
Dipswitch is alive and kicking, here's the proof

category: general [glöplog]
Dr. Twistenshout:

It's much more effective if you do it THIS way:

That'll be better for your public image.

yeah, right. public image seems to be one of your strong points.
i admire your social skill!
added on the 2005-07-14 18:23:46 by madMixx madMixx
madMixx: when you make a statment to proove you're better than somebody else, don't show you are lame enough to post something with a bad bbcode.
That'll be better for your public image.

You wouldn't recognize blatant satire even if it was labled as that?
Ok, he's German, you're French. According to Adok the average IQ of a Frenchman is only 96% from a German's IQ. That may be enough.

Here is the result I've just taken at tickle:


touché :)
added on the 2005-07-14 19:45:27 by p01 p01
MadenMann: You seems not to have followed threads for a long time, my IQ is largely higher than the average Frenchman as my score is 126 so your argument is not valid.

And if I want to play the purist, in your first sentence you make a statement, but you end it with a "?", so...

One 'problem' here at pouet, is that we can't preview the final post before sending it. Everybody suffer from that, but the web site is great and I don't consider that a bug, but a test to show whom people review his post before sending it.

The so awaited result of the test is here:

There may be more than one way to solve a problem, but we're guessing that a practical thinking person like you will be determined to do it in the most effective way possible. After all, <b>the simplest things may often the best, but they're usually overlooked</b>. It can take some impressive abstract thinking to see the correlation between two seemingly unrelated situations. We can also see you being happiest if your masterpiece improves people's lives as <b>we're detecting a strong desire in you to help others</b>. Just think how much of people's time was saved by the invention of the vacuum cleaner, but just when everyone was satisfied James Dyson took it one step further. Your masterpiece might make you rich, it might make people happy, but even if it just frees up some time for you, it will mean that you have extra opportunity to dream up your next big idea!

Coulé :)
added on the 2005-07-14 22:32:26 by ep ep
One 'problem' here at pouet, is that we can't preview the final post before sending it. Everybody suffer from that, but the web site is great and I don't consider that a bug, but a test to show whom people review his post before sending it.
Obviously you didn't reviewed your own post ;) Oh and I supposed somebody with a superior IQ won't go down to use the BBcode extension. It'd be too easy.
added on the 2005-07-14 22:41:40 by p01 p01
p01: today I've coded in html, hence the habbit to use <tag></tag> but here the syntax is [tag][/tag].
And yes I've read the BBcode doc. Sorry about that.
added on the 2005-07-14 22:45:40 by ep ep
And if I want to play the purist, in your first sentence you make a statement, but you end it with a "?", so...
Well, you're right. I've tried to use a simle "You wouldn't blablalbla, would you?" like sentence but I failed. I'm sorry for that and I fear Okkie's jokes about my poor English knowledge.

Ha, that's better, now everybody recognize its mistake and become tolerant.
I've never said I'm perfect, but I would like to get respect.
I know: "some sentences, statements, words of your first article are not really friendly and you are an old bear and careless".
That's ok, guys, but do I have to suffer from such an image whole my life?

I think "no" and nobody died from my articles so, it's time to peace and in the next Hugi or on the web will be published soon or later apologizes (I'm working on them).

added on the 2005-07-15 02:15:41 by ep ep
vivement que la rentrée scolaire occupe à nouveau ep.
added on the 2005-07-15 02:48:36 by Zest Zest
Zest: j'aime bien ton humour sarcastique.
Je sais, je peux apparaitre comme un simplet.
Mais je ne le suis pas.
Et en ce qui concerne ton interview, on peut dire que tu te fais desirer.
Qu'est ce que tu as a perdre?
Shane et Stealz / Computer God se sont deja lance dans l'aventure.
Pour ta gouverne je ne suis plus etudiant et je ne travaille plus dans l'ecole ou j'etais avant: fin de contrat, dehors, et on ne veux plus vous voir. Merci le gouvernement pour les emplois jeunes et merci pour avoir fais pendant ces 5 ans d'exploitation au smic tout votre possible pour ne pas me trouver d'emploi comme c'etait prevu au contrat.
Vivement les prochaines elections pour mettre toute cette bande dehors.
Vive la france, et adieu a jamais: y a rien qui va plus la bas.

En UK a part les attentats terroristes, tout baigne.


ps: pour l'interview c'est quand tu veux et en plus y a une surprise.
added on the 2005-07-15 03:00:32 by ep ep
Let's simply ignore EP I'd say. This is far below our level. We have already enough people at Pouet that need it badly to catch our attention at any cost.

Ep, you really make the impression to me that you have serious problems with the world in general and yourself in particular. Make a therapy and learn that you're not only a poor victim and that the others aren't only bad guys.
added on the 2005-07-15 10:13:31 by ghandy ghandy
The 'Attention whore' toggle helps to reduce the nuisance.

