
Amiga custom chip labels fan art - need help finding

category: gfx [glöplog]

Some time ago on the net I came upon custom drawn "labels" for the Amiga chipset.
Fancy ones. I remember Paula being depicted as a girl DJing on a floppy deck, Fat Agnus being some kind of all-seeing octopus, Denise an angel with a spear and Gary... well, some kind of worm (tough luck!).

Unfortunately, no amount of googling turned them up, now - that's why I ask for help.

My motivation: I'd love to use these graphics in my upcoming videos explaining the inner workings of the Amiga chipset.
Of course after finding who made these graphics and asking for permission to use them this way.

Thanks for any help,
KK / Altair
added on the 2021-02-08 10:54:49 by KK KK
BB Image

From Androidarts
(Yeah Arne rulez.)

You are welcome.
added on the 2021-02-08 13:20:01 by arm1n arm1n
Thanks a lot! :)
added on the 2021-02-08 14:05:27 by KK KK
So.. you have a new OCS release in the works? :)
(good job on zener drive!)
added on the 2021-02-08 14:36:53 by arm1n arm1n
@spike: Constantly! With more or less bi-monthly "making of" videos. :)

added on the 2021-02-08 16:26:35 by KK KK
