
Underground Conference 13 (2nd try) - Sunday, June 16 to Sunday, June 23 2024 - Bingen am Rhein, Germany

category: parties [glöplog]
Last year we sadly had to cancel UC13 due to it colliding with an unfortunate event.

But now in 2024, we are going to do it. Yes, you read that right, Underground Conference 13 is a go!

The party is happening Sunday, June 16 to Sunday, June 23 2024. You may join for the whole week, or just for the final weekend when most compos are taking place.

Please note: This is the FINAL EDITION of UC taking place at this location. No "I'll be back next year" for you, it's now or never.

Find all the glory details here:


It's a MYTH that UC is invitation-only. If you are a scener, digital artist or creative person, you will be welcome to join. We are just doing some basic sanity checks so we know who will enjoy the extreme freedom and hedonism. 99% of our party registrations are approved. Don't be scared about the registration form!

On a sad note:

As you probably also remember, now our long-term core organizer and very good friend mbb has died. We still are in a state of pain and grieve. We have decided not to cancel the party a second time, as we are most sure mbb would have wanted UC to take place. And that's what we'll do.

An a related note: Please go register now. Once you have done that, we kindly ask you not to die prior to the party.

Also: We are looking for additional organizers who ideally are not dead. We have openings at the Aciddesk, in the compo team and in the decoration team, and also in all other teams.

Also, please join as at SceneCity for further discussion:



UC13 Disorganizing
added on the 2024-03-11 18:19:31 by scamp scamp
Yo sceners!

This year's Underground Conference is just around the corner and we couldn't be more excited! If you're still on the fence about registering for the one-week demoparty, let me give you a few reasons why you shouldn't miss out on this amazing event.

First of all, the venue has a unique camping vibe with a beautiful lake and nature all around. Sleeping in a tent or caravan, either in "silent camp" with quality sleep, or directly next to the fully blasting party stage, a large Diesel generator and the Team210 sauna tent is possible as preferred.

Should you bring hardware? Definitely, yes. We have a huge half-open tent that protects the precious stuff sufficiently. Also, it's quite the thing to write a 4k intro for the massive Breakpoint screen and the oversized PA, directly next to dangerous snakes and crocodiles (just kidding).

But it's not all about camping - we've got some fun lined up like a "Scheiß-Coding" and a "Hard disk throwing" competition! Of course, we also have the classic competitions that you know and love. Check the compo section on the webpage for more. :)

And let's not forget about the partying! Dance your asses off during DJ sets. Get into involuntary "Grooven" in unnecessary frequency and intensity. Plus, we'll have delicious beer, cocktails and food made by sceners, for sceners. BBQ consumption enthusiasts, as myself, will not be disappointed.

Most importantly, the atmosphere at UC is always chill and welcoming. You'll be surrounded by like-minded individuals who share your passion for the scene and a cold beer. There will be plenty of art installations to stumble into drunkenly, including some with lasers!

Don't let the vetting process scare you off - it's just to keep the trolls away. This party is for everyone, no elitism here! Source: Was a first time visitor once (and quite worried that I'm not elite enough), 10/10 was approved and came back ever since.

And last but not least, this will be the last time we host the party at this awesome location. You won't want to miss out on this special occasion.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to https://uc13.party/login.html and secure your spot at UC13. Let's make this the best Underground Conference yet! Looking forward to having a drink with you there, preferably "Alkopops".
added on the 2024-04-22 15:19:46 by NR4 NR4
Just four weeks to go.

Due to $reasons, UC13 is going to be the final Underground Conference on the European continent. So, both if you have never made it to it, or haven't returned for years, this is the final chance to enjoy the magic spirit of this insanely over-engineered demoscene festival event.

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added on the 2024-05-11 17:21:31 by scamp scamp
In case you didn't attend UC yet, and are eye-balling at this years' event schedule:

Music—and those who create/perform it—is an integral part of the UC experience. Traditionally, our program is shaped by our attendees, the weather as well as ‘what we’re into’ at any point in time.

Allowing for magical ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ moments: From impromptu fake radio shows, swimming in the lake to chilled grooves, ambient nights at the bonfire, DJ seminars escalating into narrated first hand experiences. As well as properly ‘raving your ass off’ at the mainstage.