However I must admit that ep and the likes are a great distraction at work :)
added on the 2005-07-15 11:25:08 by p01 p01
p01!!! cool!! =)
added on the 2005-07-15 11:52:17 by earx earx
earx: thx. It's in the FAQ ( well the GreaseMonkey user script, but that's the same )
added on the 2005-07-15 13:00:26 by p01 p01
Ghandy: I've tried hard but more I frequent pouet and sceners and more I understand some people need a therapy from a long time now and didn't manage to get it.

As I said you, I've followed 5 therapies after seeing so much demos in my life. No and I say NO psychiatrist, nor psychologist have found me bad.

When it comes to some sceners here: I can say there behaviour, their ideas, are simply not acceptable. I've already done my point about this in the past via my articles.

Message seems hard to get in their mind.
No worry!
Police will not arrest you, but perhaps that some visits of antipiracy center will make the trick.
I'll come them, parties will be clean.

When somebody lack me respect, I'm not killing him, I use the system (the think you hate the most) to get reasons.

Till I get apologize and till you give apologizes to Adok too: posting photos of Adolf Hitler here isn't at all funny.
You lacked education, you'll have a good now: respecting others, having some clue about their history, their belief...

Who love well, chastise well.

added on the 2005-07-15 21:44:08 by ep ep
You lacked education

funny to hear that from someone who's not even able to construct decent sentences in the English language...

about respect. it's a tad stupid to be such a morality-knight while a few months ago you were dissing dipswitch. And then now you come to point out to us that we dont show respect?

Dont play the martyr here...
malli: regarding dipswitch article about me and his views about me like beeing a resurection of Staline and acting with the same method concerning art on the scene, I can only say one thing: dipswitch please STOP 1/ smoking, 2/ drinking, 3/ driving.

Yes, when you see links between pictures showing people at work in USSR during Staline dictatorship and my article STS, then you can really say "this guy have a link / relation problem. It's a logical problem mainly, he can fix it beeing more in front of the reality, or perhaps he was drunk writing."

Why stopping driving? Well if you see relationship with my article and staline, what do you see on the road while driving... Hopefully I'm not a pedestrian in Germany.

When it comes to grammar, "dont" isn't something english, "don't" is english! So guys before instructing me about english, perfect yours! A sentence start with a CAPITAL and end with a dot like you seems to have forgotten, ... So please: no advice when you don't master your subject!

When it comes to respect, it's simple: I've written an article as I was hurted by demos, demomakers were the responsible, I was the martyr.

So I wrote an article about, people don't understood it and that's partly my fault as it was badly written, partly sceners faults as they don't read (Hi ghandy), they read one word out of 10 so they missed the meaning in the process.

I've changed my way of expression in the last Hugi issue but you were not happy again: truth and long article doesn't suit people who don't want to think and are mainly customers (Hi farbraush members).

I browsed the web looking for what happened to old sceners and I found some who dressed webpages explaining they quitted the scene as people lacks respect, this included lots of high quality making sceners like the group Syndrome with its graphist called tenshu, ...

Today I read my email and find one about you, calling me a wanker... What a nice first contact!

What I can conclude?

Old sceners have lost interest in people who lacks respect and don't understand anything at their culture: newskool isn't the same culture, everything has changed and newskool is sometimes opposite to the basics of oldskool.

Well that's life, things have to evolve.
Perhaps, but I don't go and say to my grandmother she's useless or something like that, I respect her.
Newskoolers, don't respect their former kings, and there is only 5 to 10 years of difference, so I think, "yes, you are young and bad educated"
. And honestly I'm not alone!

This is moreover something general: some young people, let said 5% don't respect the older. So I think these young need a correction.
See you at assembly with the microsoft antipiracy team and some others association: lets start by money education, the rest will follow.

The poor students you are have electricity while 2 billions people haven't, the poor students have a PC while billions haven't, well
the poor students can study, while billions can't...
The poor sceners students are spoilt rotten, and are rich privileged people.
So they now need to learn common rules in the society, like beeing honest.

I'm hungry: ha, the fridge contains some ham.

Bye bye.
added on the 2005-07-16 00:33:02 by ep ep
speaking of driving:
BB Image
p01: thanks a lot for the adblock extension.
Now I will not see any more the Maali pics answers whenhe don't know how to deal with ETtting home arguments.

Maali: learn to read wanker!
added on the 2005-07-16 00:54:21 by ep ep
Maali, let him, it's hopeless!
added on the 2005-07-16 14:01:01 by ghandy ghandy
ep: vieux con!
added on the 2005-07-16 21:52:24 by Zest Zest
Zest: jeune con!
La prochaine fois que tu m'insultes:

1/ plus d'interview
2/ une liste longue de 30 pages de tous les noms d'oiseaux serra poste sur pouet a ton intention avec ton email pour que ton fan club puisse te consoler.
added on the 2005-07-17 03:29:30 by ep ep
ep you are the funniest troll here in a long while, too bad your shit is getting old as well. i think i'll try p01's plugin.
added on the 2005-07-17 14:07:20 by uncle-x uncle-x

Try speed, thats MUCH better. =)
added on the 2005-07-17 14:41:59 by OldSkoOL OldSkoOL
