in a closed fist it's a formidable tool to punch someone in the face.
added on the 2015-01-16 20:35:13 by superplek superplek
To add, finding batteries that can even support 15watt/6volt without turning the device into a pipe bomb is not an easy task, but at least it has a chip that doesnt allow you to harm your stupid self. When I put it at max output on a 0.6ohm dual coil the actual draw on the battery is more like 4amps/3.2 volts and therefore within the safety limits of the battery.
added on the 2015-01-16 20:36:17 by NoahR NoahR
OH yeah, You could easily knock out someones teeth with it. But I agree, most of them look pretty terrible so for now us hobbyist vapers are going more by performance than looks.

This is the cream crop atm;
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along with this dildo looking thing
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added on the 2015-01-16 20:39:54 by NoahR NoahR
My own setup includes Smok Sid VW + UDA RDA, and yes it looks like dildo.
Waiting for Nemesis clone to arrive, to try some subohm builds.

Something like ego ce4+ might be usable for starters, if you don't want to look like you are sucking big fat dildo or trying to utilize knuckle duster (But that is just part of the fun).
added on the 2015-01-16 20:50:16 by Rebb Rebb
I was browsing and jesus


this thing looks as if you have fucking asthma :D
added on the 2015-01-16 20:51:10 by superplek superplek
yeah I'm also waiting for the nemesis, but I need to get a better mod to support it. The VTR is not going to cut it. It can do sub ohm but its not as good at it as one with a bit more oomph to it. The new kangertech subtank also looks interresting but you need something like 30watt to even get it to fire.
added on the 2015-01-16 20:53:44 by NoahR NoahR
$169.99!!, I guess they think there's a market for it somewhere...
added on the 2015-01-17 00:51:13 by B1aSz B1aSz
my .2c:

I'm glad that I can finally enjoy Nicotine without the adverse effects of smoking Tobacco.

Granted, it is not as healthy as breathing pure mountain air.

But -- I've been a smoker for almost 20 years and I finally managed to get rid of cigs (since ~6 weeks).

Sure, I'm still addicted to Nicotine (I guess), but it's a very mild addiction (compared to Tobacco).

My overall nicotine consume went down to ~30%.

When I switched to vaping, I had withdrawal symptoms for a couple of weeks.

This was confusing at first..

Apparently this was related to withdrawal of the mono amine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) in the cigarette smoke which act as some kind of anti-depressant.

That's probably the reason why many smokers start smoking again after a few weeks and nicotine patches and gums don't really work.

If you've ever tried to stop smoking you may have experienced a serious phase of depression after ~3-4 weeks.

That's your reserve of MAOIs being depleted. Smoking just a single cig at this point always did the "trick" for me.. (when I tried to stop smoking in the past)

Long story short: Vaping is great (for me).

It's definitely not the same thing as smoking. For example, there's no "kick", which apparently is related to the carbon monoxide in Tobacco cigarettes.

As far as Nicotine itself is concerned: It does not cause cancer and it is probably about as healthy and addictive as coffeine.

I don't own any serious vaping gear like the thread starter but I have a "GS Air" which works very well for me, btw.

Just wanted to share these thoughts.

There's still a lot of -what I think- is wrong info on the web and in the news about vaping.

If you are still smoking you should give it a try.

It's still not exactly healthy but inhaling liquids vaporized at ~65°C is way better than burning plants at ~900°C, and that's not even considering all the extra chemicals you'll find in pre-rolled cigarettes.

To be clear: If you've never smoked a cigarette in your life: Be glad you didn't and please don't start smoking or vaping!
added on the 2015-02-18 00:21:30 by bsp bsp
exactly what r0v0 said.
added on the 2015-02-18 01:12:11 by dipswitch dipswitch
I'm running an Eagle mechanic mod with a s-body xrock tank - having both the advantages of a dripper and an eliquid reserve really rules :)

The coil is 4x0.25 kanthal A1 (twisted), at ~0.45ohm

But then, what r0v0 said. =)
added on the 2015-02-18 19:11:19 by xtrium xtrium
I recently got Panzer with Magma dripper too. Definitely not a setup for airport security.

How is the quad coil changing vapor production if compared to dual coil setup?
I'm having 0.3 setup on nimbus and it is like steam engine.

What you mean by "kick"? There certainly is high throat kick when vaping, but you don't get that dizzy feeling, like if you smoked just few cigs per day. I guess you don't get that much nicotine as fast as on cigs.
added on the 2015-02-18 19:20:03 by Rebb Rebb
oh, crap. here we go again:
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added on the 2015-02-18 19:22:23 by Rebb Rebb