To celebrate the final UC at this location, we trust:

- The UC Allstars to jam on hardware synths from yesteryear
- Our DJs and impromptu performers/contributors (dritter, ektr0, JCO, kb, messy, neuralnet, qm, ronny, SagaMusix, Scamp, Wayfinder, yoda…) to make you smile, dance, laugh, float, bang your head—and enjoy moments that defy planning
- You to join the lovely/awesome/weird things that happen—only within the scope of UC

We'll update the mainstage events as we go along. One thing's for sure: there's more to music at UC than meets the eye. And we still share fond memories of the weird things that 'just happened' a decade ago.
added on the 2024-06-03 18:39:42 by rp rp
Very much looking forward to all of the above!
added on the 2024-06-03 20:02:31 by darya darya
Just a little bit more than a week until the party starts. What has already begun today are the construction works on our massive main hall tent.

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added on the 2024-06-08 21:47:48 by scamp scamp
So, we are still late as fuck for everything this year. Final compo rules not published etc.

But: We can already promise that there will be some great new features and compos. The Zen area back from Zenta Party also will make its return to UC!

But most importantly: We finally have just opened the shop so you can buy your tickets and shirts. Please do it. Now :)
added on the 2024-06-12 19:45:35 by scamp scamp

We are probably more surprised than you are, but UC13 is finally happening, like, starting THIS SUNDAY. And even better, we have COMPOS!

Because we kindly consider ourselves a so-called demoparty, we want to milk your every juice of creativity and do so in our glorious set of all the compos you never wanted -- and to lead by example, we tried our best in determining what the best challenges would be that you need in order to prove your skill.

That's right. Some of us believe that you have some kind of skill.

Now because we abhor plain repetition of concepts that have survived the test of time, we took some of the existing compos out and replaced it with new ones. This means that you finally can make your ancestors proud in

- Filling the dots between what you know as art and what you know as pain

- Delivering a Once-in-your-lifetime-Chance of a UC Weather Forecast (that Bachelor in Metereology finally pays off)

- Invading the privacy of a few generally unsuspecting trees

- Sitting in front of a screen that's actively working against your sanity

- Huthbuerger Simulator (We know that you want it)

- Something with boats

- Many of your well-known UC compos are still around, like did we ever tell you about "PC DEMO"??

In total we now have TWENTYSOMETHINGWEDIDNOTCOUNT compos, which must be a demoparty world record!!1


(You can't trust the timetable yet. We guess you'll figure)

We are looking forward to you, your beautiful faces, beautiful feces, beautiful releases, be it your iron will to finally get that Underground Conference Happy Hardcore 1st Price just as it would please your ancestors,

or else.

Le team.
added on the 2024-06-13 15:48:55 by scamp scamp
Scared about the weather?

We forgot to put those onto the UC website, so take this list of recommended Hotels from the Zenta Party website instead:


Also, there is a luxury caravan available for rent on the location, with 3 beds, serving 5-7 people. Your choice if you want to do glamping like an instagram influencer.
added on the 2024-06-14 12:14:51 by scamp scamp
We are making very good progress in setting up the party.

Here is an aireal video of the current location status:


(Credits: Cobalt, thx!)

See you soon!

UC13 safety dpt
added on the 2024-06-14 20:31:32 by scamp scamp
And we are ready to go!

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The party is running the full week, and we all are together building lots of digital and physical art all the time. Every day something new is spawning.

It's not too late - get your weekend-ticket for next weekend, and join us in nerd artist paradise for the final Underground Conference after 25 years.

added on the 2024-06-16 22:06:34 by scamp scamp
Correction: 29 years.
added on the 2024-06-16 22:08:46 by scamp scamp
We now have a time table:


From tomorrow'ish until sunday we will also be providing a live stream on SceneCity.
added on the 2024-06-18 20:47:00 by scamp scamp
And the UC13 party stream is LIVE:


Find the list of events here:


The main competitions are running from Thursday.

It's not too late to join us for the party weekend.

Get the facts:

added on the 2024-06-19 17:48:57 by scamp scamp
Best party i´ve ever been to.
And its still ongoing.

Mental batteries are recharging fast here.
added on the 2024-06-19 19:41:26 by _docd _docd
