
Which DEMOTOOL for beginner?

category: general [glöplog]
I am no coder at all. But I can do stunning 3D models (I am CAD engineer) and I was composing XMs in Fast Tracker and just buyed Renoise. So I know I am newbie. But I am watching demos like 15 years. So which DEMOTOOL I should use for my first demo?

And pros and cons of that DEMOTOOL...
added on the 2015-09-12 21:11:26 by elan elan
Werkkzeug is good for starters. A lot of people have done demos with it, which would be a heavy "pro".
added on the 2015-09-12 21:42:51 by xTr1m xTr1m
matejeusk: welcome to demoscene then, it wasn't actually obvious from your previous posts that you are new!

I would recommend tooll.io from Still as well.
added on the 2015-09-12 21:50:31 by tomkh tomkh
Thnx. That tooll.io looks awesome man! Sensors and interactive content gets me... Yep I use Farbrausch V2 VST... So definitely I will look at Werkkzeug too...
added on the 2015-09-13 10:25:50 by elan elan
Tooll.io is not released yet and God knows when it will be...

I suggest you try werkkzeug4CE. It's a community edition with lots of new features. For now it's the best choice imho. You can download the latest build and the manual here:
